
A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees

Matthew found himself transported to a game world. He realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his system. [Class: Necromancer Quest: Planting Trees Goal: 1000 trees Reward: Summoning 'Skeleton Dragon' & a large amount of EXP] From then on, a Necromancer who believed in balance even more than a Druid was born.

The Key In 10 Years · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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1546 Chs

Legendary Pentathlon Challenge

There were even some poor gamblers who started to borrow money to raise the registration fee of 200 gold coins!

Matthew looked deeply at the gem.

At this moment, Sif shook his arm. Matthew turned around and found that she was looking at him with a fascinated gaze.

"What a beautiful gem, Matthew!

"Are we really not going to try?

"What I mean is, since the registration fee is only 200 gold coins, I can pay for it…"

Were women really not immune to gemstones?

Matthew laughed in his heart.

However, he nodded.

"Then let's participate and have some fun."

Very quickly.

The two of them came to the registration passage at the side.

200 gold coins was a huge registration fee.

Although many people were tempted.

It was still rare to see someone take direct action like Matthew.

Therefore, they quickly arrived at the front of the queue.

"All five challenges?

"Then it'll be 1000 gold coins!