
A Magical Lease on Life

MC wakes up in a world of wonder and magic as a 6 year old. Now, he must learn all about his newfound powers all the while trying to balance all that his new life throws at him. MC will be OP quite soon (around the 5th-6th book). You have been warned. My first foray into SI stories and fanfiction in general. Reviews are welcome specially constructive Feedback.

dudeavi001 · Livres et littérature
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Disclaimer: - I own Nothing :)

Over the past month, my routine had become quite established. I would wake up early, spend the day attending classes, and then retreat to the Room of Requirement in the evenings. The Room had become my sanctuary, a place where I could practice spells and study in peace. I had made significant progress in my magical abilities, particularly in Charms and Transfiguration. The books I found in the Room were incredibly helpful, offering advanced techniques and insights that weren't covered in our regular classes.

My secret study sessions were paying off. I had managed to master several new spells, including the Shield Charm, which had proven to be quite useful in dueling practice. I also delved into the art of non-verbal spellcasting, something that was typically taught in later years. While it was challenging, the progress I was making was encouraging. However, maintaining this secret was becoming increasingly difficult.

The study group had started to notice my frequent absences. Terry, Padma, and Anthony often exchanged curious glances when I made excuses to slip away. One evening, after a particularly intense practice session in the Room of Requirement, I returned to the common room to find them waiting for me.

"Where have you been?" Terry asked, his brow furrowed with concern.

I hesitated, searching for a plausible explanation. "Just needed some time alone to study," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Padma wasn't convinced. "You've been disappearing a lot lately. We were starting to think you were avoiding us."

I sighed, realizing that I couldn't keep this up much longer. "I found a place where I can practice magic without interruptions. It's really helped me improve."

Anthony raised an eyebrow. "And you didn't think to invite us?"

"I didn't want to burden anyone," I admitted. "But if you're interested, I can show you."

Their curiosity was piqued, and the next evening, I led them to one of the unused classrooms I had prepared as a fallback. It wasn't as magical as the Room of Requirement, but it was stocked with a few useful books I had borrowed from the library and some practice materials. They seemed impressed, and from then on, our study group sessions often took place there.

The teachers had also started to notice my progress. Professor Flitwick commended my charm work, and even Professor McGonagall remarked on my improvement in Transfiguration. However, with this newfound attention came a sense of responsibility. I needed to ensure that my rapid progress didn't raise any suspicions.

As the days passed, I found myself contemplating my place in the larger narrative of Hogwarts. The trio—Harry, Hermione, and Ron—were at the center of so many pivotal events. Should I try to get closer to them, to perhaps influence the course of events? Or should I focus on my own path, getting stronger and more capable in preparation for the challenges ahead?

After much deliberation, I decided to let destiny take its course. I would focus on my own growth, believing that my strength and knowledge would be invaluable in the future. However, fate had other plans. One evening, as I was heading back to the common room, I stumbled upon Harry and Hermione discussing something in hushed tones. They looked up, startled to see me.

"Everything okay?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

Harry nodded, though his expression was tense. "Yeah, just... talking about some things."

I didn't press further, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was unfolding. From that moment on, I found myself inadvertently drawn into their orbit. While I continued to prioritize my own studies and training, I couldn't help but get involved in the events that seemed to surround the trio constantly.

Balancing my own ambitions with the unfolding drama at Hogwarts was no easy task. Yet, I knew that every challenge I faced, every spell I mastered, would ultimately prepare me for the battles to come. And as the days turned into weeks, I felt a growing sense of purpose. Whatever the future held, I was determined to face it head-on, armed with the knowledge and skills I had worked so hard to acquire.

One morning, after an especially intense Transfiguration lesson, Padma approached me with a curious look. "You know, we could all benefit from the extra practice you're getting. Why don't we make it a regular thing?"

I nodded, realizing the truth in her words. "You're right. We should all be getting as much practice as we can."

We decided to hold regular practice sessions in the unused classroom. I brought in more books from the library. We worked on everything from basic spells to more advanced charms and transfigurations. The sessions were productive, and it was clear that everyone was improving.

Professor Flitwick noticed our dedication and praised us during class. "I see some of you have been putting in extra effort outside of class. Keep up the good work."

Even Professor Snape, during a particularly challenging Potions class, grudgingly acknowledged our progress. "It appears some of you have finally grasped the importance of precision," he said, his eyes lingering on me for a moment longer than usual.

As our skills grew, so did our confidence. We began tackling more complex spells and even started experimenting with dueling techniques. The more we learned, the more we realized there was to know. It was both exhilarating and humbling.

Despite the satisfaction of seeing our hard work pay off, I couldn't ignore the feeling that something big was looming on the horizon. The whispers and rumors around Hogwarts seemed to grow with each passing day. The trio's adventures, though often kept under wraps, occasionally slipped into the common knowledge of the students.

One evening, as I was reading through an advanced charms book in the common room, Padma sat down next to me. "Have you noticed anything strange about Harry and his friends lately?" she asked quietly.

I looked up, considering her question. "A few things here and there. Why do you ask?"

"They just seem to be involved in so much. It's like trouble follows them," she replied, her voice tinged with curiosity and concern.

I nodded. "I've noticed that too. But I think it's more than just trouble. There's something bigger at play."

Padma leaned in closer. "Do you think we should try to help them?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Maybe. But we need to be careful. There are things happening at this school that are beyond our control. We need to be ready for anything."

Our conversation was interrupted by Terry and Anthony, who joined us with their own books and notes. "What are you two whispering about?" Terry asked with a grin.

"Just discussing some of the strange things going on around here," Padma replied.

Terry shrugged. "This is Hogwarts. Strange is the norm."

We all laughed, but there was a serious undercurrent to our conversation. We knew that whatever was coming, we needed to be prepared.

As the weeks turned into months, our practice sessions became more intense. We started incorporating defensive spells and strategies, anticipating that we might need them sooner rather than later. The unused classroom had become our training ground, a place where we could push our limits and test our skills.

One night, after an exhausting practice session, I stayed behind to clean up while the others headed back to the common room. As I was gathering up the books and enchanted objects, I felt a presence behind me. I turned to see Professor McGonagall standing in the doorway.

"You've been working hard," she said, her tone approving.

"Yes, Professor," I replied, slightly nervous. "We all want to be prepared for whatever comes our way."

She nodded, a hint of a smile on her lips. "You have nothing to worry about, Mr. Phillips. Hogwarts is the safest place in all of Magical England. But it's still good to see such dedication. Remember, though, that balance is key. Do not neglect your rest and relaxation."

"I won't, Professor," I promised.

As she left, I felt a renewed sense of determination. We were on the right path, but there was still so much to learn. The challenges ahead were daunting, but I knew that with hard work and perseverance, we could overcome them. I also could not help but mentally snort at the "safest place" comment. I wonder how she would react if she knew that we were actively sharing classroom space with Voldemort and a part of his soul was thrown in the Room of Requirement. For all the good that McGonagall does in the later parts of the movies, she really came off more as Dumbledore's lieutenant than the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts in the early parts.

Also, I kept my encounters with Harry and his friends in the back of my mind. While I was focused on my own growth and the progress of our study group, I couldn't help but feel that our paths would cross again in more significant ways. Until then, I would continue to hone my skills and prepare for the unknown, confident that I was becoming stronger and more capable with each passing day.

I had hoped to upload chapter 8 also today, the draft is ready till chapter 10 but I got busy watching Cricket World Cup and Euros 2024. I will try to upload till chapter 10 by next Sunday, July 7.

Thanks for reading and support. Please do review and comment, constructive feedback is always welcome. I will put up pairing options once the story reaches year 4. But feel free to let me know your favorite ones.

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