
A Magician from the Outside

A Russian guy after a ridiculous death is reborn in the world of ranobe "full-time magician", of which he was a big fan. However, he was reborn not into the main character or his friends, but into the body of an unknown seven-year-old boy. After wandering around the city, he finds out that the main characters of ranobe are also seven years old. Taking advantage of Mosin's good nature and taking the Chinese name XinyUn, he becomes an adopted brother for the main character of the original Mo Fan. What will change from his appearance and will he save those who have suffered a sad fate?

Mrsamrdy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs


- what? How is it? Don't you remember anything at all? The man asked in surprise.

I shook my head, then took a piece of paper out of my pocket. - When I woke up, I only had this piece of paper…

- Eh?"...There is no time to get the boy and him to a safe place, so if someone finds him, help him. If I stay alive, I will pay back a hundredfold" ... - he read, gradually becoming more and more sad and heavy voice. - Do you remember who could have left this note with you?

"That's... no..." I said, shaking my head again, with a completely confused expression on my face.

- Maybe it was your parents? Or someone close? The worried man continued to ask. I was an ordinary child of seven years old, what are my capabilities? That's right, no! Either go to an orphanage, or stay with someone, eventually ending up in an orphanage anyway. And now think about how strange it will look that the child himself will come to the orphanage? Let him pretend to have lost his memory?

- Uh-uh... a-a-a.... Mmm.... - I drawled, pretending that I was thinking very hard and straining all my convolutions. - It's Mom! Definitely Mom! Yes, that's her! I said, jumping up and down with joy and smiling broadly, like a child who was given a candy. Even if I'm wrong now and the story I invented is a lie, and then someone else comes after me, I can always blame it on incomprehensible memory loss. Now the main thing is to put pressure on the pity of this man in order to get to a more acceptable place through him. And it is possible to stay in his family. Still, this is the city of Bo, and if I got far enough from the beginning of the plot, it will be very interesting to watch Mo Fan, the main character of the canon. And also, it is equally important to determine the degree of its implementation in this world. What is damn important, if everything follows the original story, then I will get my hands on an incredible weapon - knowledge of the future.

- Oh, really? It is very good… Don't worry, she'll come back..." This man said, patting me on the head. - Until she comes, you can stay with me. My name is Mo Xing, don't worry, I won't hurt you. I have a couple of kids myself, the eldest is about your age, and the youngest is a little younger. - He said with an irresistible smile on his face, inspiring confidence and reassurance, at least to everyone except me.

As soon as I heard his name, it hit me like a thunderbolt and my head was spinning: "It's him! Incredible luck! You can't miss it for anything!". It was not a simple man, but the father of the main character! I already had vague doubts about him, mainly because of his appearance, but now... even if it may just be teska, even if we are in the same city, but the appearance… Tortured and suffered, younger than it was described and shown in the anime and manhwe, but exactly as I imagined him to be… Now it's not even surprising that he looks younger! As he said, there is a son about the same age… This also indicates that this is exactly the Mo Xing that I need! This means his son, the future strongest magician of modern times, Mo Fan. Considering that we are the same age, and I am about seven years old, then about eight more years before the events of the original! There is no way to let Mo Xing go, we must force him to take me in! It's just incredible! I will be able to watch these characters from the front rows! The whole story will unfold before my eyes… It will be much better than imagination or filthy drawing! I don't think it will be difficult to get Mo Xing to take me in. He is a good-natured and simple character, he will definitely not be able to leave a child in trouble, he is such a character.

- But... but.... - I began to speak stuttering and starting to cry like a little child, squeezing out tears was not a problem for me.

- What happened? It's okay, your mom will come back ... - Mo Xing tried to calm me down, stroking my head and sitting down so that he could look me in the eyes.

- There... there… It says: "If I stay alive...", right? Wiping the expertly squeezed tears rolling down my cheeks and sniffing, I said, looking straight into Mo Xin's eyes. "When... when I heard what it said… I... I... I remembered that Mom and Dad were hunters!.. They left me and went hunting!... - I barely muttered, after which I roared and burst into tears, falling to my knees.

"Ah... uh..." Mo Xing was taken aback by my statement, not knowing what to answer me. Well, come on, offer to take me in, be a good girl. - Don't worry ... everything will be fine, they will definitely come back ... your parents are definitely very strong magicians, they definitely won't lose to monsters ... - he tried to calm me with banal words. Okay, we'll push harder.…

- Really? I asked, wiping my tears, looking at him with puppy dog eyes. - Are you serious?

- No, how can I joke! They will definitely come back and buy you something delicious if you don't cry and calmly wait for them here. Mo Xing said with a smile, thinking that he could calm me down.

- But then why did they leave such a note? I asked in an innocent voice. - And why did I wake up on the street?…

- That's it... - Mo Xing fell into a stupor again from my statement. - So you woke up on the street? - Trying to keep a smile, he asked.

"Yes... over there..." I said, pointing in the direction of the alley where I woke up in the same innocent and uncomprehending voice.

"And you don't know where your house is?" "What is it?" he asked, in a gentle voice, in which there was a sense of hopelessness.

I shook my head. - I don't remember living here at all…

"Really..." Mo Xing said with almost undisguised hopelessness. Great, I'm sure it's almost ready, there's not much left.

- But since you say that Mom and Dad are coming back, then I will wait! I said, in a cheerful and confident voice. - Can I wait with you? I'm lonely and scared alone in an unfamiliar place…

"Ha-ha-ha... of course, kid, why not." He said, smiling weakly and patting me on the head. Now knowing his kindness, I am sure that he will not be able to leave me just like that and will definitely take me to him. And there, if no one really comes, then I will stay with him forever, he just doesn't have the spirit to drive the poor little and defenseless boy out into the street or hand him over to an orphanage. Although, given his financial condition, this may be the best way out for him, but until then I will still have time to convince him not to do this and become an important family member for him. It shouldn't be that hard.

"Hey, Mo Xing, what are you doing?" And who is this kid? The man who came out of the store asked.

- Yes, so… The kid got lost, and his parents kind of went hunting and haven't returned yet..." Mo Xing said with a weak smile. "Since he was alone, I decided to look after him....

- Really? Ha ha ha… It's just like you. - Said the man patting him on the back, then added in his ear. - But it's time for us to go, what are you going to do with him?

- I think... - Mo Xing started looking at me, but I clung to his pant leg and looked at him with puppy eyes, leaving him no chance to refuse me. - Can we stop by my place? I'll leave it to Mo Fan and Xin Xia, they're about the same age, so they should get along, right?…

"Are you sure?" Wouldn't his parents be looking for him? Do you think they'll be happy when they find out that you basically kidnapped their child? The man asked confidently.

- Ha-ha-ha… If no one comes for him by tomorrow, then we will go to the police and report him missing..." Mo Xing said with a weak laugh, trying to hide the fact that my parents may most likely be dead.

- Well, as you know ... - the man could only spread his hands.

Mo Xing helped me get into the truck, putting me between the driver's seat and the place where the man sat down. After that, we drove to the outskirts of the city and stopped at a small two-story house, very battered by time, but still strong and reliable. Not far from the house there was a view of a beautiful mansion surrounded by a hedge. The mansion of the Mu family, now little Mu Ning Xue, the witch of the North Pole, the strongest ice magician of modern times, should live in it. I wonder what she was like as a child? Judging by the references in the original, she behaved like a kind princess and was treated the same way. It's not that I have any special plans for her, in many ways I just don't care about her, and their couple with Mo Fan has always seemed incredibly beautiful to me. Fire and ice, yin and yang, hot-tempered and cold-blooded do you understand?

- Will you stay here okay for now? I still have work to do, so I can't stay. Mo Xing said, dragging me towards the dilapidated house. - My son Mo Fan is probably walking somewhere right now, but Xin Xia should be at home, she will look after you.

- Really? Isn't she a little girl? How could she be home alone? I asked in an innocent voice, although I will find out now anyway, but I would like to prepare in advance for the fact that Salan may be in the house. I would hate to shine in front of her, and given her influence and past, I'm not sure I can ingratiate myself with her in order to stay.

- Ha ha… She looks more mature than she might seem..." Said Mo Xing, laughing listlessly, trying to hide something again. This was enough for me to conclude that Salan had left them and perhaps recently, but his next words finally convinced me of this. - Her mom left us recently, so I think you will easily find a common language…

- Eh? How so! I exclaimed in surprise, in a naive and sad voice.

- That's it… So be afraid and try not to upset her too much. You're a man and you shouldn't do that to girls. Calmly wait until I get back. - He said, opening the front door.

- Well ... - I said somewhat naively and confused, following him into a small room that was both near the kitchen and the dining room and the living room. In the center, a little girl, about five or six years old, was sitting at a table in a wheelchair, drawing something with pencils. She had long straight black hair that fell to her hips.

"Xin Xia, this is Xing Yun, keep an eye on him until I get back. Mo Xing said, pushing me towards her.