
A Multiversal One-Shots!

Roxanne_Agares · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs

???? (2)

As I am now finished washing my clothes, I then proceed to the living room so I can start doing my assignments..

Pulling up my pocket notebook, I started finding the list of my assignments for this day..




Seems like all of them huh..

In Math, I need to accomplish 10 items starting with the equation of number 1, 2x + 5 = 15..

By adding at both opposite sides of the equal sign an negative 5, it will be looking like this, 2x + 5 + (-5) = 15 +(-5), after this, I only need to combine the same terms which are those numbers that don't have any letters beside them.

Then it will be like this, 2x = 10, with this, I only need to isolate the letter x on the right side, so to accomplish it, I need to divide both sides with 2.

By dividing both sides by 2, the 2 in the left side will be canceled out and will just leave the letter x, while on the right side by dividing 10 by 2, it will turn into 5.

Therefore I conclude that the value of x in the equation 2x + 5 = 15 is 5.

So I then proceeded to another item, 3 (x - 4) = 12.

In this kind of equation where there's a number outside the parentheses, the first thing you need to do is eliminate them first by using the Isolation method, where in this time, the thing we will Isolate is the one inside the parentheses.

So by dividing both sides with 3, the only remaining one's this time are x - 4 = 4, and by this time, just like the first step in number 1, by adding at both sides the opposite sign of the second term in the equation, it will look like this, x - 4 + 4 = 4 + 4, combining the same terms on both sides, the value of x will be 8.

Therefore I conclude that, in this equation 3 (x - 4) = 12, the value of x is 8.

Then I repeated it in the following items…

















After a few minutes of answering the following questions and checking them also, I then proceeded to my subject English where I needed to write an essay about something that caught your mind consisting of 100 words or more..

I see, then what's even the point of life?

Is it the essence of the series of enigmatic phenomena happening around us?

Ws it the complex journey we paved along the day we lived on this world?

Among all of the histories established, scientists that seek truth, have then attempted to unravel what lies ahead behind the existence of life and understand its purpose.

According to them, Life itself can be defined as the state of existence only characterized by the unique sets of attributes and criteria.

These characteristics, such as growth, reproduction, and the capacity for consciousness, distinguish living beings from inanimate objects.

Life takes on countless shapes and forms, from the microscopic organisms that thrive in Earth's most extreme environments to the magnificent diversity of flora and fauna that populate our planet's ecosystems.

The interconnectedness of all living beings on Earth further emphasizes the nature of life.

Within the delicate balance of ecosystems, every organism plays a crucial role, forming a harmonious web of dependencies.

From the microscopic bacteria that sustain the health of our soil, to the majestic predators that maintain ecological balance, every being contributes to the intricate tapestry of life.

The emergence of life on Earth remains one of the most captivating mysteries.

How did the first living organisms come to be?

Scientists continue to seek answers through the exploration of ancient fossils, the study of extremophiles, and the quest to find signs of life beyond our own planet.

The possibility of life existing elsewhere in the universe only deepens the intrigue and wonder surrounding the essence of life.

As we navigate through life's journey, we experience various stages of growth and development.

From the moment of our birth, we embark on a path of transformation, both physical and psychological.

Each stage offers new challenges, opportunities, and revelations. Inevitably, we also encounter the fragility of life.

The cycle of birth and death unravels before our eyes, reminding us of the transient nature of existence and the importance of cherishing each moment.

The evolutionary process plays a significant role in shaping life forms over time.

Through adaptations and responses to changing environments, species evolve to survive and thrive.

The intricate processes of natural selection and genetic variation have given rise to the incredible diversity of life on Earth today.

Life's ability to adapt and endure is a testament to its resilience.

Throughout our odyssey, we grapple with the eternal quest to find meaning and purpose in life. The search for purpose is deeply ingrained in human nature.

We turn to spirituality and philosophy to guide us, seeking answers to the fundamental questions that stir our souls.

Yet, the meaning of life remains elusive and subjective, as each individual finds their own unique purpose shaped by personal experiences, perspectives, and beliefs.

The human experience brings forth a vast array of emotions, consciousness, and self-awareness that sets us apart from other creatures.

Our capacity for love, empathy, and introspection adds depth and complexity to our existence.

It is through the bonds we forge and the relationships we cultivate that we truly discover the significance of being alive.

Our connections with others illuminate our lives, providing solace, support, and a profound sense of belonging.

Challenges and struggles are inevitable companions on our journey, testing our resilience and shaping our character.

They push us to confront our limits, discover hidden strengths, and undergo personal growth.

Adversity becomes a catalyst for transformation, propelling us to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

Ethics and morality form the cornerstones of how we navigate life's labyrinth. Guided by principles and values, we make choices and take actions that shape our character and impact the world around us.

The interplay between individual morals and societal norms influences our decisions, reminding us of the delicate balance between personal autonomy and collective responsibility.

Amidst life's complexities and challenges, we find solace and inspiration in the beauty that surrounds us.

Nature, with its breathtaking landscapes and captivating creatures, reminds us of the awe-inspiring wonders of life.

Art provides a means of expression, encapsulating the profound beauty of existence in various forms, from paintings and music to literature and dance.

Cultivating gratitude and practicing mindfulness allow us to appreciate even the simplest moments, illuminating the richness and tapestry of life's experiences.

In conclusion, life is a journey that we embark upon with curiosity, courage, and a relentless pursuit of meaning.

It is an intricate tapestry of experiences, relationships, growth, and self-discovery.

Though the true essence and purpose of life may forever remain mysterious, it is within the exploration, connections, and appreciation of life's wonders that we find fulfillment.

By cherishing every breath, embracing the unknown, and charting our course with intention, we can create a life filled with purpose, beauty, and a profound appreciation for the profound gift of existence.