
A new god

A guy makes a deal with a ROB and gets reborn as hades in the riordanverse

T_J_E · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Brothers part 1


[ A.N. I'll probably post on Sunday from now on.]


After doing my usual air walk practice and speeding up Posideon's healing, we all did some introductions. Mainly Hestia introducing everyone, us then saying hello, then her asking him a bunch of questions….

This is why I decided against doing anything too harsh for the way he responded to Hestia.


He started moving towards Hestia, so I decided to take action. Without even moving I stop him there with my See No Weakness. He immediately freeze's up. Only his eyes can move, and when he is looking directly at me I start to speak after using Serenity Inducement.

"You should calm down, I can understand your verbal response but you shouldn't escalate things further. I'm sure she didn't mean any harm."

"Hestia, I think you should apologize to our brother. He was barely done healing before you started asking him 10 questions before he could answer 1. I understand your excited about having more family but you should also calm down a little."

"Yes, you are right Hades. Younger brother, I apologize for my crudeness. I hope you will forgive me?"

When Hestia finished I stopped my See No Weakness skill. His body relaxed but he didn't take his eyes off me, not even when responding to Hestia.

"My name is Poseidon and you are forgiven sister. Give me some time and I'd be happy to have a chat with you but before that I must 'talk' with Hades."

Haha I can already understand by the way he said that, he really only wants one thing, a beat down.

"Hades, what cowardly trick did you do to me just now, I couldn't move. You should try to fight me without such tricks."

"Hahaha sure. I was hoping to get some combat training in. I'll think you'll be a decent sparring partner for the first few rounds. You want to fieith nothing but bare fists?"

"Yes brother, I will show you and our sisters how mighty I am. Come, let us start immediately."

And with that he started drawing closer to me. I decide to fight him straight up without any 'tricks' as he calls them. How he knows how to fight and why he thinks badly of my skills is a mystery but I'm more than happy to use him as a test subject.

I've only had to fight a few times in my past life. But I've seen enough mma fights and boxing but I've never been physically fit enough to try anything, let's see what this godly physic can do.

Letting him come in to strike, I sidestepped and got low and swept his legs out from under him. I'll make the best out of this. Get in my practice but I'll also teach Poseidon during this time, a good bonding experience.

"Brother, even if we are not using divinities and skills, you shouldn't rush headfirst. You have no idea what your opponent could know or do so you should still remain cautious. Come brother, as even when you get knocked down, you must always get back up, keep persevering. Let's try again."

I reach out my arm and help him back up to his feet. He doesn't respond but just looks at me, until he gets back into a fighting stance. I just stand there as I don't really have any special or specific stance, besides putting my hands up, I've always been able to take a few punches and counter at the best times but that strategy won't be something I use anymore, I'll forge something new.

I yell, "Begin."

This time he doesn't rush in but slowly closes the distance between us. He has his hands up like he's a professional boxer already bobbing and weaving. I might be fucked this round, at least he's taking my advice. Knowing I can't do another leg sweep, I decided to wait for him to close the distance, because if I could strike first, which I doubt, it might discourage him from sparring with me or maybe disliking me.

When he is finally in range, he throws a straight left jab that connects on my chin. I don't feel anything though, my head didn't even budge. When he saw this he tried to throw another punch but before he could I jumped up and knee him in the face. After watching him fall I can't help but say to myself in slight excitement. Before helping him up.

"I've always wanted to try that…. Now brother, let's rest a bit. You may still be tired from your healing. We can continue sparring later if you want."

"Yes you may be right brother. I'll see you soon after I wake up though, so be ready."

"Hahahahah, sure. Sisters, can one of you show Posideon around before giving him a spot to sleep. I'm going to resume my training till our next sparring session."

At the mention of me training, I could tell Poseidon was curious and wanted to ask something. But before he could he was interrupted.

"Me! Me! I'll do it. It will be a perfect way to apologize for my earlier blunder."

"I'll come along as well."

Hestia's response was expected but I was surprised that Hera also volunteered. As Hestia dragged Poseidon away, I called Hera over to me before she could follow them.

"Hera, you surprised me. I didn't expect you to volunteer for this task, can I look to you to also be a part of the welcoming parties in the future. If so, can you help rein in Hestia?"

"Haha, no you cannot brother. I simply don't want Hestia to be alone with someone who was just so aggressive with her. He may do something to her and I can't allow that."

"Hmmm, that's interesting. I doubt he would be stupid enough to do anything to her after he saw how I came to her defense earlier. But go if it'll make you feel better, I understand the need to want to make sure your family is safe."

Looking at the backs of my siblings walking to the cave, I speak to Oracle.

'Oracle, please show the status of Poseidon.'

'Yes Hades.'


Name: Posideon

Power lvl: God

Divinities: Sea(C), Earthquakes(B), Droughts(B)


This is really unexpected. I thought his strongest divinity would be the sea . He is already close to being a 'peak' god, but I don't know if he could practice that divinity with Kronos stomach acid and he probably can't just create water yet. Next time we spare, I'll have him use divinities.

Then I also leave to go and try to remember as many fight styles as I could. But then I noticed Demeter following me.


[A.N. Poseidon is the Greek god of the sea, storms, earthquakes, droughts, floods For my novel storms and floods will just be skills/byproducts of his other divinities.]