
A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees

Matthew found himself transported to a game world. He realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his system. [Class: Necromancer Quest: Planting Trees Goal: 1000 trees Reward: Summoning 'Skeleton Dragon' & a large amount of EXP] From then on, a Necromancer who believed in balance even more than a Druid was born.

The Key In 10 Years · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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1387 Chs

Arctic Archer and Death Immortal Orchid

Translator: Lonelytree

The body of the Naga Lord had completely recovered from its decline.

He waved his three-meter-long harpoon and stabbed it fiercely at Matthew.

"Necromancer, you should die!"

Matthew jumped back slightly. Of course, this speed was not enough to completely avoid the attack range of the harpoon.

However, the space he created was why he took off the weapon on his back!

He felt a warm touch.

Matthew felt a sense of security.

In an instant.

He swung the shovel forward along with the current!

The bright moonlight was like a searchlight that headed straight for the Naga Lord!

[Broken Moon: Moonlight]!

The intense light instantly pierced the eyes of the Naga Lord.

What followed was the +2 special effect of the semi-divine weapon!

Under the dazzling effect.

The Naga Lord's body was frozen in place, unable to move!

In the next moment.

Matthew swung the shovel again.