
A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees

Matthew found himself transported to a game world. He realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his system. [Class: Necromancer Quest: Planting Trees Goal: 1000 trees Reward: Summoning 'Skeleton Dragon' & a large amount of EXP] From then on, a Necromancer who believed in balance even more than a Druid was born.

The Key In 10 Years · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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The Undersea Know-it-all and the Sea Snake Lady

Translator: Lonelytree

"Are you talking to them?

"Aren't you a necromancer?"

The green-skinned Naga's eyes were also filled with surprise.

She could not understand the conversation between the starfish at all. She could only hear Matthew's voice.

Matthew smiled and explained,

"Necromancers can also master some part-time skills."

Sumi nodded thoughtfully.

Her gaze toward Matthew became even gentler.

At this moment.

The bright yellow starfish laughed again.

"This Naga is so stupid. Why does she believe everything you say?

" Since you can understand our conversation, you must be a mage who is proficient in the Life Domain or the Nature Domain. You might even be a Druid. How can you be a Necromancer?

"You're really bad!

" But I like that you lied to Naga."

Compared to Big Starfish's unbridled behaviour.

The little starfish, with a childish voice, seemed to be more cautious.