
Chapter 3

Blue was going from one house to another getting people's clothes to wash as she takes little money from them to earn a living.

Hey pretty blue,where have you been? And what are you doing? I heard what happened "sorry dearie."

It's fine Chris ,it's nice meeting you again where have you been?

So now you care?

Blue is that it? Well I went for a contract but am back.

Wow ! that's great .

yeah, yeah, yeah!!!.

Blue can you come over to my place for a dinner please don't say no.

"ummmm ...... as she thought for a while.

That will be great"

well it's a yes, cause I will be free in the evening so definitely am going to be at your place.

Awnnnnn !!!yes ,yes, yes. Thanks blue, this reply you just gave me is superb.

I will be expecting you in the evening then.


Blue went back home as she couldn't believe what Chris told her. Chris had been blue crush right from their childhood days, Chris was every girl's dream, as he was calm, rich and handsome. Chris was 6ft3 tall and everyone in the neighborhood admired him except from the fact that he was a rich and spoilt dude

(Blue in soliloquy )what is really wrong with me, is this love or lust? I really do not want to make mistakes. "I shall go tonight and see what he has to say but if he tries getting into my pant I will definitely deal with him and show him the stuff am made of"

Oh ! ,

my goodness it's 7pm already. I have to get ready

Blue went into her room ,opened her box and brought out a red flowing gown with a golden necklace given to her by her mother when she turned 18, tears flowed from her eyes as she flashed back to the good memories she had with her mother.

She wiped her tears as she brought out her makeup kits, and she began to make herself up, after the makeup she applied a pink blush and bronzer on her cheek bone to make it look more attractive and glowing. She immediately brought a comb and combed her hair when she was done she followed her hair down to her waistline,she was looking beautiful as her eyes were sparkling.Awnnn!! she looked at herself at the mirror as she praised herself. She got ready and wore her heels and sprayed her perfume.

She was already set to go

Chris was already set as he decorated everywhere with rose flowers and everywhere was filled with the special meal he prepared

Chris picks up his phone and called rose. Hello ! Rose how you doing? Thanks for this idea you gave to me, it really working fast.

Yes Chris you have to act fast,if possible drug her tonight ,so you can be able to have access to her body,if eventually she get pregnant,we can still sell the baby off.

Of course rose, trust me i am a smart guy,from the way she acted she seemed to be In love with me.Wow ! "that's fantastic" Just be smart .

Okay, rose I have to go now. Blue was already done as she closed her door and boarded a cab heading to Chris house

Chris was already outside waiting for her .

Immediately , Chris saw the cab man blaring his horn. He already knew it was blue. So he went faster and hugged blue and paid the cab man off

Blue was surprised to see how romantic Chris was.

Chris ushered blue inside made her seat comfortably as he offered her the food he had prepared

Awnnn this food taste so delicious, I never knew you were such a good cook.

Hahahaha !!! you can say that all over again.Blue, you look so beautiful I can't stop staring at you, especially your beautiful blue eyes making you look more attractive

Chris, you making me shy. No baby, you don't have to be shy see me as your boyfriend please. Ummmmmm boyfriend ?.

Yes Blue ,Can I at least kiss you.?

No not yet Chris ,why the rush? Please allow me to take my time and think. Well if you say so. Let me get us drinks. Chris stood up from his couch and came back with two glasses of juice

Blue took the glass he offered her and Chris took one for himself. After the long discussion blue finished the juice and slept off

Chris celebrated as he began to sing "I feel good you know "lal la la la la "

Chris carried blue up and took her to his room where he undressed and forced himself on her

Blue was fighting but she was already weak as she couldn't open her eyes to see who was on top her

she got to a point where she passed out....


Blue woke up early the next morning as she couldn't comprehend why she was weak and tired, she managed to open her eyes a little bit but it seemed so dimmed. What's happening here, "where am I ?"

Why does my body ache so badly?

Why can't I lift my legs? Ouch ?my thigh hurt so badly

Chris walks in with a towel around his neck

Hello beautiful how was your night? Wait a minute Chris what are you insinuating are you saying that I slept here last night? .

Yes baby you were so carried away,

when we were kissing and fondling,you asked for more, You told me you were horny and you wanted to feel me inside of you.

You did what? Blue checked in between her legs and saw some blood ,she became speechless.

"Chris you have the impetus to rape me?"

" Chris you took my pride away?"

Why acting so childishly like you didn't enjoy it? Huh!

One more word from you, I will send you to hell to meet your father the devil. You know what am not in for this nonsense, just dress up and leave

Okay I will leave, Blue stood up from the bed and saw a bottle of wine, she took it and smashed Chris head.

You raped me and you asked me to get out of your house like a slut. You are inhuman and you deserve to die.

Goodbye Chris, as you journey into the world of no return, Chris started struggling on the floor as blood began to gush out from his body

Blue rushed to the bathroom took a warm bath and came out.

By the time she came out Chris was no longer breathing, she immediately wore her cloth took her hand bag and ran back to her house. When she got back to her house she began to sweat profusely as she couldn't believe she was now a murderer

Oh no, shit!!! Blue what have you done? When did you become so heartless that you've turned into a murderer. Thank goodness that nobody knew about this .

"I pray the police doesn't come after me "

"I really do not want to rotten in jail."

What kind of life is this?

Life full of agony and pains as she asked rhetorically. But he got what he deserved,he was so inhuman and callous.

Weeks later Blue became thin ,sick and unhappy at the same time as she couldn't forgive herself for the evil she has committed