
A Modest Richman

This Novel brings the most common human behavior. The hideous attitude of looking at the people of power and money with admiration and thinking of those who lack these as not worthy of dignity.

A_NormalReader · Politique et sciences sociales
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15 Chs

The Call

At nine o'clock at night, college campus, male dorm building.

"Sheldon, go to dorm 226 on the first floor and bring my computer to me!"

A guy with yellow hair in the dorm next door kicked open the door of Sheldon's dorm, dropped a dollar, and went back with his pocket.

"By the way, Sheldon, stop by the supermarket downstairs and buy me a bottle of mineral water!"

The yellow-haired student went back and forth. This time he threw down three dollar, two dollar for water, and the other dollar for Sheldon's running errands.

"I said Gerard, why do you always let Sheldon run errands for you in your dorm? Is there such a bully?"

The people in Sheldon's dorm couldn't stand it anymore, and asked coldly.

"Heh! Sheldon, in your dorm, haven't you counted it yourself? You can eat this stuff if you give him money!"

Gerard finished sarcastically, and left with a smile.

Sheldon turned a deaf ear, but blushed.

He bent down and picked up a few dollars from the ground, and said to himself:

In this way, I made two dollar, enough to buy three steamed buns and a bag of pickles, so I dont have to go

"Sheldon Don't go, if you don't have any money, our brother will lend you, don't pay back!"

The president couldn't help but said sympathetically.

Sheldon shook his head with a wry smile, "Thanks to the president"

After speaking, he turned and walked out.

The people in the same dorm, looking at Sheldon's back, shook their heads with pity.

In fact, Sheldon didn't want to run errands for others, and wanted to live happily in college like others.

However, it would be nice to be able to continue studying in university.

He is really poor!

Although the roommates treat him very well, the more he does this, the less he wants to be helped by them in this way, otherwise, the best friendship will sooner or later create a gap.

Apart from these roommates, Sheldon has almost nothing in college!

"Sheldon, I heard Gerard say you are going down, right?"

At this time, a gorgeously dressed student came out from the dorm next door.

His name is Dawson. He is the head of Gerard's dorm. The family has a factory. He is very rich and tall and handsome. He is an idol of many female students.

It's just that he has always looked down on Sheldon, and he usually feels ashamed to look at Sheldon.

Sheldon didn't know what he called himself.

Sheldon nodded, "Well, go down!"

Dawson smiled lightly. He took out a box of Du** from his pocket and threw it directly to Sheldon.

"It just so happens that a buddy of mine is going to work in the grove in the east today. You send him this box of things, promise, this is ten dollar!"

Dawson is a playboy, and he usually asks girls out.

There are also many friends and friends.

However, Sheldon didn't think too much about who was making errands.

He took it and walked downstairs, but when Sheldon turned around, he seemed to hear Dawson's laughter faintly behind him

Sheldon went downstairs, and when he was about to return from the Enjsxe, he brought Gerard's computer and mineral water.

The small woods outside the campus, Sheldon knew, it was a famous place for snowy nights, also called a field concentration camp.

Soon, Sheldon came to the place Dawson said.

At a glance, I saw a man and a woman sitting on the promenade in the woods, talking and laughing.

However, when Sheldon sees the faces of men and women clearly through the moonlight.

The whole body was shocked!

It's Marcella!

Sheldon's eyes turned red at once, and the Enjsxe in his hand suddenly fell to the ground.

Marcella is the ex-girlfriend of Sheldon. It has only been three days since the two broke up. Of course, it was Marcella who dumped Sheldon.

When breaking up, Marcella said that she wanted to be quiet and quiet by herself, but after only three days, she was asked to come here!

As for the appearance of Sheldon, both of them obviously paid attention.

Their looks are wonderful.

"Sheldon why are you? You you don't get me wrong, I'm with Chad"

Marcella said in a panic, she knew a trace of shame anyway, and hurriedly lowered her head.

On the side, the rich second generation named Chad released Marcella, glanced at the Enjsxe that Sheldon had fallen on the ground, stood up and laughed:

"Damn, Dawson just knows how to play. I asked him to send me Enjsxe. I didn't expect him to let you send it. Exciting, really exciting!"

Chad is also a rich second-generation. Sheldon knows him. He is Dawson's friend. He has several restaurants at home, and he usually drives a BMW three-series to school.

And listening to Chad's words, Sheldon's fists were clenched tightly.

It turned out that Dawson played with himself deliberately!

Even Marcella broke up with herself, and then was with his buddy Chad again. There I'm afraid Dawson's figure is indispensable!

"Marcella, I know you think I'm poor, but you don't have to be with this kind of person, don't you know how many girlfriends he has changed?"

Sheldon roared.

He loves this girl very much, so much.

Marcella heard Sheldon's reprimand, and she was anxious, "Sheldon, whoever you fu*king thinks you, come and teach me, I broke up with you, I want to be with whomever I want to be with, use your poor Forced to control?"

"Chad can buy me good-looking cosmetic masks and Apple mobile phone brand-name bags, can you?"

"And" Marcella was also furious, and looked at the Enjsxe that Sheldon had fallen on the ground, "You fu*king came to disgust me on purpose! Get out of me!"


After speaking, Marcella went up and gave Sheldon a mouth!

Chad smiled happily, "Haha, Marcella, don't let him roll, let him watch here!"

Marcella blushed with shame, "Chad, I am not interested in seeing this poor man!"

After speaking, she broke free of Chad.

Sheldon didn't know how he got out of that wood, his brain was completely blank.

The money, in the final analysis, is because Sheldon has no money!


When he returned to the door of the dorm, Sheldon was awakened by the laughter of his classmates in the corridor.

Ricky was holding his belly, his face almost smiling.

Obviously, Dawson told all his classmates about it.

"Haha, Sheldon, what did you see when I sent the Enjsxe?"

Gerard asked with a smile.

"Damn, Marcella's beauty body is so good, maybe Chad has already started when I go there!"

Dawson grinned.

Sheldon clenched his fists and his eyes were red. He really wanted to kill Dawson and die with Dawson!

"Why! Why do you want to fix me like this!!!" Sheldon hissed angrily.

Dawson laughed, "Yes, yes, look, I'm so angry, I'm so scared!"

"Tell you, you stubborn, what I look down on the most in the class is you. Everyone is innocent and guilty of their crimes. Marcella, this beauty, is with you. It's a waste. Why don't I let my brother play for a few days

"By the way, you don't know, you chased Marcella for a year, and my brother Chad added Instagram to it in half an hour, hahaha!"

Everyone is laughing, no one cares about his Sheldon's dignity!

"I did it for you!"

Sheldon rushed towards Dawson.

The result was a brutal beating from Dawson's buddies!

Finally, Sheldon was taken back to the dorm by his roommates!

Lying on the bed, Sheldon covered himself tightly with a quilt, sobbing.

"Why? They bullied me and trampled on my dignity! Why!!!"

"Just because I am poor, in their eyes, I don't even count people!!!"

Sheldon struggled inside, tearing his hair fiercely. The scenes with Marcella seemed to be still in sight.

I don't know how long he has been crying, but crying and crying, he huddled in the quilt and fell asleep.

Perhaps he is the most peaceful in such a dark and silent night!

When I woke up early the next morning, there was no one in the dorm. Sheldon knew that the head of the house did not want to wake him up. What happened last night, staying in the dorm is much better than going back to the classroom!

Only when he picked up his mobile phone, Sheldon found that his mobile phone had received a lot of text messages and missed calls.

To Sheldon's surprise, these are all foreign phone numbers.

There is also a newsletter to transfer money to your bank card!

"[Rich West Bank] your account with the end number 107 has a balance of 1000,0005.00 dollars

Looking at this series of numbers, Sheldon's brain buzzed, completely dumbfounded.

Ten million!

Who transferred ten million to himself?

Sheldon hurriedly called the bank to confirm, and after the confirmation was correct, he was completely confused.

At this moment, the phone rang again.

It's still a foreign phone number.

Sheldon answered immediately.

"Sheldon, have you received the money? I'm your sister!" A familiar voice came on the other end of the phone.

"Sister! What the hell is going on? Don't you and your parents still make money in foreign labor services? Where does so much money come from?"

Sheldonxin was almost reaching his throat.

"Ahem, although according to our dad's intention, we will be hiding from you for two years, but I understand that you are always bullied in school, so my sister plans to show you in advance, our family is rich, and our Cooper Family's wealth In the world, do you know the place in Africa? Let's put it this way, 80% of Africa's gold mines and petroleum minerals are ours!"

"Not including those industries in America and overseas!"


Sheldon swallowed fiercely, if it weren't for this ten million is real, he would not believe Sheldon to death.

He absolutely thought his sister had a cramp!

"I know you dont believe me, Sheldon, just accept it slowly. At the beginning, my sister was also raised poorly, but now I am gradually familiar with the life of the rich. By the way, a courier should have arrived at your school this morning. Some of your things, dont care about money.

"I don't know what the prices of Figora Nor are now. You can spend ten million dollar first, and I will call you next month!"

After hanging up the phone, Sheldon's mood couldn't calm down for a long time.

He has been in one environment since he was young, and that is poor!

but now

I don't have to be poor anymore?