
A Match Made In Mayhem

" She liked him but never dreamt of him , He disliked her and never dreamt of her. However, for some reason fate brought them together." • • Rosalina Navarro is an enthusiastic , charming young lady, and a successful wedding planner. Known for creating magical moments for couples on their special day. Jose Long, on the other hand, is the son of a successful businessman . He's arrogant, condescending, making it difficult for anyone to warm up to him. However, underneath his tough exterior, he is hiding dreadful secrets . Though Rosalina and Jose had crossed paths before, their initial encounter had been quite unfortunate. They were meant to cross paths again, but fate had a way of playing crazy games, and it decided to intervene, changing their lives in unexpected ways . When Rosalina and Jose finally crossed paths once more, their worlds collided in a whirlwind of chaos, messiness, and undeniable chemistry. Sparks fly as they engage in constant banter trying to one-up eachother. Rosalina finds herself both infuriated by Jose's presence and strangely drawn to him, while He derived pleasure from seeing her squirm . Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions as Rosalina and Jose navigate the unpredictable twist and turns of their relationship. Will Rosalina and Jose be able to put aside their differences and find common ground? Or will their chaotic relationship lead to even more mayhem? [ I won't be updating this novel everyday, just three 3×A week.]

Kuchi_G_ · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
12 Chs

Versatility Of Flowers.

Anita concluded her call and returned to the couch. She broached the topic with a proposition. "The venue issue has been resolved. Would you like to go inspect it?"

"Of course," Rosalina replied, rising from her seat and grabbing her keys. Together, they made their way towards the front door. As they approached the threshold, Anita persisted in her questioning.

"So, Rosalina, how do you plan to handle Andre if he makes another move?" She sought answers from her friend, who appeared somewhat preoccupied.

Once they arrived at Rosalina's car, she turned to Anita and made a request. "Could you please call the pickup truck to collect the flowers and send them the venue address?"

With a nod, Rosalina settled into the driver's seat. then looked at Anita, who was already on her phone and she opened the car door and took her place in the passenger seat.

As Rosalina started the engine, she glanced at Anita. "Is everything arranged?" she inquired. Anita nodded in affirmation, stowing her phone. Together, they left the driveway, heading towards the venue located on the outskirts of town.

During the drive, the picturesque countryside unveiled its beauty before them. The sun painted the rolling hills and fields in a warm, golden hue, imbuing the scenery with a touch of enchantment. The venue itself was nestled within a vast expanse of lush greenery, and it became evident why the couple had selected this location for their special day.

Anita couldn't help but admire the tranquil beauty of the countryside as she gazed out of the car window. Her voice filled with awe as she expressed her appreciation. "This place is absolutely stunning," she remarked.

Rosalina nodded in agreement, her thoughts centered on the couple's preferences. "Indeed, it's the ideal setting for a rustic-themed wedding," she responded. Inwardly, she reflected on her previous attempts in the second timeline that had not met the couple's expectations. 'Given their love for the countryside, this rustic theme should be just perfect.'

Approaching the venue, they were met with the sight of a charming, restored barn. Its weathered wooden exterior exuded an air of rustic elegance. The staff was hard at work, setting up the outdoor seating area and adorning wooden benches with floral decorations.

Upon parking the car, both Rosalina and Anita stepped out into the crisp air, which carried a subtle hint of blooming flowers. Rosalina took a deep breath, savoring the natural fragrance of the countryside.

Anita surveyed the surroundings, envisioning the venue's potential once fully decorated. "I can already imagine how enchanting this place will look once it's decorated," she commented.

Rosalina captured the exterior's essence with her phone, snapping pictures as they made their way inside. Once indoors, the dimmed interior lights allowed the guests to appreciate the ambiance. Tables and chairs were meticulously arranged in pairs and trios, accompanied by neatly folded tablecloths.

Once Rosalina had finished capturing the moments with her camera, she and Anita sought out a tranquil corner where they could sit and quietly observe the unfolding scene. Rosalina's gaze scanned the room, ultimately resting upon a lively group engaged in animated conversation. She settled into a seat opposite Anita at one of the nearby tables.

In a sudden turn of events, the venue's atmosphere was graced by the arrival of three men, each carrying a bouquet of flowers. Rosalina and Anita quickly noticed their presence, marveling at their efficiency, ' Wow! They are fast.'

Without hesitation, Anita rose from her seat, determined to assist. She gracefully approached the men and guided them to an empty spot at the head of the lengthy banquet table.

The men skillfully arranged each bouquet in its designated spot, and Anita, her gratitude evident, beamed at them. "Thank you so much for your invaluable help today," she expressed sincerely.

One of the men responded with a casual tone, addressing a matter of practicality. "No problem at all. There are still more flowers in the truck. Once we've finished, we can discuss the payment."

Anita's eyes widened briefly as she regarded the man, her thoughts racing. She couldn't help but wonder, 'Does this man ever think of anything beyond money?' Her gaze then flickered to Rosalina, who gave her a knowing nod. With a return to her congenial demeanor, Anita replied, her smile growing broader. "That should work just fine."

The man nodded and ushered his team outside. As they departed, Rosalina couldn't help but emit a light, amused chuckle, directed at Anita, who responded with a curious half-grin and half-frown. Anita inquired, "What's so amusing?" As she watched Rosalina approach her.

Rosalina offered a nonchalant shrug, her attention drifting back to the vibrant bouquets before her. However, a mischievous smile slowly tugged at the corners of her lips as a playful idea took hold. Without hesitation, she retrieved her phone once more, capturing numerous photographs of the flowers in all their resplendent glory.

Anita, perplexed by this sudden burst of photographic enthusiasm, cast a questioning look at Rosalina.

"What are you doing?" Anita asked.

Instead of explaining, Rosalina posed a cryptic answer, saying, "It's for someone to appreciate the versatility of flowers," all the while sending the pictures to a specific contact.

With the message dispatched, Rosalina pocketed her phone and leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes. She turned her focus back to the ongoing preparations, calmly stating, "It's simply to enjoy myself ."

Anita watched Rosalina's behavior with a mix of bemusement and fascination, smiling to herself as she observed her friend's unique approach to enjoying the occasion.


Inside a conference room, Andre found himself immersed in a meeting with his manager and the executives of Lumen Entertainment Company. While the conversation revolved around the intricate terms and conditions of the contract Andre was on the verge of signing, he couldn't help but surreptitiously glance at his phone. His primary objective was to check if there were any missed calls or messages from Rosalina, the thought of which had been nagging at the back of his mind.

Just as he contemplated tapping on the call button under Rosalina's contact, a new message notification illuminated his phone screen. Without hesitation, Andre tapped on the message, unveiling a text from Rosalina. It succinctly read: [Rosalina: Thanks for the flowers. They were really useful.] Accompanying her words were snapshots of the flowers he had sent. The corners of Andre's lips involuntarily curled upward as he began to compose his reply.

However, before he could send his response, another notification chimed in. This time, it indicated a new post on Rosalina's Pictagram handle. Andre promptly clicked on the post, revealing a captivating image. It showcased an opulent arrangement of roses adorning a tabletop, a display of floral opulence unlike any he had witnessed before. Yet, a thought nagged at him: the flowers appeared strikingly similar to those he had sent.

A wave of astonishment coursed through Andre as he gazed at the picture in disbelief. An unsettling question loomed in his mind, 'Could Rosalina have used my gifts as decorations?' The uncertainty churned within him, leaving a sense of surprise and perplexity in its wake.

Andre revisited Rosalina's message and fixated on the concluding sentence, 'They were really useful.' He couldn't help but scrutinize the words, reading them repeatedly to ensure his comprehension wasn't playing tricks on him. As the realization set in that Rosalina had indeed repurposed his thoughtful gifts as decorations, a surge of disappointment and anger coursed through him. The weight of betrayal bore down on his heart, leaving him feeling as though his world was unraveling.

Desperate to regain composure, he attempted to steady himself with slow, measured breaths. However, thoughts of Rosalina's use of his presents as mere decor continued to plague his mind. A profound sense of incredulity enveloped him: 'How could she disregard the sentimental value of my gifts? Were they truly so insignificant to her?' His emotions brimming, Andre clenched his fists and impulsively struck the table with a loud thud.

Startled, both the boss from Lumen Entertainment Company and Andre's manager gazed at him with wide-eyed astonishment. His manager was the first to break the silence, gingerly inquiring, "Mr. Andre, do the contract terms not meet your expectations?"

Snapping back to the reality of the conference room, Andre gradually regained his composure. He surveyed the expectant faces surrounding him, all awaiting his decision. After a moment of contemplation, he shook his head resolutely and declared, "Cancel it. I won't proceed with the advertisement." His firm decision sent ripples of surprise through the room, leaving everyone wondering about the abrupt change of heart.

"But Mr. Andre," his manager implored, concern etched across his face, "this is the only job offer I could secure for you! If you don't sign this, you might not receive another offer, and your acting career could be jeopardized. Moreover, this advertisement deal is worth thousands of dollars annually! Rejecting it could potentially cost you millions! Are you absolutely sure about this decision?"

In response, Andre forcefully pushed his chair away from the desk and rose abruptly from his seat, the emotions still raw from his recent discovery. As he strode away, his manager called out to him in a desperate attempt to halt his departure, but Andre continued walking, his frustration and sense of betrayal driving him forward.


Meanwhile, amidst the ongoing wedding preparations, Rosalina's phone chimed, snapping her back to reality as she blinked open her eyes. Swiftly, she retrieved her phone and checked the new message. Her expression soured as she read the contents—a birthday party invitation from Carmen, scheduled for the 3rd of October, just two days before the wedding.

Anita, staring at Rosalina's phone as well, suggested, "You should attend, Rosalina. It could be enjoyable, and you needn't worry about the decorations; I have them under control."

Rosalina, pondering the invitation, considered her previous choices and the motives behind Carmen's invitations. Eventually, she sighed and relented, "You're right; I should go. It might be a fun experience."