
Chapter 7

Hey Eddy, come in.

Eddy came in and gave Me a warm hug, I felt his heart beat as Eddy didn't want to remove his hands off me. I needed to stop whatever eddy has in mind as I thought to myself that all men were scum. Hey eddy please stop.

Am sorry Blue as he took his hands off and moved some steps back.

Blue I feel so elevated and glorified standing right before you,the first day I had set my eyes on you clearly on the hospital bed, I felt some goose bumps all over me. I had thought to myself that day saying truly "God has sent an angel to me"

Rose murmured to herself oh shit!Eddy is truly one of them who deceive ladies with words, he is really sugar coated.

Wow !what is my angel thinking,you think am one of those guys huh! I met you five years ago, I was really dying for you I didn't want you to think I was one of those guys that offers to help a lady just to receive favor in return. All I need is to give me your heart, and soul and I promise that I would never shatter it. I promise to be your star and moon, I promise to give you bundles of joy that you least expected.

Blues body began to tremble as she went close to him and kissed him. The kiss lasted for 10 minutes as she gave him a smile. Eddy my Prince Charming i love you .............

Eddy in returned screamed out blue I love you........

it was a thing of joy for both couples as they were happy for each other for they've found true love at last.

My lady, I would love us to get married as soon as possible but would take you to my parents firstly and say hi to my twin brother.

Awwwww !!! that sounds interesting ,but baby we just got entangled by love today and u are really planning to take me to your parents. Of course baby, have been waiting for this day to come and thank goodness you said yes am grateful for accepting to be my girlfriend. You are welcome but baby... you never told me you had a brother.

Yes blue, I have a brother and very soon you going to meet him .wow this is interesting,so when do you intend taking me to your family house. Tomorrow baby ,trust me it's going to be lit cause you going to love my family.My daddy is jovial,my mum is simple while my brother is very very complicated lols as he gave out the remark.Don't worry baby you going to meet them tomorrow.


It was exact 2:00pm when blue and eddy arrived at eddy's family house . The stewards rushed out immediately they alighted from the car,the stewards brought out a long golden rug that was spread on the ground. The stewards bowed to the prince as they said "my prince you are welcome "

Blue was lost as she couldn't just comprehend what the stewards were doing and saying, she could no longer hold her peace as she coughed out. Babe are you okay?

really ,are you serious? did you bring me here to make caricature of me , what wrong with you? Why did you invite this people to act like stewards to you,why the drama and why are they calling you prince. You and I know that you aren't a prince so why trying to be what you are not. Eddy smiled at her as he couldn't utter any words at the moment.

Eddy please talk to me what's going on here. Baby some things are better left unsaid,trust me you will be fine and for the questions you asked, they is no need giving out explanations you will definitely find out yourself when will get inside all I want now is your trust and cooperation

Blue looked at him with so much grieve but blue kept mute and held his hands as they walked through the golden rug which led to the inner court of the palace

King Lincoln and his wife beauty stood to welcome their son.Hey son look at you,you look so big and handsome it's been 5years since I last set my eyes on you.

Yes son .Your mother is right, you really look so handsome and adorable ,just like me he teased as he laughed out ,I was just like this 30years ago looking so handsome which made your mother fall over heels for me.

Darling ,you aren't serious or it was you that didn't allow me to breathe cause you were all over me.

They all burst into laughter.Hahahahaaaa...

Blue was really enjoying they talk as she couldn't believe eddy's parents will be that funny.

Son whose this beautiful brown skin lady beside you she's indeed beautiful with her blue eyes Awnnn you really have good eyes for beautiful thing my son .

Eddy smiled at his father,thanks father for your compliment .

Father and son ,it's okay let's go to the dinning I guess the dinning is already set and we can actually complete our discussion over there. Come blue let me hold your hand and walk you to the dinning,blue smiled as she held beauty's hand.

On getting to the dinning,the dinning was already set by the stewards as they were different types of food and assorted meats .

The king and his wife sat close to each other,while blue and eddy sat close to each other.

Wow you both look so lovely and amazing said beauty,

thanks ma'am as blue thanked her for her remark.

Its fine beautiful one. Someone should pray for us .

Blue was surprise to see that Eddy's family was the kind of family that love God. Beautiful blue please can you pray for us ?said beauty. Yes ma'am I can.

Blue shut her eyes with her hands closed together as she prayed.

Dear Heavenly Father,the most holy of holies,we thank you for this food that you have provided for us.we ask that this food we sanctify and energize us.

They all chorus (Amen)

The stewards opened the food,and began to dished it out on their plates

So son tell me where have you been all these while ?Father it's been an amazing journey father, after my school I decided to disguise myself as an average rich guy whose mission was to give alms to the less privileged and I am happy I actually could help people who are in trouble with my finance.Wow!son am so proud of you