
A Match Made In Mayhem

" She liked him but never dreamt of him , He disliked her and never dreamt of her. However, for some reason fate brought them together." • • Rosalina Navarro is an enthusiastic , charming young lady, and a successful wedding planner. Known for creating magical moments for couples on their special day. Jose Long, on the other hand, is the son of a successful businessman . He's arrogant, condescending, making it difficult for anyone to warm up to him. However, underneath his tough exterior, he is hiding dreadful secrets . Though Rosalina and Jose had crossed paths before, their initial encounter had been quite unfortunate. They were meant to cross paths again, but fate had a way of playing crazy games, and it decided to intervene, changing their lives in unexpected ways . When Rosalina and Jose finally crossed paths once more, their worlds collided in a whirlwind of chaos, messiness, and undeniable chemistry. Sparks fly as they engage in constant banter trying to one-up eachother. Rosalina finds herself both infuriated by Jose's presence and strangely drawn to him, while He derived pleasure from seeing her squirm . Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions as Rosalina and Jose navigate the unpredictable twist and turns of their relationship. Will Rosalina and Jose be able to put aside their differences and find common ground? Or will their chaotic relationship lead to even more mayhem? [ I won't be updating this novel everyday, just three 3×A week.]

Kuchi_G_ · Urbain
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12 Chs

Reminded Of Her Embarrassing Past.

Finally, Carmen's birthday had arrived.

Rosalina parked her car in the expansive parking lot of the Oasis Hotel, and as she stepped out of her vehicle, her graceful yet straightforward outfit perfectly complemented the elegant surroundings. She wore a chic jumpsuit in a deep midnight blue, tailored to accentuate her figure without being overly flashy, and tied her hair into a neat bun. The fabric flowed effortlessly with each step she took, exuding both comfort and sophistication.

As she approached the hotel's entrance, the grand exterior of the Oasis Hotel came into view. The hotel stood as a testament to opulence, with its façade adorned in cream-colored limestone that shimmered in the gentle evening light. Large, ornate windows framed with delicate gold accents showcased the plush interior, hinting at the luxury that awaited within.

The entrance was marked by towering, arched double doors, intricately carved with ornate patterns that added an air of timeless elegance. A red carpet led from the doors, extending a warm welcome to arriving guests. Overhead, a striking marquee announced "OASIS HOTEL" in bold, illuminated letters, casting a soft glow upon the arriving visitors.

Above this scene of opulence and anticipation, the night sky unveiled its own majestic display. The dark canvas overhead was adorned with a tapestry of stars, each one twinkling in a rhythmic dance.

Rosalina took a deep breath as she entered the grand lobby, her high heels producing a delightful echo on the polished stone floor. The vast space was adorned with high arched ceilings, resplendent in shades of gold, pink, red, and purple. A magnificent crystal chandelier hung from above, diffusing a soft, golden glow throughout the lobby.

She glanced down the long hallway that lay ahead. In the distance, her eyes caught the sight of tall double doors bearing an intricate crest, featuring a lion's head and a stylized sun. The doors were wide open, offering a tantalizing glimpse of the opulent grand hall.

'It must be where the party is happening,' she thought as she made her way toward the grand double doors, taking note of the many guests already gathered within the expansive room.

Upon reaching the entrance, the attentive bouncers recognized her, and with a polite smile, they allowed her passage. Stepping into the hall, Rosalina was immediately captivated by the sight of imposing marble columns adorned with cascading ivy and delicate fairy lights. The warm, gentle radiance of crystal chandeliers suffused the room with a golden ambiance, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

The walls, swathed in sumptuous burgundy and gold damask fabrics, exuded an air of regal elegance. Massive gilt-framed mirrors were strategically positioned, enhancing the room's grandeur and providing the illusion of even greater opulence.

The hall's focal point was an awe-inspiring, intricately carved mahogany staircase, adorned with a seemingly endless scarlet carpet that extended its inviting path. At the foot of this grand ascent lay a lavish floral display overflowing with resplendent roses, lilies, and orchids. Their sweet, intoxicating fragrance wafted through the air, casting a spell of enchantment upon all who entered.

Throughout the hall, plush velvet seats, regal in shades of deep purple and shimmering gold, beckoned guests to take their rest. These opulent seats were designed to accommodate and pamper, offering comfort within the realm of luxury.

Nestled in one corner, an extravagant bar stood as a beacon of liquid delight, boasting an array of top-shelf liquors and effervescent champagne. The bartenders, dressed impeccably in tuxedos, demonstrated their mastery as they crafted cocktails and served beverages with an artful flourish.

The dining tables, meticulously prepared for a sumptuous feast, showcased an array of opulence. They gleamed with gold-rimmed china, crystal stemware, and silverware that sparkled brilliantly beneath the warm glow of chandeliers. Each place setting bore a personalized menu card adorned with Carmen's name, a constant reminder that this extravagant gathering revolved around her.

At the heart of every table stood a magnificent floral arrangement, echoing the grandeur of the one at the base of the majestic staircase. These towering works of art brimmed with an abundance of blossoms in various hues, uniting in a symphony of colors and scents.

As Rosalina's eyes roamed, she couldn't help but think, 'One wouldn't believe she was once an orphan.' Her gaze ventured from the resplendent blooms, encompassing the vast expanse of the room and the people who filled it. Although she didn't recognize most of them, she surmised they were likely Carmen's colleagues.

Rosalina navigated her way to one of the vacant seats, choosing one next to the bar as she continued to scan the gathering. Her search eventually led her to Carmen, who sat at a nearby table .

Carmen occupied just one seat at the table, as her old classmates from she and Rosalina's school days were also present, creating an unexpected reunion that stirred both nostalgia and discomfort within Rosalina.

With a faint groan escaping her lips, Rosalina reluctantly pushed herself to stand and embarked on the short journey toward the table. As her presence came into Carmen's view, the hostess's face radiated enthusiasm, her eyes lighting up.

"Rosalina, come sit here," Carmen exclaimed with delight, waving her hand in an inviting gesture. The sole vacant seat was beside Carmen, a position that left Rosalina with no other option.

With a somewhat exaggerated sigh, Carmen teased, "You're late. Ah, this reminds me of middle school and high school—your eternal tardiness," as she playfully reminisced about their shared history. Carmen took initiative, signaling the waiter to bring a drink for Rosalina, a small gesture on her special day.

Rosalina allowed another hefty sigh to escape her lips as she gazed down at the glass of wine that now adorned her hand. Her reply held a subtle edge as she requested, "Carmen, can you do me a favor and keep it low? I'm making an effort to be polite on your birthday. Oh, and by the way, happy birthday. Can I go now?"

A faint furrow of Carmen's brows marked her puzzlement at Rosalina's behavior.

The relationship between Carmen and Rosalina had been marked by enmity since their early days. The origin of this rivalry lay in their shared history of growing up in the same orphanage, although Rosalina, initially, didn't give much weight to Carmen's animosity. However, a pivotal incident from their middle school years deepened the chasm between them and left its mark on their interactions.

The rest of the group, aware of the tension, chuckled at Rosalina's candidness.

As the spotlight remained on Carmen, a sly grin emerged on her lips, a moment of inspiration igniting within her. Her gaze traveled from Rosalina, who was engrossed in her wine, to the faces of her school friends.

"Guys, I have fantastic news to share," Carmen announced with excitement. She held out her hand to reveal a glistening ring on her finger. "I'm getting married soon. It was meant to be a secret, but I couldn't keep it from you all."

A wave of surprise swept through the table.

The synchronized exclamation of "Whoa, wait, what?!" echoed around the table, but Rosalina's reaction was conspicuously absent. Carmen couldn't help but feel a twinge of wounded pride at her former nemesis's indifference.

Internally, Rosalina observed the development, her thoughts veering toward the eventual partner of the fiery Carmen. She pondered, 'Whoever is willingly tying the knot with her must be ready for an eternity of trials and tribulations.'

Carmen harbored a mischievous plan, a sense of anticipation curving her lips.

"And now, I'm about to drop a bombshell, Rosalina," she thought, her smile growing more pronounced.

With calculated pause, Carmen leaned into the moment, her excitement palpable as she shared, "Can you guess who I'm marrying?"

A collective stillness hung over the group, rapt attention directed at Carmen.

The mention of a particular name, Jose Long, unfurled an unexpected aura of tension, sweeping through the attendees.

Rosalina's eyes dilated at the mere utterance of that name, causing her to involuntarily sputter the sip of wine she had been savoring.

Carmen paused, letting the suspense seep in before she allowed her enthusiasm to burst forth. "Y'all remember Jose Long, right?" she queried.

Their gazes were transfixed on Carmen.

"Jose Long, the one who was our most dashing, towering, talented, and popular senior," chimed in one of Carmen's companions.

Carmen confirmed, "Yes, the very one. And most notably, he was Rosalina's secret crush back then." She couldn't help but add a playful touch of mock seriousness, evoking shared laughter from the group.

"That's so embarrassing," they chimed in chorus.

Rosalina, her cheeks slightly flushed with the resurgence of those memories, remained silent, reflecting on the past. Inwardly, she considered, 'Was it that evident that I was infatuated with him? But I never asked him out or anything like that. I could never bring myself to ask him out because of our age difference. '

'Looking back, it seems I've always had a crush on Jose in my two previous past lives. ' she pondered.