
A Magical Lease on Life

MC wakes up in a world of wonder and magic as a 6 year old. Now, he must learn all about his newfound powers all the while trying to balance all that his new life throws at him. MC will be OP quite soon (around the 5th-6th book). You have been warned. My first foray into SI stories and fanfiction in general. Reviews are welcome specially constructive Feedback.

dudeavi001 · Livres et littérature
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Disclaimer:- I don't own anything!


The next morning began with the familiar ritual of waking up and preparing for the day. I wasn't the first one up; by the time I got ready and came down to the common room, my yearmates were already there, buzzing with excitement. The prefects were waiting for the last few first-years who soon arrived, and we all started toward the Great Hall for breakfast.

As we walked, I found myself next to Terry Boot. "Morning, Terry. Ready for our first day of classes?"

Terry grinned. "Absolutely. I can't wait to see what we'll learn."

Padma Patil, walking just ahead of us, turned around. "I heard we might have Charms first. I've been reading up on it all summer."

Anthony Goldstein chimed in, "Charms would be fantastic. I heard our head of the house, Professor Flitwick, takes that."

Once we reached the Great Hall, we joined the other students at the Ravenclaw table. The hall was filled with the sound of clinking cutlery and animated conversations. Platters of food were on the tables, and we eagerly filled our plates.

After a hearty breakfast, Professor Flitwick approached our table, his tiny stature making him almost disappear among the students. "Good morning, everyone! Welcome to your first day of classes at Hogwarts. Here are your schedules." He handed each of us a parchment.

Looking at my schedule, I saw that Padma was right: our first class was indeed Charms with Professor Flitwick. We hurried off to the classroom, excitement and nerves mingling as we found our seats.


Professor Flitwick stood on a stack of books to see over his desk. "Good morning, class! Today we'll start with the basics. Can anyone tell me what a charm is?"

Padma's hand shot up, and Flitwick nodded to her. "A charm is a spell that adds certain properties to an object or individual without changing its inherent nature."

"Excellent, Miss Patil! Five points to Ravenclaw," Flitwick beamed. "Now, today we will start with the Levitation Charm. The incantation is 'Wingardium Leviosa.'"

He showed us how to do it with a swish and flick of his wand on the feather present near him. After that, we spent the rest of the class practicing. By the end, most of us had managed to make our feathers float, though some had more success than others. Terry's feather shot up so fast it nearly hit the ceiling, while mine hovered gently just above the desk.


After Charms, we made our way to the dungeons for Potions with Professor Snape. The atmosphere was a stark contrast to the cheerful Charms classroom. Dark, cool, and filled with the smell of various ingredients, the Potions classroom demanded focus and precision.

Snape swept into the room, his robes billowing. "You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making," he began, his voice low and silky. "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic." If I remember correctly, this was exactly what he said in the movie as well for the first years. It must be a rehearsed speech at this point. I probably should expect a cat to be sitting on McGonagall's table in the transfiguration class.

But anyway, Snape flicked his wand and the instructions for a simple Boil-Cure potion materialized on the board. It was still better than what I remembered from the movies. Oh, don't get me wrong, he still managed to take away 25 points from our house by the time the class was done, but he did not go out of the way to insult someone or mock anyone's ability. Therefore, we spent the class learning to brew a simple Boil-Cure Potion. It was intimidating, but I managed to complete the potion without any major mishaps, earning a terse nod from the professor. I could not wait for the class to be over though and go for lunch.


Back in the Great Hall for lunch, the chatter was all about the morning's classes. "Snape is terrifying," Terry said, shaking his head.

"He's strict, but he knows his stuff," Goldstein replied. "I think I'll like Potions, even if it's tough."

Padma was still buzzing about Charms. "Did you see how high Terry's feather went? That was amazing!"

After a quick lunch, we decided to explore the library before our next class. The vast collection of books was overwhelming, but we quickly found our way to the sections relevant to our studies. We didn't have much time to read, but we promised ourselves we'd come back soon.


Our third class of the day was Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, and yes, as I had guessed, a tabby cat with a stern look, sitting in a stiff position, welcomed us. But it was amazing watching the cat jump from the table and to see it transform into Professor McGonagall. It also worked extremely well as a motivator for students, as they could see the levels that they could achieve in Transfiguration with hard work and dedication. She also wasted no time demonstrating the subject's complexity by transforming her desk into a pig and back again.

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts," she said sternly. "Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned."

We spent the class attempting to turn matches into needles. It was incredibly challenging, but McGonagall's clear instructions and occasional praise kept us motivated. By the end of the class, my match had a slightly metallic sheen, which I considered a small victory.


After the intensity of Transfiguration, we had a short break. We took the opportunity to relax in the courtyard, enjoying the fresh air and discussing our progress.


Dinner in the Great Hall was a welcome sight after such a busy day. The tables were laden with food, and we eagerly filled our plates. Conversation flowed easily as we recounted the day's events and shared our successes and struggles.


Returning to the Ravenclaw common room, we found it buzzing with activity. Some students were already poring over their notes, while others were engaged in lively discussions.

I settled into a comfortable chair near the fireplace, pulling out my Charms textbook to review the day's lesson. Terry joined me, looking equally focused.

"Ready for another day tomorrow?" he asked.

"Definitely," I replied, feeling a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. "I can't wait to see what else we'll learn."

As I prepared for bed, I reflected on the day's experiences. It had been challenging, but also incredibly rewarding. I was excited for what the rest of the term would bring and determined to make the most of my time at Hogwarts. Also, now that I had a taste of what it would be like to study at Hogwarts, I needed to change a few plans and come up with a few new ones. I also got to know which subjects I find interesting and, while it is still early to predict, which subjects will be easier for me to scale up. I need to wake up early and make those plans before breakfast tomorrow.

For now, it's back to homework. The one thing that I absolutely hate about going to school again, and the worst part is you are essentially in a boarding school, so you can't make excuses like, "Oh, I did my homework, but my dog ate it," "Oh, I lost it on my way to school." Writing eight, or ten inches of essays with ink and pot when you have used pens all your life is not easy.

So, reminding myself to stock up on muggle writing supplies when I go back home in December was the last thought that went through my mind as I wished good night to my roommates and closed the blinds.

Simple Chapter, with the first day of classes out of the way. Lets get to work now.

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