

A highly intelligent man with a perverted heart dies and wins the lottery, now he will change the plot of every world, and have fun along the way. https://www.p.atreon.com/logicaldog If you feel like helping me, it would be lovely!

LOGICAL · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

Chapter 1


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Dying is a very unique experience for everyone, for me, it was pitifully slow and painful, I was on vacation hiking up a mountain with my little sisters, everything was going well until we reached the top to camp.

It was snowing lightly, so we decided to make a campfire, I had brought ribs and snacks to eat.

The problem was that our food attracted some not so friendly wild beasts, a Bear.

According to the map that the ranger gave us, there should be no bears in this area this season.

I urged my sisters to run to the camp about four miles from where we were, while I distracted the bear.

My plan was to flee after my sisters were safe, but the bear was quicker and tore me apart with its claws, I wished I had died quickly, I felt every blow, bite, my screams drowned in blood.

I am not sorry to say that when the sweet release of death finally came for me, I was happy, the pain became nothing, I felt nothing, everything vanished like a drop of water in the desert.

"Jack Sterling," a soft and sweet voice pushed me by instinct to open my eyes. What I saw shocked me, I was in a big office with a marble floor, the chair where I was seated felt like it was made out of leather, and in front of me across a mahogany desk a woman which beauty was unparalleled, it difficult to describe, but it was as if she was perfection incarnated.

"Yes?" I answered with uncertainty, something inside me knew that I was dead, and that same feeling told me that I had to respect whoever was in front of me.

"Age: 25, sexual orientation: straight," The woman pulled out a file with my name and started reading it out loud, "It seems you were an outstanding human being,"

"Thank you?" I didn't know how to respond to that, but a wave of relief swept through my body, perhaps signifying that I was going to heaven.

"You have, two choices," the woman smiled warmly at me, "You can go to heaven, or you can recycle your soul."

I looked at her in puzzlement, recycling my soul? What did she mean by that? That I would be reincarnated?

"Recycling your soul makes so that your soul is used for the cycle of life once again, you could reincarnate as an animal or a human again, but in both cases, you would lose your sense of self and your memories," It seems my confusion was clear to her, and she decided to explain into detail.

I really didn't want to live again if I didn't remember who I was, so with a smile, I said, "I rather go to heaven,"

"All right, let me fill out the paperwork," The woman started filling out some forms that showed up on her desk.

After a few moments, she came up to me with a sphere of light and said, "This is the raffle of heaven, it's been without a winner for nine million years, do you want to participate?"

"Sure," I answered almost immediately.

"Perfect, put your hand on the sphere, if it shines blue you win a special prize," The woman smiled as she released the sphere, which just floated into the air.

I slowly put my hand on the sphere in anticipation, I didn't even know what the prize was, but I was excited.

As soon as the palm of my hand touched the sphere, it glowed in a blue color that practically painted the room, drowning everything in its radiance.

"You won!" The woman hugged me and with a smile asked me, "Do you want to travel the multiverse?"


The lady took me to a room where there was television of the size of those you see in the theater, inside there was a man sitting on the floor who, even though didn't seem old, had white hair with a white beard to match.

"Really? This is how you imagine your maker?" said the man as he stood pointing at his beard and hair.

"What?" Apparently I had made the creator of everything uncomfortable, my luck is at its best.

"How people see me is just a reflection of how they want to see me," God said with a smile, "You, for example, picture me in the most cliche way there is."

"I apologize," I chuckled.

"Anyway, time to give you your prize," God said with a yawn, "You have five wishes, you cannot ask for immortality, or absolute power, for the rest if you wish for something strange that is not allowed I will tell you so you can modify your wish after you make all your wishes, you will go to a world which you consider fictional, within it you can do whatever you please, certain worlds have restrictions before you enter, from the rest you can travel freely, you will possess an AI to help you travel the multiverse and give you an insight of your surroundings, any questions?"

"One, what is the first world I'll be going?" I asked, my wishes would depend a lot on that.

"You might know the world, thanks to the anime," God smiled, "Fairy Tail,"

Five wishes, the possibilities were endless, but would I really want to live in a world full of monsters and treachery?

But I can't deny that the notion thrills me, the idea of experiencing and exploring the worlds I grew up watching as a child, was exhilarating.

So the answer was simple, fuck yes.

Besides, opportunities like this did not always present themselves, so with resolve to take this opportunity at hand, I thought carefully, what would my wishes be.

After thinking for a couple of minutes I knew what I wanted.

My first wish was, to have the time magic the magic emperor uses of Black Clover, I wanted to be proficient on it but God said he could give me the magic and even improve on it by making so I don't need a grimoire, but that I would have to train to gain control over it.

My second wish was to have a really high-speed regeneration, like Wolverine, God also modified this saying that I would regenerate so fast aging wouldn't be a problem but that my vital organs were still a weak point, and that I might not regenerate.

My third wish was to be a insanely good learning magic and fighting, if I was to live in this world I would love to learn fast how to kick some ass.

My fourth wish was to for God to upgrade the system that I would get, to have more options like inventory, store, etc.

And for my last wish, I asked for my sisters to have a wonderful and fulfilling life, with love and health, as the older brother even in death is my obligation to protect them.

"Very well remember," God said with a sigh, "If you die your sins will be counted again, and I don't think you'll win the lottery again, so be careful."

It felt like a threat, but it didn't bother me that I wasn't going to die, and I wasn't going to go into serial killer mode, my only sin in this life would be to hoard beautiful wives.

"I understand," I replied with a smile.

"Perfect," God said with a smile, which was the last thing I saw in heaven, "Go and catch them all,"


I came to my senses, floating on my back on a river and gazing up at the sky. The clouds were floating on gently by it kinda felt like I was watching heaven from down below, I could hear birds chirping in the distance, and some deers drinking water.

Before I could even stand up, a screen appeared floating in front of my head with information

[Name: -------

Age: 17

Strength: C

Endurance: A

Agility: C

Magic Power: A

Luck: EX

Charisma: EX+

Magic: Time Magic

This magic attribute allows the user to steal and store time from others and then to use that time to accelerate, decelerate, stop, or even reverse the flow of time, this magic would normally require the user to have its grimoire to use at full power, but it was modified to be a unique type of magic.

You don't need to steal time to use this magic, if you don't have the time it consumes magic power instead.]

I clambered to my feet, noticing my body was different, I was taller and impressively fit, with well-defined muscles. As I surveyed my surroundings, I took note that I was totally encased in a forest, all I could see was trees left and right.

[You have a message waiting to be open!


The notification once again appeared floating in front of me, being transparent enough to see through, this one had two options, Yes and No.

Without any reason to postpone this, I decided to open the package which brought a voice message.

After you had spent one of your wishes on someone else, I started thinking that you deserved a little something, so I made you infinitely more beautiful, to help you, now be happy.

[You are so handsome you broke one stat]

"Time to see where the heck I am," I said leaving the river.














Some stats change per world or per the individuals on the world, as of now Acnalogia holds the title of the strongest creature in Fairy Tail.

So his stats would be mostly EX

Now if someone lets say Goku came to this world, Acnalogia would be ranked differently, the stats show how powerful he is in base of the current world, meaning that when he travels to another world his rank will change, but he won't lose power.