
Chapter 18

Mr Donald was pacing around the hospital breathing heavily.

Hello, are you Mr Donald ?

"Yes I am doctor, how is he doing ?"

"Is he responding to treatment ?"

" Is he going to survive it.?"

I will answer all that when we get to my office, just come along with me.

Mr Donald followed him to his office

The doctor's office was well arranged and things were kept in order. He had a cabinet, where files were kept for reference purpose. He quickly sat down on his chair adjusting his collar.

He quickly offered me a chair and I drew it closer to where he was, as i paid full attention to listen to what he has to say

" Well , i want to first of all thankyou, for rushing him in here on time. You are a rare gem."

The main reason why i invited you to my office is to discuss something that is very important. Well , you see . Eddy is a very strong man and am sure he will definetly get back to his feet and he is on life support .

The fire really did alot of harm to him and with an increasing number of options for looking better, younger and healthier. It's better he opt for a cosmetic surgery. And since we cant reach any of his relations or parents, maybe we should just go in search of them.

No doctor , I am pretty sure that, it was his brother that did this to him cause, last three days, i heard them exchanging words because of my neigbour blue and the brother drove out of the compound angrily, not knowing i have been watching their movement. Unfortunately I went to work and as i was coming back i saw the brother , driving out of the compound with blue and his son. I knew something was fishing until the explosion alerted everyone. So I wouldnt want even his parents nor his brother to know where he is .

It's fine so what do you think about the surgery? Because some patient may need reconstructive burn surgery.After the initial burn wound have healed, and this type of care is always provided by a plastic surgeon.

"The goals of reconstructive surgery is to improve the function and cosmetic appearance of burn scars appearance."

And if you are considering this for Eddy, have you thought about the best way to go about it? In other words, aside from booking an appiontment for Eddy at the doctors office, have you thought about the proccess itself and how to get the best result? Here is your essential guide to get the best result for Eddy's cosmetic surgery.

amd most especially the skin graft must be done to avoid his skin being so irritating

Mr donald nodded his head in agreement to what he just said. That's fine he replied giving the doctor a grin.

No problem , doctor am going to deposit the money you need to carry out the surgery

amd most especially the skin graft must be done to avoid his skin being so irritating

The two shook hand in agreement and left.


Mr donald walks into the emergency ward.

seeing Eddy lyimg so lifeless as he was breathing through oxygen.

Hey bro! I really dont know much about you, but i like and believe in you, you are a nice person.

Do not allow your enemy to rejoice over your downfall , Prove your brother wrong and take your enemies unaware.

Am sorry things had to turn up this way. I know after the plastic surgery, you going to have a different Skin, and look .

But your sweet personalities remains with you.

I just hope after the procedures , you will go out and look for the love of your life,

you really have to fight for your dear life , since its 50:50.

Mr donald stood and was about leave when Eddy raised one of his finger .

Mr donald jumped up rejoicing


It was a very hot afternoon and the sun was very high.

Hey blue! Take this things i bought and make sure you prepare them for us to eat, I really had an hectic day and am famished. And you son how you doing?

Jack gave out a false smile i am fine.

very good let me get some scrabble so we could play, while your Mum prepare us food, i nodded and smiled sheepishly.

I watched my mum in the kitchen cooking with a sad face, but all that didnt matter to chris, who was just busy with his scrabbles, indeed he was an heartless beast, who didnt care about someone happiness. He only cared about his own. I was playing my scrabble while my anger was boiling.

Hey jack, why are you staring at me? Just wondering why you are doing this to us. I and mummy deserves to be happy and not the other way round.

Just look at mummy i said pointing towards her direction she's sobbing.

Don't mind her jack, women are always like that, they are very cunny in nature and also decietful that's why you dont have to pay attention to them whenever they start acting like this, they are only pretending.

That's not true, my mother i know is very simple and jovial and i have never seen her like this. Maybe you aren't doing the right thing and you have to change your ways mr chris

I guess you dont know am your father?

I know you are. Jack replied faintly,

If truly you know , why do you still call me mr chris amd not father?

That's because i cant find myself calling you that, not after all you did to i and my mother and also to Eddy

Chris looked at jack and coughed out. Hey little boy! the next time you say something like that to my face i would skin you alive.

Blue ran out of the kitchen panting heavily, please leave my son alone, please dont kill hit him