
A New experience

OfficalBookMaster · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

Day 6

Rj woke up at 1:00pm before anyone else did but then she realized Jack was gone so we went to marks room too but she wasn't there either. Then she realized ( Oh No they went to Mr D at the spot ) so she got changed then grabbed her taiser for protection. She started to go downstairs and saw a note on the door it had been from the boys it said ...

Rj you are probably reading this and realized we are gone to set things right but we didn't wanna wake you so we left you here.

Ps Rj if your reading this part you have realized you are not gonna come because we don't you want to get hurt.

From your Best Friends and boyfriend

Mark and Jack

Rj didn't listen and left home to go to the alley of the hotel, she got outside locked the door and started to run to the alley that the guys are at but as well a lot of things were going through her head ( I hope there ok , they have to be , I hope so ) she was half way there until she saw Mark and Jack being thrown into the black car tied up then a guy looking around so I hid behind a bin then when the car sped off.

She quickly tracked Mark and Jacks bracelet with her app then followed the car to a abandoned warehouse and then she hid when the car stopped and heard Mark and Jack been taken in ... BANG of the warehouse door shut she looked threw her binoculars she had bought with the bracelets to see no one was near the car but a camera and a sensor So she quickly pulled out one of her small spider that was a size of a 5 cent piece in Australia.

So she controlled the spider but she then hid in a dumpster that was next to a fence she was happy because it had nothing in it and also was clean and then put her special glasses to look though the spiders eyes to see what's inside so she walked it in and shut down the sensor and camera then also she crawled inside and saw Mark and Jack tied to a chair and being asked questions by one person  so she put on the microphone that was built in to hear what they are saying.

Mr D" Ok I well only ask you this one more time , Where is she "

Jacksepticeye " Where is who "

Mr D"Rj and you know who she is Jack "

Markiplier " Hey why do you wanna know where she is "

Mr D"She has the key to what I need but you are in my way "

Rj didn't understand until someone else came out and told Mr D that the camera and sensor so he went out to fix it so Rj moved the spider no where near where she recked the camera so the spider did not get found yet. The guy comes in and told Mr D...

..." Hey Boss I don't think they are alone "

Mr D " Maybe I don't have to find out where she is "

Jacks face lit up that he had a lot of things going through his head ( Rj if you are here , stay away ).

Mr D " Hey why don't you say hi to our guest "

Jack " No it's not even her "

Mr D " We will wait and see , Bye and have fun sitting here and doing nothing"

Mr D and the guy went out but Rj did not know until she saw it so she thought ( If I don't move I should be fine ) so instead she looked around with the spiders eyes and slowly used some sticky slime as webs to help Jack. Slowly and slowly the spider went and Jack said to Mark...

Jacksepticeye " Hey argh Mark I have a spider on me "

Markiplier " Well don't move a muscle if you don't wanna be bit "

So Jack was nervous so he did not move until a little blade came out then he got so scared but then the spider crawled down to his hands to untie him and so she cut the rope off the hands to escape until Jack realized maybe the spider is Rj. Mark started to untie his legs same with Jack until they escaped with the spider through the window.

Then Mr D comes back in and sees there gone while the other guy is in lookout. Jack sees the other guy on the lookout so then the little spider jumped out and crawled up the guys leg to zap him with the zapping teeth. Jack and Mark stayed put when they heard the guy being zapped Jack and Mark picked up the spider and hid behind the fence next to the bin. Rj then realized where they are and pops out of the bin then sits next to Jack and asked

Rj " What are we looking at "

Jacksepticeye " Where making sure no one sees us when we run , Rj that strategy "

Then Jack and Mark realized Rj was next to them so Jack have her a hug and a kiss then Mark gave her a hug to. So they all leave the area quietly and start to run. They were almost home until Rj saw the car and told the others to go into the park to hide into the bushes then Rj dislocated her leg and said ...

Rj " I can't go on "

Jacksepticeye " come on I believe in you just a little more "

Rj " No I've dislocated my leg "

Jacksepticeye " Well I think they are gone and we are not far now "

Jack then picks her up and takes her home so they are safe there but Mark then wondered what are we gonna do with Rj. Mark has a look at her leg and said to her ...

Markiplier " Hey Rj I can pop it back in , But it will hurt "

Rj " Just do what ever I'm in enough pain , Mark gust to it I'll be ok "

Jacksepticeye " Wait why I don't call my friend that is a doctor to come over "

Mark rather have a doctor than himself do it so Jack called his friend to come over to help Rj.


Jack lets the doctor in and sees Rj laying in pain then he replied...

Doctor " I can pop it in but it will hurt "

Rj " I don't care just get it over and done with"

The doctor puts his hands on Rj's leg then pops it in ...

Rj " Owwww that really hurts " Mark grabbed a packed of peas and puts it on her knee and talks to her while Jack and the doctor were talking ...

Doctor " Wow I've never meet a girl like that "

Jacksepticeye " Well she is pretty brave "

Doctor " Wow I would not wanna get into a fight with her , she has gucts of steel"

Jacksepticeye " Well she has to be prepared for any thing "


The doctor left and gave her a special bandage to hold her knee in place as well as a wheel chair for the week. Then Rj thinks to her self ( Wow I have to wait a week to go back to Australia ) Rj then told Jack ...

Rj " Hey umm Jack can you get my phone it's in my bag "

So Jack gets and almost gave it to her .

Rj " Can you please call Zoe then give the phone to me "

The phone rang twice then...

Zoe " Hey Rj what's up "

Rj " Hey umm Zoe I'm gonna stay little longer "

Zoe " Wait why"

Rj " Well I kinda broke my leg "

Zoe " Wow you are reckless but strong so what happen "

Rj " People kidnapped Jack and Mark then I had to save them from a guy named Mr D but when I was running I fell and broke my leg"

Zoe " Wow so how long are you gonna be there in Ireland "

Rj " A week but don't worry my boyfriend and Mark are gonna look after me "

Zoe " Who are you dating "

Rj " Jack "

Zoe " Wow cool "

Rj " Well I got to go "

Zoe " ok bye and get better in that week ok , I kinda miss you not being here"

Rj " I miss Australia too and you "

Zoe " Well bye "

Rj than hanged up then Jack asked...

Jacksepticeye  " Wait you were gonna leave tomorrow with us "

Rj " Yeah but don't worry we can all go to Australia next week ok "

Jacksepticeye " Ok , so are you gonna be ok "

Rj " Yeah but I thought we kinda all sleep down here so I don't really have to move so my knee can heal better"

So Mark and Jack push the couch and put diwn blankets and mattresses for them to sleep down her and Mark grabbed some pillows for all of us.


Jack , Mark and Rj were just talking about stuff and then Jack suggested...

Jacksepticeye " Hey Rj do you wanna play GTA 5 on laptops "

Rj " Yeah ok"

Markiplier " Well this is gonna be so much fun"

So Jack gets his laptop , Marks and Rj's so we can all play with each other. So while they wait for Mark to get into the game Rj checks the time and it was 7:00pm.


Rj yawn and said that she is gonna go to sleep so Jack and Mark quickly clean the living room from the packet of chips they had and the hit drink Jack made for Rj when they were done they went to bed.