
A Naruto Fan-Fic

Follow Ken, a man who was reborn to a new world thanks to a Black Ball. ... I don't own the cover. I found it on google.

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25 Chs


"Where am I?" Ken subconsciously asked and scanned his surroundings. He was currently on a bed, in a room. He recalled seeing a room like this before, oh, it was the clinic.

"Ken! You're awake?!" Ken saw his mother, Mikoto in tears, who immediately hugged him like he was the most precious treasure in the world.

"You scared me! You scared me!" She repeated those words with a trembling voice as she hugged Ken for dear life. After a minute, Mikoto finally released Ken. And she recalled that her son just woke up.

"Are you alright? How are you feeling? Does it hurt somewhere?" Mikoto asked anxiously

"I am alright mom. It does not hurt anywhere either!" As if affected by her anxiousness, Ken also answered immediately. Ken heard his voice and recalled that he was still a baby. And finally, what happened that night dawned him.


Some time ago, Ken suddenly blacked out and before he knew it, he was floating in the air. He was shocked to see his baby body lying dead on the ground. That's, right, his soul exited his body. The soul looked black as it could be and it was shaped like a ball, the size of a basketball.

Suddenly, Ken heard a strange calling that was communicating with him saying,

"I am the Deadly Sin of Gluttony, one of the Seven Deadly Sins! Due to an accident, I was forced to make a forced contract with you. For that, I apologize. But right now, I urgently need to devour that beast's extraordinary Negative Energy for me to completely awaken my consciousness."

"You are that Black Ball that took me in this world?" Ken was surprised.

"Yes. I apologize. For countless years, you were the first being that barely passed the requirements to become my host. I waited billions of years in that pathetic world that had scarce energy. Unfortunately, all those beings that picked me up had a pathetic amount of Negative Energy. So I wasn't going to let you go! Right now, I am bound to your soul until I return to my peak, in return, I will also help you get extremely strong. That is the Contract. So before the Contract is fulfilled, then I am going to be bound to your soul." There was a hint of pride as well as sorrow in Gluttony's voice.

"Oh?" Ken was surprised by the new terms said by Gluttony. "How long do you think will the Contract be fulfilled?"

"I am not certain, but depending on your potential, luck, and other factors, it would at least take a million years and a maximum of a billion years. Of course, that is assuming you won't die. Oh, if you die, then I would be free again and look for another qualified host or just recover my strength on my own." Gluttony said as a matter of factly.

"What? So I am just a host? A disposable tool?" Ken was a little angry hearing that, but what could he do? Nothing.

"You could say it like that. Don't worry too much, you can't harm me, and I can't harm you. I will also help you get stronger than you can imagine. It is a fair trade." replied Gluttony. The same as before, it was still as calm as ever.

"Well, what can I do? It's a deal then. However, a million years is too much. Can I even live that long?" Ken asked again. Although he was a little unwilling, he still accepted reality. He was not ignorant either. He only believed half of what the so-called Deadly Sin of Gluttony said.

"It would be indeed impossible for you to live that long since you are just a being in the lowest plane, but you have me, the Deadly Sin of Gluttony! For me, eating is life. Longevity for me is just a joke. I am a Sin, and Sin does not die!"

Glutton replied.

"So you're saying that you are immortal?" Ken asked with doubt.

"Immortal? Don't compare me to those weaklings! Let's see... Eternal... Right, I am eternal!" Declared Gluttony, still there was only a hint of pride in its voice. It was not bragging, it was simply telling the truth.

"Is that so? So how is that connected to me being able to live longer?" Ken was impressed. Even if it was a bluff, he was 50% percent sure that what Gluttony stated was true.

"This is merely a fraction of my true power. Let's see..." Gluttony paused for a second, pondering on what words to use. "My current for is just a single grain of dust in a desert? That's right, just a single grain."

Although it seems that Gluttony was not bragging, Ken could jot help but think, 'Is he flexing his prowess to me?'

"Like I said, how is it connected to me being able to live-" Ken was cut off when he heard the anxious and angry voice of the Deadly Sin.

"A mere Reaper actually dares to steal my food?!" Gluttony's initial calm and as a matter of factly tone was gone. It sounded pissed.

Before Ken knew what was going on, he suddenly found his vision to be expanding. He also was slowly levitating and was getting higher and higher off the ground.

"Hey, Glutton, what are you doing?!" Ken shouted furiously.

"Someone is stealing my food!" He heard the angry Gluttony and he shut up. From the looks of it, something was happening with the Kyuubi.

After reaching a kilometer in the air, Gluttony stopped and flew right above the location of the Kyuubi. Suddenly, Ken felt himself descend from the sky, and as he descended, he could also feel that he seemed to be getting bigger.

Before long, Ken was able to see what was happening on the ground clearly.

There was what seemed to be a barrier that enclosed an area, and inside the barrier was the Kyuubi that was toed down by some shiny golden chains. As they got closer, Ken was also starting to see the real picture.

Ken saw a familiar man and a woman right beside the Kyuubi. Behind the man was a... hmm... devil! A devil that tied down what looked to be a part of the man's soul.

He also noticed that the golden chains that tied the Kyuubi were actually from the woman. And When he was finally close enough to see everything, rage took over him.

"Glutton! Eat that bastard!" Ken screamed. He did not notice his emotion go awry. But even if he did, he did not care. He just saw a baby with his parents right by the Kyuubi. Ken did not need a brain to know that this family saved their village. No, saved them, saved his family.

"Okay. But I am actually unable to eat it, I can only devour its Negative Energy. I can't also kill it as this creature is actually made up of Energy itself. That damned Reaper, you want to steal my food?!" Gluttony sounded even angrier when he saw the Shinigami move its hand towards the beast.

"My food! My food! My food!" Gluttony was so blinded by rage that their speed of descending actually sped up. If anyone could see their form, they would be terrified.

A mountain-sized black sphere of light descended from the sky while it opened its zigzag-shaped mouth and was ready to devour anything it came to contact with.


With a final cry, the time seemed to stop as the Kyuubi, the Man, and the Reaper stopped all their movements just to see what was above them. The Reaper that was about to seal the Yin Chakra of the Kyuubi froze in midair. Minato who was prepared looked up in terror. And the Kyuubi whimpered in extreme terror.

But Gluttony and Ken did not care. One thing was their goal, to devour!

It's been a long time. Sorry for the delay.

I forgot the password of my account and was only able to recover it some days ago.

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