
A Magician from the Outside

A Russian guy after a ridiculous death is reborn in the world of ranobe "full-time magician", of which he was a big fan. However, he was reborn not into the main character or his friends, but into the body of an unknown seven-year-old boy. After wandering around the city, he finds out that the main characters of ranobe are also seven years old. Taking advantage of Mosin's good nature and taking the Chinese name XinyUn, he becomes an adopted brother for the main character of the original Mo Fan. What will change from his appearance and will he save those who have suffered a sad fate?

Mrsamrdy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs


After getting on the train, I took out my notebook, I had to check with further events and make notes in the pages related to Xi'an and further actions. Still, I have distorted the canon quite a lot, but according to my calculations, before Xi'an, it will not be too noticeable, which means that the most important events will repeat as they should.

Why should I keep the canon? It's not a stupid question, knowing the future is very useful, thanks to them, I was able to earn two million that are in my account and will increase by ten percent in a year. Also, considering that the oceanic race will attack in any case, I will not be able to influence it in any way, then we need a hero who will save everyone. In the original, this hero was Mo Fan, I could change the canon and become this hero myself, but I don't want that, I'm just too lazy to do this nonsense.

I don't want to save the world or try to change it for the better, I have zero benefit from it. So the best option is to raise Mo Fan as a hero and make sure that he gets all the buns necessary for this. So far, it's not bad, the canon's desire to happen helps me in this. I need a Mo Fan of the same strength or even stronger, but not weaker.

Another reason to observe the canon and raise Mo Fan as a demon hero of humanity is the problem of the Holy Court and the Holy City, as well as the association of the five continents. Initially, they didn't bother me much, since I expected to become an ordinary magician, but after my awakening of two elements with a secondary spiritual seed, it can lead me to a confrontation with these organizations.

I remember how in the original the Holy Court destroyed everyone who has unique abilities. They include Qin Yuer and Zhang Kong, Ping Zhou Long, Mu Ning Xue almost died, and Mo Fan himself. So, with my natural gifts, I will definitely be in their field of vision and will be in danger. Especially problems will arise if I reveal myself saving the world, I will be killed, and I need to save it if I want to survive. But even without saving the world, I still have to use my powers for self-development, and I may get caught by them. The best option is to follow the canon and hide in the shadow of Mo Fan's threat, looking for ways to become so strong that I can not fear either the Holy Court or the Association of the Five Continents.

At the very beginning of the story, because of the threat to ruin everything, I had to play the role of a passive, slightly cowardly guy in order to lay in Mo Fan, the foundations of his ideas and strength, as well as hatred of injustice and the black church. So I was almost tied hand and foot, but there were opportunities in Bo City to increase my strength. The main one is the leakage of the holy spring, thanks to which the one-eyed wolf almost became the leaders of the pack. I successfully used it to become a mid-level magician.

The second possibility was to earn money on bets during the duel between Mo Fan and Yu An, for this I needed initial capital and the more the better. Although I wasn't sure that the Mu clan would arrange a sweepstake. To acquire money, I used Kun San, the first dispute for a thousand yuan, I gave rise to a desire for revenge in him, after which I used this desire to increase the maximum bet for the second time to ten thousand. He's not such a fool that he would just bet ten thousand. After that, it remains only to win your money. I was lucky that Mo Fan gave me another ten thousand to live on and that the betting ratio was quite high.

The third opportunity was already during the tragedy of the city of Bo, namely, almost free awakening. I spent only a thousand yuan to view the awakening stones, found out that there are them in Bo City, as well as where they are stored. True, a lot went wrong during the tragedy, but it's not scary, the main thing is that the main essence of events has not changed and special changes and problems may appear to me because of the Lin sisters and my hidden personalities, although it's quite funny.

But what do I want to achieve? What am I striving for? This is already an interesting question, closing the book and putting it in my pocket, I leaned on the back of the seat and relaxed, remembering what goals I set for myself eleven years ago, when I first got into this world.

In fact, the first goal is the most banal of all possible, it is to survive, in all the nonsense that is happening here, as well as in the invasion of the oceanic race. Well, it would also be nice to enjoy this life, and not stupidly run from monsters, for example, to kill monsters, I like it. What is needed for this? That's right, a great power, hence my second goal is to get this power, which will ensure my complete safety. Where to get this power? Even with my talents, I'll only be one of the strongest if I cultivate hard. I could easily be crushed by the ruler of the south, or a group of spell mages.

Here we must remember that there are no modern weapons in this world, it has been replaced by magic. Yes, there are the benefits of civilization, cars, airplanes and televisions with telephones, but there are no firearms, no tanks, no nuclear weapons. You might think that in this world it all replaces magic, yes, perhaps. But magicians are not all willing, they are an elite caste of society, they are not more than thirty percent of the world's population. I don't think the other seventy percent easily accept the power of magicians and the inability to defend against monsters.

You can write off the lack of modern weapons on the impossibility of creating them en masse due to the impossibility of extracting resources on such a scale as in my past world. But they build planes. And why gunpowder, if you can use the dust of fire stones and sparks from lightning stones? I've got the pack leader down with their help. These technologies have greatly strengthened humanity. However, it is nowhere to be found, even in books there is not a single mention of its creation, while there is about the creation of gunpowder.

Thinking about this dilemma, I came to the conclusion that someone does not need firearms in the hands of ordinary people. Turning to the original, I found confirmation of my guesses, namely the death of Ping Zhou Long. If the leaders of the magic association eliminate the development of magic in order to stay in power, why can't they prohibit the development of modern weapons, even if based on magic? So it turns out that only magicians of the highest level and spells can resist them, well, or a huge crowd of high-level magicians, they just sweep away everyone else with a wave of their hand. Why should the authorities allow all people on the planet to kill themselves? Although here the question arises who will control it, but with local bigwigs this option is quite possible. Plus, firearms and bombs are very weak at an early stage of development. In the old world, they had to go through a path of almost five hundred years in order to become quite useful.

However, I am not completely sure of my hypothesis, but the complete absence of weapons inspires confidence in its veracity. So until I fully understand this issue, it is better not to sanctify such weapons at home. This method of obtaining power is postponed. We need to look for other ways to gain power, but what are they? Here creatures and people with abilities that do not fit into the usual system of knowledge come to mind. These include: totems, archangels of the holy city, a demon in the person of Mo Fan, Leng Jue with a vicious faith and the holy spirit of the Parthenon, resurrecting people, by the way, he is sitting opposite me.

The question is where their power comes from? There are no answers to it in the original. But I have an idea about this, but it still needs to be checked. The energy of faith is to blame for everything. First of all, totems are almost immortal monsters belonging to the highest generals, and these are the weakest of them! Where did the totems come from? That's right, they were monsters that protected people before they received magic. But did they have these miracles of power even then? Is unknown. And what if they appeared only during the protection of people? Then where did they come from? I think it's all thanks to the power of faith generated by people when they exalt, believe, hope or experience other emotions about a living being. Those monsters learned to absorb the energy of faith and it changed their souls and bodies, giving them the ability of rebirth and cool unique abilities.

Secondly, the archangels, where did they come from? As far as I can tell, the first archangels were strong magicians who gained the ability to transfer, regenerate a part of their soul, along with cool unique abilities. Does it remind you of anyone? That's right, these are totems in human form! Consequently, they appeared as well as totems. A group of the seven first magicians of the spell in the west, united and began to protect people, they idolized them and began to transmit to them the power of faith, which the first archangels used for their own strengthening and changed their souls.

Thirdly, the holy spirit of the Parthenon, where did he get the ability to resurrect and pass from one owner to another? It is also similar to totems and archangels. Here is my vision of the situation. A long time ago, perhaps at the time of the first archangels, there was a girl healing magician who created an element of blessing, who reached the level of a spell in her magic and was reputed to be the greatest healer, they began to worship her and transmit the power of faith, which she used to strengthen herself, being able to heal people. She founded the Parthenon and after her death moved into her successor, giving her the power of resurrection.

Fourth, the demon powers of Mo Fan and Leng Jue. They are also connected with the energy of faith, only vicious, emerging from negative emotions. Leng Jue collected her directly along with her emotions, that's why she looked like that, but what about Mo Fan? According to my theory, the bloody pearl, the carrier of demonization is a bunch of vicious energy of faith purified from emotions. So you might think based on the fact that the energy of demonization and the crimson demon are similar, and the demon was born from this energy.