
A Monsters Mercy

Standing there looking at the extra soul took I feel cold sweat running down my back it was a huge mistake on my part I only intended to get the dying soul not the other that was with it who was the reason for the soul leaving its mortal shell, looking at the person with a completely blank expression I shudder normally a soul is extremely animated this one however is almost a void it just stands there like a statue not moving and having no hint of anything I turn to my husband with a fearful expression on my face I have been in this role for eons and this is my first mistake. “I think you need to speak to her” he says but continues after a breath “this is your first and I can see its not a good soul but in the same line you can’t send it to the underworld because you took its chance to reform itself into something good”.

Kellsia_Ing · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Minions assemble

Once all the slavers crew have taken their small step for the long fall Bun Bun makes her way on to the ship and begins leading them out on to my rock which I should realy give an name but at the same time I want to go and be a pain in the ass to the kingdoms of the world and see what kind of a name I can drum up for myself and maybe I can become a Queen, no an Empress, yeah that would be cool, once my fantasy of becoming a Empress of the world finishes I look down on the crowed arrayed in front of me, I see a solid mix of races but oddly there are no humans in the mix.

A dwarf takes a step towards me and drops down on one knee and speaks. "Onyxia I can tell that you are the one that has bound the two beastkin here to you in a protection pact and I humbly thank you for saving us from a life of slavery, most of us no longer have family after the kingdom of Rethven raided out homes, and we were hoping to join you." I grumble and to my surprise he understands me and replies. "if you want to think of us as pets you can but I think it would be more fitting to think of us as minions, as we will look after ourselves for the most part and help you in bringing the bustard King and his kingdom, and before anyone asks I have a skill called beast speak and thanks to another one of my skills I can pass it to others I am in a clan with, the only problem is it only works with humanoid races so Onixia you will need to create a clan so I can pass it on with everyone here if they decide to join that is" I look at the dwarf long and hard with out saying anything, then I look around at the nodding crowd.

[can I create a clan?]

<yes, it is possible, would you like to do so now?>

[yes, I would]

<please choose a name for your clan>

[Monster's Mercy]

<Monster's mercy is not taken would you like to keep Monsters's mercy?]


Once the name is set, I look to Kitty and Bun Bun and send them and invite and once they accept, I promote them to deputy leaders I send the rest of the freed slaves an invite and they all accept.

<Monster's mercy membership roster

Onyxia (leader)

Kitty <Beastkin> (Deputy leader)

Bun Bun <Beastkin> (Deputy Leader)

Bronin <Dwarf>

Kronk <Dwarf>

Alowgaurd <Elf>

Onim <Elf>

Larna <High Elf>

Eona <Elf>

Grashnak <Beastkin>

Kuunie <Beastkin>

Vixxen <Kitsune>

Misty <Rive Sprite>

Rownie <Half Demon Half Human>

Total members 14.>

Nodding to myself I look over my new pe…. Minions and a smile begins to grow on my face the look on the ex-slave faces start to show fear until Kitty tells them that this is my smile and they all relax a little bit, I tell them all to load up the supplies that are in my cave and the dwarfs and the high elf begin to make ready, it seems that those three where there you pilot the ship and everyone else was just to keep them under control, after an hour of moving the stuff back and forth the ship is ready to move, but I don't know which way to go so I ask my new minions. "hey Bronin which way is Rethven from here?" he responds with a cheeky grin on his face "it's to the east your highness." Now I know he is teasing me and I don't mind I like the title but isn't that the title for a princess, oh I should kidnap one or is that sexist, should I take a prince instead? Ah who cares ill take a princess and put her in a cage and make her sing like a bird and if the king doesn't have a daughter well the prince best buckle up, because the sucker will be made to wear lady's clothes and made to sing as well.

We set off to the east on the flight is rather dull, nothing even comes close to the ship or me and im starting to get the jitters from not killing anything for so long, I'm in a bit of a fowl mood when Kitty calls out about a secluded lake below and just in time to because there is a storm closing in and it looks like a bloody big one at that, in fact I can see what looks like figures flitting to and froe in the clouds, at first I want to go hell for leather and join in the dance of death but I see a stray lightning bolt smash in to a mountain and the shock wave almost knocks me and the ship off course, after that I make the brave decision to hunker down in the clearing and wait for this to blow over, after all discretion is the better part of valour.