
A New experience

OfficalBookMaster · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

Day 7

Rj woke up at 12:00pm she saw Mark and Jack were asleep still but she really wanted Jack or Mark to be up so she could ask them to help her get changed but she saw Jack moved his matters for the wheelchair to be near me so I sit up on the couch and stand on one foot to sit in the wheelchair. I nailed the landing and sat in the chair but had to figure out how to use it.

Rj then carefully drives her self to the kitchen and moves herself with her hands to the fridge to make Jack and Mark breakfast for them. She opens the fridge and has a look what's inside and sees Marks leftover pancakes that he made us. She puts  six of the pancakes on a plate and into the microwave to heat up then she grabbed two bananas and started to peel and cut them.


Rj just finished the pancakes that had some cut banana and for a drink she made hot chocolate for every one then she now has to figure out how to deliver them to them so she just fits two small pancakes with banana on it to give them to the boys. She carefully gets up one her one foot and puts the two on the table and sits back down and as well went back to grab the hot drinks and wheeled herself really close to the table to not spill the drinks.

Rj wakes up the boys and said...

Rj " Hey boys I made you breakfast in bed "

Jack and Mark sit up and say ...

Jacksepticeye " Thank you , But how did you do it all on your own "

Rj " Well I used the wheelchair to move me and with great difficulty, I warmed up the pancakes as breakfast and made you guys hot drinks"

Markiplier " Wow thank you but next time it's our turn , since you kinda broke your knee"

Jacksepticeye " Thank you "

So Mark and Jack eat there breakfast while Rj has to go get hers. So she wheels her to the kitchen and grabbed her food off the table and then went back to them to eat with them. They were all happy enjoying the breakfast until someone knocked on the door and Rj said ...

Rj " I'll get the door so you guys can have breakfast "

Jacksepticeye " No I'll get it so you don't have to move "

So Rj didn't want to argue with her boyfriend so she let Jack get the door afterwards he opens it to see felix and Marzia come in and then felix saw Rj and asked ...

Felix " What happen to Rj , is she ok "

Jacksepticeye " Yeah she's ok but , something didn't go well with all of us "

So everyone sat into a circle shape and talked about what happened yesterday...

Markiplier " Well what happen was I was getting changed and I saw Rj crying so I call Jack "

Felix " What happens next "

Jacksepticeye " Then we saw she was being harassed"

Rj " Then Mark put on a voice changer to sound like me and told the guy for them to meet up somewhere shady"

Felix " Oh well what happen next "

Rj " I saw a note saying I shouldn't go with them since Jack was protecting me , but I ignored it and went out to see them being thrown into a car "

Felix " What , they got kidnapped "

Rj " Yes, then I put my bag in and tracked down there bracelets I gave to them and found where they were in a abandoned warehouse"

Jacksepticeye " We got pulled out of the car and they tied us up inside in the warehouse for us to talk to them"

Felix " WOW this is getting serious "

Rj nods then replied...

Rj " So I hid in a clean dumpster and controlled a little spider , took out camera and got the bad guys to leave to fix it "

Markiplier " then Rj's little spider was on jacks lap and she was worried until it cut the wire and got us out "

Jacksepticeye " one went inside while one was on guard checking any movement"

Rj " so I crawled out of jacks hands and zapped the guy to give them a chance to escape, then Jack grabbed the spider and hid behind the fence next to the bun I was in "

Jacksepticeye " Then she pops out of the bin , surprised us and we ran away to escape "

Felix " Wow so much drama "

Markiplier " We where running until a black car that the kidnapped us followed us until we lost them at the park"

Rj " Them I say to Jack I can't go any more , he didn't realised I broke my leg until I told him so he carried me inside the home "

Felix " Is that all you guys did in one day "

We all laughed and felix asked...

Felix " Hey Mark , Jack  an Rj do you wanna play a game to cheer everyone up "

We were all ok with it but Jack and Mark weren't when he brings it out of his bag ...

Rj " Jack , Mark what wrong with this game "

Felix " Well we played it one and it didn't go well because it electrocutes anyone when they push the button"

So in the end everyone had a go and afterwards they decided to team up with teams .


It was only Jack and Rj as one team and felix and Mark left in the battle while Marzia didn't wanna play. So we were all nervous but Rj wasn't because she had not yet been zapped but she didn't wanna find out the pain from it.

So Mark starts us off until 3 2 1 ...

Markiplier " Ouch that hurt "

Felix " Nooo we lost "

Jack and Rj high fives each other and Jack kiss her on the cheek and while Mark and felix where in pain. Marzia checked the time and it was 3:30pm so sherealised they had to leave so Felix wasn't late for is live stream on a game so all of us said our byes and they left.

Then Rj's phone was going off because Zoe was calling her so Rj answered the phone ...

Zoe "Hey Rj  how are you "

Rj " Good i guess "

Zoe "  So enjoying Ireland "

Rj " Yeah but I kinda miss you thou "

Zoe " Well a week isn't long thou "

Rj puts the phone on speaker and so Jack could meet her...

Rj " Hey I put you on speaker cause my boyfriend wants to meet you "

Zoe " OMG is your boyfriend Mark "

Rj " No Jack "

Jacksepticeye " Hello so your Rj's best friend "

Zoe " Omg am I speaking to Jacksepticeye "

Jacksepticeye " Yeah are you ok with that "

Zoe " Well my friend would never stop talking about you and she was so happy to watch your videos "

Jacksepticeye " Wow she is lucky to have a friend like you "

Rj " Hey Zoe do you wanna talk to Mark since you live watching his try not to laugh "

Zoe " Umm I don't know "

Jack gets Mark then turns off speaker so when Mark talks to her they can have a fun conversation with Zoe.


Mark goes up to Jack punches him and laughed...

Jacksepticeye " Ouch  that really hurt , what was that for"

Markiplier " Well you could of told me I was talking to Zoe "

Rj " Well you like talking to her"

Mark blushes and punches Jack again while Rj sees Mark blushing so much when we where talking about her. Rj then thought ( wow Mark likes Zoe but knows nothing about her ) then Rj checked the time it was 4:00pm and everyone was joking around.

Rj wondered if ( Zoe and Mark where a thing ) then she wanted to know what they where talking about so she texted Zoe and asked ...

Rj " Hey Zoe what did you and Mark talk about"

Zoe " We just talked about life and stuff"

Rj " what are you hiding something from me 😱🤔"

Zoe " No all we talked about how far we are from each other and that I wish to meet him in person 🌏🌍🌎"

Rj " What happen if I get them to come to Australia / But I don't know if I'm ever coming back since I'm dating Jack"

Zoe" Noo please come back to Australia or at least bring Mark 😭🔙"

Rj " Don't worry I'm only pulling your leg but I have to go , bye "

So Rj turned off her phone then asked ...

Rj " Hey Jack "

Jacksepticeye " Yeah what's wrong "

Rj " Nothing but I was wondering when I leave to go back to Australia are you gonna come "

Jacksepticeye " of course I'm gonna come and maybe Mark might come too "

Markiplier "  so is it ok if we all go when your leg is all healed , I can even meet some of your friends and see where you lived "

Jacksepticeye " Hey Rj do you even have a photo of where you live to show us "

Rj " Well no but you can see where I lived on google maps "

So Rj searched where she lived and showed where she lived to Mark and Jack...

Jacksepticeye " Wow your house is beautiful and you live on a farm too "

Rj " Yeah this is where I grew up and did all lot of videos here and we can even stay at my house "

Markiplier " What was it like to live there it kinda looks in the middle of nowhere "

Rj " Well it's not the middle of nowhere but it's calm and quiet "

Jacksepticeye " Hey where did Zoe live like what I mean is did you guys live together as friends "

Rj " No she lives in kandos it's not far "

So Rj  showed where she lived too and Mark said...

Markiplier " Wow what a sweet house , when we are in Australia can we surprise her "

Rj " Yeah we can shock her because she enjoys watching you on YouTube "

So they talked about when they go to Australia they would do all lot of things there.


Rj , Jack and Mark are talking about everything you could think of then Rj asked ...

Rj " Hey why don't we watch a movie "

Jacksepticeye " Yeah ok "

Markiplier " Yeah I'll go make popcorn "

So Mark left to go to the kitchen to make popcorn while Jack was sitting on the couch while Rj was on the far side corner and  choosing a movie on Netflix. Then she decided the movie Charlotte web everyone was happy but then Rj wanted to sit next to Jack when watching the movie.

So she moved close to the couch and asked...

Rj " Hey Jack can you pick me up and help me to sit into the couch "

So Jack picked her up and sat her down then Jack sat on the left next to her then said...

Jacksepticeye " You ok Rj "

Rj " Yeah but I wish I didn't reck my leg thou "

Markiplier " Popcorns ready "

Rj has the power of the popcorn between Jack and Mark so she turns on her phone to see what time is it was 7:00 pm.


Jack than yawns and puts his arm on me so I lean on his chest and while Mark got up to grab a blanket for all of us then we go back to watching the movie.


Jack and Mark finish watching the movie while Rj fell asleep on Jack so he didn't wanna move so Mark helped Jack by laying down with her then Mark moved the popcorn then laid on the matters on top of each other as a bed then we all fell asleep.