
A Mob’s Life in a different World

Aren who died in the middle of a store robbery not shot by the robbers but the one who tried to defend the store. After dying he was reincarnated into a Dating game that he used to play. As he goes through with his life things gets harder and harder for him. Will he pull through and achive his dream of peace or will he get dragged into alot of mess? =============≠==========≠============= Don’t expect too much im new at writing but i will try to improve!! Oh yeah one more thing dont expect any R-18… stuff i dont think i can write something lewd…anyway if youre gonna read this story the early chapters are mostly info dump ill make the later chapters as interesting as i can!! If you read this part thank you for taking your time!! -theres a cover now but i do not own it i repeat “i do not own the art” props to the artist who made it its cool. Ill try to draw a cover myself and the characters as well but not right now very busy~~

LightPaper · Romance
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10 Chs

A Mob’s Training Starts (1)

"Do you wanna get engaged to Aren girl?" Asked Lillia with a smile

Aren heard his grandmother's words froze on the spot, while Irene who heard the question was confused not knowing what the word meant.

"Engage? Whats that?" Irene asked tilting her head to the side.

Lillia who heard her reply chuckled.

"Hoho… Never mind, young lady you'll know when you get older, don't tell your mom i asked this okay? Can you promise this grandma that?"

Irene nodded at her words, while Aren was relieved that she didn't know what the word meant.

After the surprising question that came out of nowhere from his grandmother, Irene said her goodbye to Aria and the rest of the Awkrights family.

After bowing she left being escorted by her guards who came to pick her up and Aren who followed to send her on her way home.

. . .

Arriving outside of the building, was Aren and Irene along with the two guards, Irene who was waiting for the car to come and take her home spoke.

"Thank you for today…" said Irene who was looking away from Aren.

"Don't worry about it."

"Can i visit again?"

"You can but, I'll probably be busy."

Hearing Aren's word Irene remembered what he said earlier in the morning.

"I see…"

Aren who saw Irene mood drop, came closer to her and hugged her while saying.

"Next time I'll be the one to visit you! I promise!!"

Hearing his words Irene nodded and hugged him back and said

"Goodbye… lets go out again next time!"

Letting go, she went towards the car that stopped in front of her and closed it immediately not allowing Aren to see her face right now.

. . .

A few minutes passed since Irene left, Aren who was outside waiting till the car disappeared into the distance went back inside.

Going up the elevator he went back to his grandparents office, arriving in front of the door he heard a voice.

"Come in"

Going inside the room this time it was only his Grandfather inside the room reading some reports he got from Aren's father.

"Grandpa about trai—.." Cutting his words short Arthur spoke.

"I know don't worry, i wanted to teach you myself but I'm gonna be busy for a while so i called someone else to teach you he'll be coming here tomorrow, anyway all i can say is that for the next 15 years before you enter the academy.."

Arthur who was talking while looking at the reports he had on his hand paused and looked at Aren, this time with his Aura pouring out of him Arthur continued to speak.

"You will go through a harsh training, so I hope you respond to it with passion to become strong, by the time your training ends you will surely be at least a bit stronger than the others same age as you."

Arthur who finished talking retracted the Aura he released and smiled, after being pressured by his grandfather's Aura, Aren fell to his knee's was gasping for air.


While gasping for air, he was thinking about what just happened.

'To be able to amass a large amount of Aura in a few seconds, even control it precisely focusing it only on me what a monster this man is, though i cant see it yet i can still feel how heavy it is…'

Aren who was thinking while kneeling with his hands trembling received a pat on his head, it was Arthur who lowered his body and kneeled in front of him.

"Listen Aren, don't think bad of me on what just happened okay? Im doing this so you can familiarize yourself with Aura even a little bit"

Hearing his Aren who was kneeling just nodded and spoke.

"Will i also be able to learn how to use Aura like that Grandpa?"

"With determination and a strong will, then you will for sure be able to unlock it!" said Arthur who pumped his fist up.

Aren who was still kneeling stood up and also pumped his fist high up, while speaking

"I'll do my best!!"

"Good thats the spirit!"

Said Arthur who then heard Aren stomach grumbled, hearing this he smiled and picked him up putting him on his back.

"Let's go eat first, one cant become strong by not having a full stomach!"

Aren who was picked up nodded at his words and held onto Arthur's head to stay balanced.

Thinking about it again, remembering how strong his grandpa actually is, He started to respect him more than his father.


After a while they arrived at the table to eat, but before Aren could even sit Aria told him to call his father.

Aren who heard his mother's word nodded his head went to call his father.

On his way there he heard his father talking on the phone to a voice who he recognizes, it was Cobra the man who gifted him the firearm and the spear.

"What do you mean? The weapon was held back? But why??!"

*"Look here Ben, the government is being bitchy again saying you cant give a gun to kid…well now that i think about it aren't they actually right, I mean like he's still 3 years old…"*

"Ah..You're right I'm sorry for shouting, I'll talk to Aren about it later, Okay goodbye thanks for telling me."

Meanwhile Aren who was listening, was thinking.

'So thats why it didn't come this afternoon, I guess I'll have to push sniping training back a bit.'


While he was thinking Aren didn't notice Ben come closer to him, after being startled by the voice Aren immediately spoke."

"Mom said its time to eat! And about the weapon from Uncle Cobra its okay i can wait till I'm older."

Ben who heard his son was glad that he's not sulking or throwing a tantrum.

"Its good that my son is so understanding, Lets go eat dinner tomorrow is the start of your training right? Eat a lot tonight and rest well for tomorrow."

Hearing this they went back towards the dining area, after eating Aren stood up.

"Im going back to my room I'm so tired…" saying this Aria replied.

"Take a bath before you go to bed okay make sure you dry your hair as well okay?"

"I will!"

Walking toward his room he started to recall on what he did today and couldn't help but feel thankful.

'A lot happened in a day, things I would've never done in my previous life, thought I'm grateful to be alive in this world I still feel bad about dying at such a young age in my previous life..'

"This time for sure i wont die, I'll live my life to the fullest."

Mumbled Aren who was smiling on his way to his room.


Meanwhile somewhere in the city away from the prying eyes of the government.

A group of four people wearing a hood and a mask could be seen having a meeting in a dimly lit up room with huge screen, after the long silence someone in the group asked.

"How's the plan how long do you think we have before can start." Asked one of the hooded people.

"We've got about two to three years before we could start everything, though we can speed things up but that lowers the probability of everything going smoothly." Said another who was sitting across him.

"I see, don't worry go as planned the higher ups said there's no need to rush, everything will come to its place soon."

While talking a female voice joined in the conversation.

"There's a little problem, the whole government knows we're skulking around their turf, and now its harder to go around the city without being caught, because apparently some doofus didn't lay low during their exchange with the traders for the Monster cores." said the woman looking towards the tall man who was lazing around in his chair.

Hearing this the tall man didn't bother to move and the asked.

"Oyaaa?? You tryna blame me?" Asked the tall man not even making eye contact.

"Did i say a name? If that's what you think then did you do something wrong?" Said the woman.

Hearing her reply the lazy man shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't know what you're talking about."

Hearing their little exchange of words, the man who was talking earlier frowned and asked the woman.

"What do you mean?"

"Well some lazy bastard apparently made a ruckus in the black market annoying the hornets nest, and now the government got a whiff of that news and had been digging a lot more about the incident."

Said the woman still looking towards the lazy tall man.

"Is what she said true?" Asked the man

"Yeah, but it's not my fault they were uncooperative, they were wasting my precious time you know?" Replied the lazy tall man.

"Well it doesn't matter if things comes to worst we unleash hell upon them itself, anyway call me if anything else happens i have somewhere else to be." Saying this the man stood up and left.

With only the three people left they continued to talk about their plans.


Going back to Aren who just finished taking a bath, he was sitting on one of the chair's inside his room looking at a notepad where he wrote some of the events and lore about the game that would happen in this world.

Looking at the notepad he muttered.

"I have three years to get stronger quickly, before the Blood Moon begins.."


Next chapter in 5 Minute~~

Pls do tell if theres anything wrong with the grammar or spelling~~~

Thanks for reading!!

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