
A Modern Vampire Diary

The sky was the limit for Y/n, she had everything she could possibly ask for especially being a farm girl. Luckily her IQ landed her in the college of the riches, and with that she's found herself drawn to a group of boys called the Charms. Now the Charms will take her on the ride of her life.

Armyboy · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

chapter 1: The Charms

I awake to the steady patter of rain upon my window, droplets yet to scatter the nascent rays of the rising sun. The sound brings a calmness to mind, a soothing melody, a natural lullaby. With eyes at rest I feel my centre, live happily within myself for these blessed moments of solitude. I drift on calm seas, aimless as a child on summer vacation, paddling, at ease with the fluidity of time. Soon I return to the moment, the song of the rain becomes as fusion, birds bringing sweet high notes. In my mind's eye, I am with them, singing upon the rooftops, filling my lungs with fresh air, watching the world come into focus. To my own discovery I'm in my bed stretched out across its desert resembling sheets, the blanket was thick and heavy like the fur of a camel that you'd ride through such barren lands. My body was heavy and weighed like an anchor being drug through the waves of the ocean. I didn't want to move from my spot but i had to go to university today. Pushing the heavy wool blanket off my chest i sit up in exhaustion, my hair fell across my face in a scattered mess, i can't see my phone but i can suddenly feel its light vibrations erode from beside me. Flipping my hair back i look down to grab my phone, it was a small unimportant piece of my life but today of all days i wished it would actually come in handy. The time read Nine O'clock causing sheer panic to flush through my very soul. 

Y/N (your name): DAMNIT IM LATE!!... my first day of college and I'm about to be late, my parents would kill me if they knew I was late to a college like this... AND YOU! why would u not work when I need you the most... UGH, I swear you hate me phone.

I had a semi-nervous breakdown as I panicked to get myself together for the day. Eventually, getting out of bed slow and sluggish the sunshine suddenly pulled my attention from the life i had to attend. In that moment we call "now" even the sunshine is as static as a photograph, the energy of the world in one place or another, yet in the series of moments we call the passage of time, everything flows. The sunshine on that spring day brought a glow to the foliage, the grass, to every garland of bloom. It shone from the insects who flew as if each were a star of the daytime air. It brought a warm lightness to the heads of the birds, a shine to their feathers of all colors. And without it, what then? Without the warmth of sunshine, what would there be? And so in all seasons, it is the way joy seeps into my skin, keeps my heart in an ambient steady rhythm. With that, i knew i couldn't be angry with how my day might go. I don't care about what problem may arise today because i knew my heartbeat to the rhythm of a different drum.

 Slowly I arose from my castle in the sky, my paradise falls, my bed of all beds. Somehow I manage to get myself ready for the day that's to come. Today was the first day in a school in the big city, everything seemed so big and exotic, even the rain, life was all too grand for a farm child like me. I rushed to school half ready and unfocused driving my complimentary car that the school gave me so I didn't have to be ridiculed for riding the public bus. Still, in due time, despite my ever so late efforts, I arrived at the college parking lot. Full of luxury cars and permeated with people made of nothing less than diamonds the overwhelming solace of my low-class status made me reassure that I had to watch how I act in the building or my comfortability as a student here would fall under. Soon enough, after a little bit of driving around, I was able to get a campus parking spot next to an all-black truck that decided to take up two parking spaces like they've lost their mind or something. Still, little did I know this truck would belong to the almost literal spawns of Satan. Anyways, I walked into the building with my journal and pencil in hand. The building smelled like rose petals that frolicked across the fields in my hometown, the smell of pollen that was carried by the petals was as soft as a symphony played from the heavens. On my way to class, I tried to keep my eyes on the time but my focus was dragged to girls who kept conversing over a group of popular boys they called "The Charms". Ostensively they are the most beautiful, most talented boys on campus, and ultimately the ones who own this college through the use of their popularity, but in all honesty, to me, it sounds like they're probably just womanizing imbeciles. With that being said, I hoped I didn't have them in my Department or in any department close to mine because i don't want to deal with there predictable college boy drama. Finally, I found my classroom and walked in, I was overcome by the glimmering rays of aftermath sunshine of morning rain that was taking the classroom hostage. The sunshine pierced through the dark clouds above passing through the room so brightly I could almost smell the nature it carried with it, It was sweet like nectar bestowed upon the bees by each fragrant bloom. It was the gift of the sun that rendered this classroom so beautiful, so buoyant, conjuring wands of evergreen to the rising sky to poke into the room for a peek. To me, it was a symphony of bright emotions, emotions that insured me that I'll be good here, that I won't have to the minds of those around me. Then sadly my trance was severed by a particular smell of lecherousness that decided to borrow my every sense. Turning my eyes toward the smell, I notice a herd of both female and male college students huddled in the corner of the room, at that moment I knew that the lustful scent must be coming from whatever is buried within the pile of people, and to my own surprise I have a pretty good answer to what it is. Now unlike any other person who'd try to walk over and see what's going on or at least who the girls and boys are so crazy for I did the exact opposite and sat my little happy butt down in the front of the classroom far enough to call my distance from that bull crap. Temptation to look back began taking my bones under siege for I did kind of wonder what the big fuss was about, but I'm not about to look back because if it's "The Charms" then I'm gonna mentally die, I know for sure that they would only spell trouble for this department, but more importantly, me. Like hitting an off switch I ignored my urges to turn around and really started to wonder why our teacher isn't here when the class should have started 5 minutes ago. Suddenly, the feeling of being watched crept over my shoulder, someone in the room is eyeing me down I can feel their stare hitting my back like a hawk to its prey. Sadly, the temptations finally got the best of me and I turned around all slow kind of how the actors do in the movies when they know there's a ghost behind them.

When i turned around completely I seen what looked like angels from heaven, 7 boys countenances almost as faint as chalk, hair as motley as the rainbow, outfits as elegant as college kings, and eyes all different hues of brown some intense and insightful and some light and innocuous, yet all were staring deep into my soul, i think these boys might be "The Charms".

"The hell they staring at?" I said under my breath while making a revolted face almost completely subconsciously. The students that swarmed the boys like gnats gave me a groan and eyed me like an ambush of furious tigers ready to pounce on there next meal. Slowly I turned in confusion as my presence here has seemingly set them off. The sound of a chair moving caused my heart to sink into my ass for i knew it was one of them, one of "The Charms" has gotten up to see what i was about. Anxiety traveled down my spine and the feeling to avoid catastrophe coursed through my veins giving i knew that even talking to one of these boys would cause unwanted hell upon my life. Just like that, a hand laid on my shoulder.

"Excuse me love" A shorter boy with hazelnut hair said to me. The moment the word love enunciated from his mouth i heard scuffs from across the classroom. I won't let their shitty unneeded jealousy affect my first day of college so i put on a fake smile and looked up at him.

"yes, stranger" i responded.

" My name is Park Jimin and my friends and i would like for you to sit with us, we think we'd make really good friends" He smiled. His voice was so light and subtle, every head in the room would turn. He had that rich silky tone to it that made you want to hear it more and more. In an instant i got this heart shaking feeling, a unique emotional feeling, OH SHIT, OH SHIT, I THINK I JUST FELL FOR THIS JIMIN GUY, but in all honesty, can anyone blame me he's a complete work of art I see what those desperate gnats are on about. He's also quick to the reason as to why he wants to speak with me, it sounds very upfront and straightforward at first but I'd prefer it that way.

"Well my name is Rhee Y/N and I'll have to decline your courteous offer to sit with you" i could barely look at him for some reason.

"May i ask why?" he asked with worry.

"Because your fine ass is gonna get me into a world of fresh college girl drama." Is what I want to say.

"To be completely honest with you. See that mass of girls circling your friends?" i asked instead.

"Well yes"

"That group of gnats will quickly turn into a mob of raging bulls if they find out you personally invited me to sit with you so i think im gonna play the "I wanna live bitch" game and sit my happy butt right here" looking up rolling my eyes then looking back down i explain to him. Out of nowhere, he places his hand on my chin lifting my face so I had no choice but to stare him in the eyes.

"Look Y/N we'd really enjoy it if you'd come to sit with us." He tried to persuade. I stared into the pupils of his eyes which were moving bigger and smaller as he spoke almost losing myself in its gaze.

I got this eternal feeling of wanting to kowtow to his every word with every fiber of my body but I had to remind myself that I said that I'd distance myself from them and therefore I had no choice but to push the urge and deny him.

"It would be an honor to sit with "The Charms" but in this class, I'd rather tend to myself then to follow the herd." I flick his hand off my chin and start opening my purse to get my pencil. While looking down I noticed shock crossed over his face as I denied his request. I'm perfectly fine with it too, I'm a proud, strong, independent woman so I won't bend to a man's will including those of "The charms".

Jimin POV:

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" I yelled in thought while walking back to my desk.

"Why are you wasting your time with her while we're here? she's not even pretty" One loose-lipped school girl arrogantly asked. I don't know why but my temper slipped away from me as she spoke about Y/N. So I reached over the desk grabbing her by her white button-up shirt ready to give her one.

" If you ever say that again I'll show you what a true devil looks like" I try my best to keep my emotions intact but the feeling of wanting to tear her limb from limb is taking control over me.

"Jimin-ah ( "ah" at the end of a name means the person is either equal or younger in age or lower in social status) as much as i enjoy feeling your anger build sadly we have a class that's about to start shortly so put her down" My friend Namjoon ( Nam-june) calmly commands.

"Fine" I kind of grit my teeth as i let her shirt go.

"JERK! don't you ever-" the girl was going to go on and on so I stopped her fast.

"Leave... all of you" I demand. They smack their lips but did exactly what i said as they should. Class started finally as the teacher made his way into the room and honestly, in all of my 2,000 years of existing i will say we've never listened to a mere mortal so the teacher was nothing but a time waster to me. With that being said, the rest of the boys bothered none to mess with me giving me some time to think to myself. Professor talked and class slowly went on for a bit until the boys finally decided to say something.

"Why was thee Park Jimin, lover of both man and woman, angry about a single mortal girl? i think he's caught the Vampire fever" Hoseok said slyly. Hoseok was an ancient being of a tragic origin but he's always been one to keep a smile on his face. He has many names but decided to keep Hoseok bound to him. Chizzled chin, slider cheeks, pale skin, and straight business cut hair. He was made to perfection with intent to shine brighter than the sun.

"Yeah, i heard that's been going around lately" Seokjin (so-k jin) rubs his chin while letting out a little chuckle. The eldest spoke in the most manner and always kept police body language. For the eldest one, he never tries to lead. His broad shoulders, youthful face, narrow chin and over attended hairstyle should instantly shout leader but he's none other than a member.

"Maybe he's in love with that blood vessel" the monotone Yoongi( Yoon-Gee) calmly almost emotionlessly said. Yoongi sat next to Seokjin and if you didn't know better you'd almost think Seokjin was his father, not because Yoongi was full of youth but because he was so small. To most a small package would make one believe that he'd be bold and energetic but Yoongi was the exact opposite, he hates emotion and shows very little of it. Most of the time his face stays very bland but when he does smile some might call it breathtaking. His face is small and narrow, his cheeks are fluffy and pale but to put it in simple turns he's very cat-like. 

"Do i have to snap all 6 of your necks just to get at least 20 seconds of you all shutting the fuck up" I responded to there not so insane insanity.

"Wow, he really does like her" Namjoon turned to face me. Namjoon was our leader, man in charge, captain of all captains. He has always been a man of much knowledge but anger once clouded his judgment. Not being the eldest in earth years but still maintain the role of leader his knowledge is beyond compare. He's smart and his hair reflects that, it's placed in a business casual manner. His face is small and when he speaks he has two dimples that poked crates into his cheeks, his eyes are dark brown and his voice is low and toned. Dispute his cute appearance he's extremely dangerous.

"No I'm just hungry and she smells fresh kinda like a virgin's blood pure and sweet," I responded trying to give them some excuse to shut up about her.

"Stop with the lies they're plenty virgins around campus and in this classroom for you to enjoy."Jungkook (jun-g cook) butted in. He's the youngest of the bunch, raised by 6 others he shares the traits of all his brothers if he didn't have such emotional distress hed be the brightest of them all. His hair is dark brown and thicker than the others, his face was shaped as if he could pass as a western, lips as red as strawberries, and teeth as precise as a rabbit.

"Are you stupid or stupid because as you can see no other virgin is as beautiful as that one" I'm trying to lead them off from there moratorium but it's clearly failing.

"he has a point" Taehyung interrupts. Taehyung is the final member of the bunch. His human age is the same as my own but his wisdom lacked a couple of years. He's quite adorable for a grown man, his voice is raspy and low almost doesn't match his slender figure. His skin was smooth and spotless like a man straight out of a cartoon, his eyes are wide and insightful like there is knowledge yet to be known about him.

"Would you mind giving us a little insight into who you are and why your conversation is so much more important than ours." the teacher annoyingly interrupted.

"Yes sir" I stand up and give my little speech. My brothers Namjoon, Seokjin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Hoseok, and Yoongi also gave their little speeches for the class.


well, I have the names of "The Charms" but that literally means nothing to me since I'm trying my hardest to be unknown to them. As for the teacher doesn't seem fond of them so i think i can use that to my advantage in the future.

"Rhee Y/N it's your turn to introduce yourself," The teacher asked.

"Yes sir my name is Rhee Y/N and I'm glad to be a part of this department." i bow and sit down. After that, the class went on as it should, but during class, i kept getting this weird feeling that someone was staring at me. I didn't want to turn around and initiate a weird stair off so i just kept my eyes front. The class went on till about 12 pm them the lunch bell rang.