
A Magician from the Outside

A Russian guy after a ridiculous death is reborn in the world of ranobe "full-time magician", of which he was a big fan. However, he was reborn not into the main character or his friends, but into the body of an unknown seven-year-old boy. After wandering around the city, he finds out that the main characters of ranobe are also seven years old. Taking advantage of Mosin's good nature and taking the Chinese name XinyUn, he becomes an adopted brother for the main character of the original Mo Fan. What will change from his appearance and will he save those who have suffered a sad fate?

Mrsamrdy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs


After I saved the students, I went to the association of magicians. What can I say, the mission is not perfect, He Yu will most likely be alive and well, but I think it will not be difficult to send Xiao Hou to the army, so we will consider it a gift to him before entering military service, saving his girlfriend. My next goal was to awaken my third element under the guise of a catastrophe.

According to my assumptions, there should be no one in the association building right now, since all employees are directed to protecting a safe place, searching for survivors and evacuating them. On the way, I stopped by a building materials store, where I picked up a sledgehammer, I might need it. When I approached the association, I felt that there was someone in it, namely a couple of entry-level magicians. If they are employees, then I have problems, but if they are adherents of the black church, then everything becomes easier. I quietly entered the building heading towards those magicians. To my surprise, they were at the magic stones storage room, wasn't I the only one so smart? Damn, that upset me a little.

- Yes, let's break down this door faster. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to. - Said one of the magicians, I hid around the corner, watching how one magician is trying to break the lock of the vault, and the second is standing with bags at the ready. Great, these are adepts, they also want to steal awakening stones, but why do they need them, don't they recruit ready-made magicians?

- Yes, calm down! - The one who broke down the door answered. - If we don't get the stones for those suckers who agreed to join us, being ordinary people, then the priest will digest us into monsters.

Clearly, they still recruit ordinary people, most likely those who have lost the meaning of life, awaken magic to them and raise cannon fodder, adepts in black? Yes, it looks more effective than recruiting only magicians. Well, let them hack, then I'll come to everything ready.

- That's it, I opened it. Let's go. - Said the magician, opening the door to the vault. At that moment I began to act, taking a sledgehammer and a knife, I rushed to them using the wind step. From surprise, they only had time to turn around at me. I threw a sledgehammer at one on the move, stabbed the other with a knife, knocking him to the ground. To be sure, I cut both their throats. They didn't even have time to orient themselves, and they're already dead, I love ambushes.

After throwing their bodies out into the street, I returned to the storage. The awakening stones were still standing in neat rows in it. Which element should I choose? Not that I would particularly care about it, since any magic is very strong if it is developed, besides, there simply cannot be high-quality stones in the Bo City association, of course, they are better than they are offered in schools, but not much. Still, the city of Bo, a small county town in China.

After walking between the rows, I decided to close my eyes and poke at the stone at random. Opening my eyes, I looked at the selected stone, it turned out to be a medium-quality stone for awakening the magic of plants. Well, not bad, let's get started, I put my hands on the stone and relaxed. I was immediately pulled into my inner world, where I saw the already familiar nebulae of lightning and wind. However, there was now a small silver-colored stardust next to them. Dimensional magic? But what is it, a call or a sound? Definitely not chaos, it has a slightly different color. Focusing on the stardust, I tried to figure out what kind of element it was. What I felt surprised me a lot, it was an element of space! I have awakened the space on the middle level! That's cool.

Okay, there was no time to rejoice in such an element for a long time, throwing the stone aside and knocking down shelves with other stones, like monsters broke in here, I took a sledgehammer and made even more destruction. After that, he went to the security room, most likely the adepts knocked out the cameras, but we need to make sure of this. They really did it, after reviewing the records, I didn't find myself on them, but to be sure, I broke the hard drive with a sledgehammer and also trashed this room.

After such a thorough pogrom, I stayed for a while in the association of magicians, rested and regained strength and magical energy. My head ached from the frequent use of magic, and my body was sinking from excessive physical exertion. It was the middle of the night, Mo Fan would most likely come for his sister closer to dawn, when he would settle everything in a safe place, so I had time.

After taking a break, I headed to the supermarket where Xin Xia was. Getting there wasn't a problem, but what I felt approaching it didn't please me at all. Next to him, I felt the energy of the leader of the pack, I now definitely will not be able to resist such a monster on equal terms, let alone win. The maximum I can do is distract and scratch. If there really is a leader there, then I have a problem.

Continuing the movement, I saw a wolf towering over a two-story supermarket building! He was white as snow, stained with blood in places, bone spikes were visible on his back, and there were three eyes on his head! This is definitely the leader of the pack, a three-eyed wolf, damn, why would I do that. Fortunately, I noticed him in time and was able to hide without attracting his attention. He devoured what was on the road, after a little thought, I remembered the mountain of rats and one-eyed wolves that I left there, damn!

The most obvious solution was to wait until he left himself, there was time, at least I believed in it. However, to my great disappointment, the wolf finished everyone I left and went to bed! Damn, we have to do something about it. If he wakes up before dawn and leaves, then fine, and if not? The easiest way to drive this wolf away is to find another wolf and set them off, but where to get such a one and how to set them against each other?

First of all, I decided to explore the neighborhood while the wolf is sleeping, you can not be so afraid. There was no one in the vicinity, there was no worthy rival for that leader. Damn, the plan has collapsed. How else can I get the wolf out of there if I can't kill him? Make another pile of corpses farther away, wake him up and send him there to sleep? Can try. Although no stop, this is also stupid, how to convince him to stay there? No way. You can try to weaken it and finish it off by setting traps and others. It will be more correct.

However, to begin with, I found a group of three one-eyed wolves and killed them by throwing them into one place. After that I found a big rope, and on the street in the direction of those corpses, I knocked out the windows on the first floor and tied the rope. At this point, the wolf may stumble, and I will get the opportunity to strike. But I didn't know one rope enough, so I tied four at once.

After that, I found a portable generator in stores, high power, as well as a long armature, about one and a half to two meters. And I put them seventy to a hundred meters from the tripwire. After that, I found a store with fireworks and laid a huge pile of them under the supposed place of the wolf's fall, as well as in buildings on both sides.

The third step was to find fire stones, which are usually used in internal combustion engines. The book says about them that they have a huge explosive power if you hit them with fire or lightning magic next to them. Well, they also have to hit separately from the engine housings, otherwise they will not explode, and close means almost a direct hit. So I had to tinker pretty much with the cars that people abandoned, fleeing from monsters.

I put thirty pieces to the fireworks, another twenty, I put in bags and put them at the generator, meanwhile, several rats were added to the pile of corpses that interfered with me while searching for the necessary things. The last thing I came up with was to drag the generator to the roof of the building, next to the wolf and tie the fittings to one of its cables, I did the same with what I left at the tripwire. These generators work from lightning stones and if you dig a little and remove the limiter, they can simultaneously release a powerful lightning discharge. If you're lucky, if you hit a wolf in the eye, you can kill it by burning the brain. Although I'm not sure about this, since he is the leader of the pack and such a weak discharge by his standards can only slow down his reaction, but it's better than nothing.

I finished all the preparatory actions half an hour before dawn, the first rays of the sun were already beginning to be seen in the east. It was time to act, the wolf was still sleeping, the perfect moment for my attack. Actually, due to the fact that he was asleep and I acted incredibly carefully, freezing from his every rustle, I was able to drag the generator to the roof and climb up here myself, hiding my strength and breathing. Picking up a rebar tied with a bare generator cable to himself, I prepared the wind blade spell and sent it along with the rebar into one of the wolf's eyes. Thanks to the acceleration of the wind blade, she successfully pierced the eye, while still turning the eye into a bloody mess, and also leaving a scratch on the wolf's face, a scratch! Yes, quite deep but a scratch! And I used the third stage of wind magic!

From the wound received, the wolf growled and began to get up, waking up and looking for the offender. I wasted no time turning on the generator with one hand, and with the other I sent lightning anger into the defeated eye of the wolf. A generator discharge hit the wolf's eye, laced with my magic, which stirred his eye even more and hit his nerves, right down to the brain. But the wolf did not even think of dying! He howled in pain and looked in my direction, while expecting such a turn of events, I jerked with the help of a step of the wind down to the street, and from there forward to a pile of corpses.

The wolf did not rush after me immediately, but a second later, a partial brain damage affected, and he clearly did not move as he should, more slowly. Slipping under the tripwire, I ran up to the second generator and quickly turned around. The wolf was rushing after me, gaining speed, I prepared the lightning seal and at the moment when the wolf reached the stretch point, released magic into the fire stone lying in a pile of fireworks.