
Chapter XVIII — Rock

First born son of Duke Fergus von Steins and Duchess Hilda von Steins, and elder brother of Claudius von Steins, Nicholas Fergus von Steins was, on any other day, known as the sociable and amicable noble young lord; a promising future leader of the von Steins Clan.

He was of noble pureblood descent but held no discrimination between the nobles classes and non-noble vampires.

The fact that he had never put on airs nor lightly dismissed anyone's input and instead tried to listen to what everyone had to say, weighed the pros and cons of the situation objectively before proposing solutions that didn't pick sides was both highly appealing to senior nobles and earned the respect of noble peers around him and his subordinates. His reputation had been widespread to the other Clans as well, ever since he had involved himself in the Clan's affairs at a young age, garnering approvals and admiration.

And though there were several occasions where not all the nobles were appeased by his final decision because after all, it was impossible to make everyone happy all the time, the disgruntled nobles still had to begrudgingly accept that the proposals of the von Stein's next-in-line was one that was made with the Clan's benefit and all interests' aligned.

He made fair judgements when the situation calls for it and it was obvious too, that he held the interest of the concerned parties — of the situation — and the interest of the Clan at heart. 

While he was good-natured and held strong to the principal of noblesse oblige, it didn't mean he was soft or easily stepped over. When it came down to matters, he was firm and decisive.

And in contrast to his younger brother, whose hot-headedness and reckless nature makes him a short fuse the other nobles in the von Steins Clan had to sometimes walk on tiptoes around especially on bad days, Nicholas's warm and calm, dynamic disposition made him the perfect fit for dealing with the diplomatic and business affairs of the Clan.

Currently, however, he was suffering from a migraine at all the noise generated by the arguments between the aristocratic members of the Clan seated at the long table of the largest conference room in the von Steins' main mansion.

The amicable and easygoing young lord was nowhere to be seen nowadays, especially not at present, as he sat there with as passive of an expression while watching the scene unfold out before him.

It took everything in him not to scowl.

The noise around him grew. He entertained the idea of using sound nullification to resolve it and immediately dismissed it. Instead, he simply pursed his lips and waited, meanwhile attempting to zero in his focus on the soft patter of rain as they hit the glass panes of the large conference room on this stormy night.

His red hooded eyes flickered to the familiar figure that had entered the room like a shadow and moved to the corner; no doubt remaining in the shadows until the lord he served arrived.

His father's chamberlain, the Count Melker, looking not a day over forty when in actuality he was three centuries old like the former. Nicholas had recognised the distinct the footsteps before the stoic old man had even entered the room, having heard it since young. His arrival also meant this prolonged suffering wouldn't last much longer.

And soon enough, the Duke and his wife entered the clamouring conference room and the noise in the whole room died down. Each noble rose from their seats once they noticed the ducal couple's presence.

Duke Fergus took his place at the head of the long table and his wife, the Duchess Hilda, on his left, across from their eldest son.

He gave a glance down to the nobles on right and then to the left. The expressions he was met with were of a mixture of varying emotions; anticipation, indignation, discontentment, grim, and above all filled with expectancy. His own was dignified and, at the same time, extremely stern and poker-faced, giving nothing away. The fact that his stare had lingered a microsecond longer on his own son before passing over was only noticed by the latter whose expression was schooled into a mirrored reflection of his father; impassive and just as unreadable. Nicholas made a point to ignore it just like how he was insistent in remaining oblivious to his mother's concerned gaze that fell on him the moment she entered the room and spotted him. Count Melker moved out of the shadows and stood behind his lord.

The Duke sat and the rest followed, marking the indication that the Clan meeting was in procession.

Shuffling could be heard in the tense silence.

"As many of you are aware, of the rumours regarding the...incident that had occured two nights ago — that the von Steins Clan had participated in the blood auction hosted by the Trellis-Soudés Clan in Washington D.C.. It is true that my son, Claudius was in attendance of the said auction and had also participated in it." The Duke gave a pause as the murmurs that broke out escalated.

As if the absence of Claudius von Steins was not enough, but with the confirmation of the rumours being true, it gave way to more speculations and buzz. But those stopped again, as the Duke continued on.

"However, it is also certain that one of the two children was a witchling and the other was the sibling. Both children are currently under the safe custody of the Covens in Romania and will remain so."

In other words, the von Steins's neutrality stance remains unchanged. The incident was done in necessity to lend a helping hand to the Covens. They will still neither support nor condemn the blood auctions.

Everyone in the room present was aware of this underlying message.

"What will we tell the others?"

At the question raised by an Earl from down the left aisle, Duke Fergus turned to Count Melker and gave a nod; a signal. The latter bowed and dutifully moved to carry out the order. Duke Fergus continued.

"The anti-human slavery faction will be acquiesced once the circumstances of the participation are made known to them and together with our reassurances that there will be no further active participation nor involvement, moving forward. And for this we'll have the support of the Ootori Clan."

As the Duke declared this, murmurs broke again and heads swivelled when two figures passed through the entrance of the door lead by Count Melker who had returned.

Nicholas merely raised an eyebrow, when his eyes met the bespectacled newcomer's.

A petite, dainty girl, whom looked no older than twenty in human years, stood before the aristocratic members of the von Steins Clan. Her ebony hair was styled in a hime-cut that fell past her small back, and together with her pale skin, they contrasted stunningly with the black, pale purple floral kimono she wore to this formal visit that elucidated her Japanese heritage and roots. Despite her young appearance, her red eyes reflected serenity as she spoke first.

"I'm Hajime Aika, and this is my brother, Akabane Hajime. We hail from the Ootori Clan. On behalf of our mother, High Priestess Hajime Kirari, whom you may also know as Countess Akabane, the von Steins Clan has our family's sincerest thanks for your aid in the recent incident that ensured the safety of a witchling of the Covens. The subsequent consequences of which has caused the von Steins Clan much trouble and misunderstanding among the other Clans."

Akabane Hajime stepped forward beside his sister, "The Ootori Clan are naturally already aware of the true intentions of the actions taken during the incident as well and Duke Ootori has expressed his understanding and allowed our family to assist the von Steins Clan in any way we can to clear up the misunderstanding. Hence, as we speak, the Lee Clan, the Hakim Clan and the York Clan have already been or are being informed of the situation by our mother whom deeply regrets not being here in person to express her gratitude to the von Steins Clan."

Finishing what they had to say, Hajime Aika and her brother bent their bodies in the Japanese keirei style bow and remained in that posture until Duke Fergus had absolved them of it seconds later by accepting their thanks. After which, with permission from Duke Fergus, the siblings took their leave from the room.

Now that settles one side, Nicholas had thought to himself, which left-

"The visitation request made by Lady Camille Trellis-Soudés we have received this morning will be handled by my first son, Nicholas.-"

He stiffened. Several pair of red eyes had swept to him, including his own father's whom spared him a glance before continuing.

"-Meanwhile all invitations from the Trellis-Soudés, Egorova and Nguyen Clans are to be courteously declined."

Of course, he had to be one to resolve it — to put a stop to all the invitations and reinforce the von Stein's neutrality, he had more or less expected it. What lies the bothersome part was the aristocrat whom had been chosen to be sent here. The one whom had initiated the visit in the first place. Camille Magnolia Trellis-Soudés otherwise known as The Floral Duchess.


"You sent no word of your visit?"

Nicholas let the slightly accusatory tone seep into his question that he shot at his long-time friend whom he had hardly seen since they graduated from the academy together.

"It was sudden — we barely had time to scramble when the call from High Priestess Cassandra came in the morning. My mother immediately went to see Duke Ootori to notify him of the circumstances when the rumours your brother caused were already spreading like wildfire — no pun intended — among the aristocracy. Trellis-Soudés was no doubt thrilled to help with that." Akabane Hajime scoffed, and clicked his tongue, as if in disapproval, as he pushed his spectacles up with his gloved finger.

He wasn't wrong though, because after all, the organiser was a County under them, so the recognition of succeeding in not only having the Clan of von Steins make their first blood-auction appearance in centuries, but also breaking the neutrality which it had maintained for millenniums, was something none of the pro blood auction Clans had ever done in history. Hence, the recognition would still have gone back to the Clan, and they were quick to jump on it and broadcast it. This made it even more precarious and annoying to deal with them.

In one of the many parlour rooms of the von Steins mansion, Nicholas leaned back on the plush high back wing chair he sat on, and closed his eyes, fighting the urge to run his hands down his face and rub the tiredness out of them with the heels of his palm.

"It bothered her immensely. That she wasn't able to assist High Priestess Cassandra in the extraction."

"There was no way to involve your family without implicating the Ootori Clan. Cassandra would never do that, other than that, she had her own reasons." Yes, indeed, they all knew, in fact, the situation they were in was the best possible outcome considering all that had went down.

"Not to mention, ever since her mock assessment for the Wiccan Exams came out, she's been pushing herself harder than ever before."

"What was her score?"


"Impressive considering she just attained her Priestess-hood last year."

"Youngest ever in her class and even among our family's predecessors to do so. Heck, it was two years earlier than when Mother attained hers. I've never been more proud of her. So is Mother. We all are. We've told her countless times."


"Yet, it's never enough for her. Not as the chosen acolyte of High Priestess Cassandra."


"I bet she's arguing even so, High Priestess Valèrie attained High Priestess-hood at 24 with a 90% grade."


"She's my sister. I know her like the back of my hand just like you do Claudius, Nick." Akabane Hajime rolled his eyes and shook his head, sighing again. "Quit eavesdropping, Aika and just come in. It's bad enough you have one of your threads attached to me all day."

As if on cue, the door to the parlour room opened and Hajime Aika swept in. She shot a bitter smile at her brother as she passed him and made her way to a mirroring high back wing chair opposite of Nicholas. It was clear she had heard everything. But it wasn't like Akabane Hajime had said all that without knowing that there was a high chance she could have picked up the conversation through her thread — the arachnid ability of hers were annoying at times.

"I still can't believe she went out of the way to pick up Morse code just so you two could do this for fun."

Nicholas shrugged. His friend was right — the secret communication through Morse code was only possible with Aika's arachnid ability that produced fine silk spider threads that went undetected even to the supernatural senses and Nicholas's sound sensitivity and manipulation abilities. They have each respectively honed their abilities in such a way that even the most minute of vibrations in both thread and air produced and perceived were easily fine-tuned and distinguishable.

The silence stretched as Nicholas watched neither Japanese siblings say anything, not acknowledging the previous conversation about Aika herself. Nicholas sighed and changed the topic.

"What are the plans for Japan?"

"The welcome of spring with cherry blossoms in Kyoto, of course." Hajime stated in matter-of-factly manner, smiling.

"Will Duke Ootori…?" Nicholas trailed off and Hajime nodded understanding what the former was asking.

"He'll be joining for the tour of the Kyoto Imperial Palace and lunch and dinner on the third day. It'll only be him though." Hajime shrugged and paused briefly before he continued. "The Trellis-Soudés's visit. Camille must have been waiting for this."

At that mention, Nicholas stiffened and Aika's face soured but said nothing.

"Camille Magnolia! She is beautiful but she's one cunning woman! — Ooo Aika-chan's here too! — She requested the visit be held in the greenhouse saying she would love to see the flowers in full bloom of Germany's spring season! As if that's the only reason! Who knows what secrets and gossip she wants to extract from them!"

From the hallway that Aika had just came from moments before, Thaddeus Grimwood's outburst tirade went on as he had slammed the doors of the parlour room open and breezed in. As he passed Aika, he patted her head, causing her to freeze when she was not quick enough to avoid. Her face turned crimson when Thaddeus shot her a wink before throwing himself on the couch next to Hajime, who watched him drily, not amused with the former teasing his sister.

"She's not the Floral Duchess for nothing." Hajime said, dispassionately.

"Maybe you could ask Claudius to raze everything in the green house once he's back." Thaddeus jokingly suggested to his cousin.

"He won't make it back in time." Nicholas mumbled off-handedly.

At Thaddeus's raised eyebrows, he added, "He's tied up in Washington for another week."

There was a moment's deliberation before he decided to inform those in the room whom he considered as his closest friends. They had grown up together.

"He's waiting- he returns with a...potential beloved. A she-wolf whom has found her mate in him."

The news sent ripples of shock across those present in the room.

"Which pack?" Hajime asked.

"Lilium. She's a doctor-in-training."

"No way." Thaddeus's disbelief coloured his voice.

"That's one of the largest and strongest packs in America. The von Steins' nobility much less those of the other Clans will have a field day once they find out."

"Who else knows?"

"Aside from you guys? Gabriella, Hugo, Cassandra, Lilium's pack leaders, Rosalieé, myself." Nicholas listed off.

"Uncle Fergus? Aunt Hilda doesn't know?" 

Nicholas shook his head in response to Thaddeus's question.

"Is he sure?"

"Yes, almost positive he reacts to her presence, the scent of her blood draws him in and the fact that the she-wolf has confirmed it on her side pretty much cements it." Nicholas said while nodding.

It was understandable. There has never been such a case — a werewolf and a vampire finding mates or beloveds in each other. Never in their history. Not to mention, the millennium old animosity between the two supernatural species would only complicate this. No matter how impossible it may seem, the others knew Nicholas wouldn't have said it if there was any doubt to it so they didn't question the absurdity of it.


"Wow, she was right."

Bryan's mutter warned an exchange of looks between the two pack leaders. They knew who she was referring to without asking.

"When did High Priestess Cassandra..."

"In between the two matches, at the pack house library." Bryan answered promptly.

The missing gap of time that she had disappeared after her mock battle with Rosalieé and Jayden had scoured the entire pack grounds looking for her.

"What more do you know about the...experiments? How long have you suspected the Elder Council was behind it?"

At Dylan's question, the young boy's face darkened, and something ignited in his eyes.

"There is no suspicion. It is them. Those murdering bastards." He spat in absolute scorn.

The thinly veiled fury and resentment emanating from the boy surprised Jayden and Dylan.

"They were the ones who ordered the arson on Aenean — to raze us to the ground after we found out what they had been hiding."


"Alpha Ridelle had already been investigating the Elder Council for years. But it was only three years ago he sent someone in to infiltrate and obtain the necessary proof. Everything had been going well or so Alpha Ridelle was led to believe. Until the bastard sent decided to double cross him and sell out the information to the Elder Council. To get that damned Delta promotion."

At this, Jayden and Dylan shared a look. Things were slowly falling into place.

"When did you realise Delta Glaucus Economos had turned?" Dylan asked, getting straight to the point without sugarcoats. This earned a scoff from the younger boy — as if to say he wasn't even surprised the former had managed to identify the traitorous bastard who had sold out his pack.

While the origins was not publicly known for those that serve the Elder Council, it was no secret Glaucus Economos's promotion was unusual — from being a mediocre pack member that left a pack with no special ties whatsoever to earning a Delta position within a mere two years of servitude under the Elder Council when the norm required ten and are traditionally from beta or gamma bloodlines or minimally the children of head warriors or head trackers and the like. However, most on the outside attributed it to underlying potential combined with exceptional hard work that only the Council saw. Even then, there were still those that had found it suspicious like Jayden and Dylan, just like many things that were happening but they had no way of voicing it without making it sound like treason against the Elder Council.

"It was unknown when it had began, probably from the time when he got promoted." Bryan laughed mirthlessly at this, almost to himself, before he continued. "But when the odd movements of rogues began it's cycle on a massive scale and one group crossed our territory, we managed to capture the unit's leader. And it was through interrogation that revealed every dirty disgusting deed the Elder Council had been doing in the name of prosperity for the werewolf community. When we had sent word in that we have captured the unit leader and successfully obtained a confession from him and the next phase of the plan could proceed, the next thing we knew after waiting for days for a reply from Economos was that in the middle of the night, multiple fires had broken out at multiple location throughout our pack grounds including the pack house."

What Bryan needn't have said was that the moment Economos had received word from Aenean about the captured rogue and the high chances of the experiments being discovered, he had informed Elder Machado of it. And immediately, an arson was ordered to be brought down on the tiny pack which had learnt too much. So that the latter no longer posed a threat by wiping them out, along with the compromised rogue. It was also highly likely that the Elder Council had done so without batting an eye with how efficient it was carried out. But no, there had to be more. A fire alone couldn't have brought down an entire pack.

There was a long pause and the young boy's face had a far away look on his face and melancholic anguish was written all over it as he recounted the next part of his story.

"We had only began putting out the fires, when the screams of horror had began. It moved too fast for us any of us to see at first and by the time we came to our senses, four of our pack members were torn apart before they could even transform, their scream cut short. I'm the middle of the burning fire, it stood tall on two legs as if the fire didn't bother it at all. It was neither human nor wolf — no, it was a beast with fur stained of the blood of the pack members it murdered and mouth dripping full of that same blood. A mouth with a set of fangs and teeth so long and sharp that it couldn't belong to any animal. And its red eyes were deranged, like it has lost all of its sensibility and sanity. And it likely did. It was a wildbeast, there was no other term for it. One glance was all it took for us to be immobilised and rooted to the ground because we knew it was stronger than any creature we had ever seen. There was no one who could beat it. The terrifying speed at which it massacred four packs members in the blink of an eye was enough evidence of it. Its very presence struck fear into our very core." Bryan clenched his fist to stop them from trembling, his nails dug into the skin of his palm as he squeezed his eyes shut and then opened them, forcing himself to continue. He knew this had to be told and the two Lilium pack leaders didn't tell him to stop.

"It prevented us from even shifting but somehow, Alpha Ridelle did. But even his swift transformation was unable to save Kylus whom was standing closest to the fire and that beast. By the time Alpha Ridelle had transformed and charged towards the monster, the monster had already torn Kylus limbs and snapped his neck. It was then Beta Dacia had snapped out of it as well and shouted at the rest of us to evacuate while Alpha Ridelle held it back. Alpha Ridelle wasn't the strongest Alpha out there but he was by far no means weak, what he lacked in brute force he made it up with his speed and agility. I've seen him take down Alpha Peter in a friendly spar once. And it was not that the anger blinded him, he was just no match for that carnal beast with overwhelming strength and impenetrable skin. He was pushed back together with Beta Dacia whom had transformed to assist him from the get-go. I didn't see much after that. Everything after that was a frenzied blur. I had only barely to gain my bearings when I heard my father's voice through the mindlink ordering me to evacuate with my sister. He had rushed into the battle in wolf form and immediately began assisting Alpha Ridelle and Beta Dacia whom were by then heavily injured with deep cuts all over their body. Meanwhile there wasn't a single scratch on that monster. My body moved on autopilot I only grabbed Clary's hand and ran as my father told me to. We ran past other pack members whom were fleeing as well and also those who were heading to the center of the disaster to help. We ran, heading into the woods, separated from all whom we knew, we didn't know how long it was that we ran, but by the time we realised, our mindlink was out of range and there was not one soul in the vicinity of the woods we were in. We couldn't even see the pack grounds anymore but we didn't dare head back. The fear of it all was too real. We also didn't know who was dead or alive. But what we did know after was that it was a killing machine — one that was sent by the Elder Council to annihilate us."

It was merciless and cruel — and nothing less than cold blooded massacre of an entire pack.


> noun

German: stone

> origin

name derived from German ([ʃtaɪn]) means 'stone' or 'rock'

quadruple_flipcreators' thoughts