
A love so unexpected

“ I do ”. Leo said as he looked at Luke. Luke smiled. “ I announce you both as husbands. You may kiss ”. Leo felt his breath hitch. Luke smiled moving forward. Leo closed his eyes and felt Luke’s lips on his forehead. A smile made its way to his lips. Luke pulled away and smiled turning to the front. Leo did the same. He glanced at Luke with a sparkle in his eyes. He couldn’t help but think maybe……… just maybe Luke isn’t as much of a jerk as he thinks of him. Luke smiled pulling Leo closer. Leo glared even if he was smiling. Luke only winked at him. Leo shook his head turning to the front. Luke grinned. Luke has to work hard to save his company to prove himself and Leo only wants to be able to put his own gallery..... and the marriage seems to be the only solution. The first impression might always not be the best. The person might be something else than what you think of them as. In the same way, Leo and Luke crossed paths unknowingly and the impressions left behind are different. And now their fates are entwined putting them together. Is it good or bad ? Read to find out. (There is an auxiliary volume, please keep checking it from time to time in case I edit it. It is just A/N but it would be nice if you do so)

MScPhysics · LGBT+
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71 Chs

Chapter 32 : Misunderstandings lead to disputes.

Third person point of view

Even though Leo thought they grew closer, he wasn't completely sure about his feelings towards Luke. On the other side Luke continued teasing Leo and he still insisted on cuddling every night. Leo didn't reject too and he would be lying if he said he didn't like it anyway. They also didn't know what the other felt. But everything was nice, so no need to think too much about it.

" Bye baby ". Luke said getting into his car. Leo lifted his hand like he wanted to hit Luke. Luke felt he was addicted to Leo and his cooking. It was really delicious anyway. He always liked to eat the food someone cooked for him, but then it didn't happen that often. To have someone for you at home when you come back and the feeling of wanting to go back to someone was very valuable to Luke. With the kind of busy lifestyle his parents lived, he never really looked forward to things like that. Now to have someone who will cook for him and be there when he goes back made him feel ecstatic.

He entered the building and walked to the elevator. Ken came at the same time too. " Hey, morning ". " Morning ". " You are literally glowing nowadays ". " What do you mean ? " " Just, you seem to be smiling so much and seem so happy too ". Luke smiled. " Shut up ". Ken shrugged. " I thought of asking this. What is Kayla doing right now ? " Ken frowned. " Why ? Such sudden interest in her ? " " I don't know. I have a bad feeling about it. After the day of the party, I think she is up to something. Check on it for me ". Ken nodded. " I was on it but I don't think there is anything ". " It is not wrong to be cautious right ? " Ken nodded. " True. I will see you later then ".

They parted ways as they reached their destination. When he walked to the table, Luke found a few files already on his table and sighed. He removed his jacket and sat on the chair preparing himself for the long day. Ken checked up and didn't find anything out of place about Kayla. He went to report that to Luke. " Hey. I checked up on her like you've asked me to. There is nothing absurd. I searched all the ways possible ". Luke rubbed his chin.

" The fact that she is silent is absurd ". Ken thought that Luke was right. She was not an easy one. " I will try a few more sources, a little more deeply too. See you ". Luke nodded and Ken went out. Ken thought that he should remember and search once again as he went to his room. Luke found it weird. She even saw them kiss, now did she give up or does she have some tricks up her sleeve ? He should wait for Ken to inform him again. He went back to work.

Kayla checked them once again and thought it was spotless. Everything was perfect. She is going to make Leo go out of Luke's life. " Send them to him ". She gave a sinister smirk.

Leo was walking to his car when he found a man standing near his car. He looked like he was from a delivery service. " Are you Leo ? " Leo nodded unsure as he found that man suspicious. " This is for you ". He took the package and was looking at it. He was about to ask a few details but the man wasn't there anymore. He didn't know what was in it.

He sat on the driver seat and opened it. He was confused at why someone would send something like this. He opened it to find photos in them. What he saw in them shocked him. He has never expected to see something like this. He put them inside and took deep breaths. He also found a letter in it which read ' You are too naive to get fooled by him. Be careful '. He put them in the seat beside and started the engine. Leo was waiting for Luke to come home.

Luke entered the house a little late than usual. He saw Leo sitting on the couch. He thought that something was wrong with Leo. He could sense it by the expression on Leo's face. The atmosphere definitely didn't feel right. " Hey. What's wrong ? " Luke stood near the couch. Leo looked up, his eyes filled with anger and glossy. " I just found out how much of an idiot I am ". " Leo, what happened ? " Luke was about to take a step towards Leo. " Stand. Right. There ". Luke didn't move from his place. " Is it nice ? Cheating behind my back ? "

" Huh ? What are you talking about ? I don't get you ". " Stop acting like you're innocent ". Luke was confused and he didn't know what Leo meant. Leo was burning with rage as he kept looking at Luke. " Leo, calm down. Tell me clearly. What are you speaking about ? " " What am I speaking about ? Look at these ". Leo was yelling and he threw the photos on Luke. Luke saw them and his eyes went wide. He didn't know what to say when he saw them. He was at a loss for words. He saw that he was in the photos with a girl and they were in quite intimate poses.

One was more than the other. In one of them, he was kissing her while she was pressed against the wall and his shirt buttons were almost undone. In one more she was on his lap, kissing. He was shocked out of wits. He has never even seen this girl in his whole life. He didn't know what to say. No wonder Leo looked so disgusted. " What ? You are shocked that your affair is out now ? You are so smart. You hid it very well. Too sad I found out at the end ". Leo's words were filled with venom.

" Leo, it is not what it looks like. It is not true. I-" Leo cut him off. " Not true? Even after all this you still say that. When the evidence is right in front of your eyes, you still say that it is not true ? How can you even say that ? Why did you marry me when you are like this ? You should have married her in the first place ". Luke was not able to even answer. " Leo, li-listen to me. I mean it. I swear it really is not true ". " No ! I am not going to believe it anymore. I thought you were not really that kind of a guy after I knew you, but I was a fool to think like that ".

Luke moved closer to Leo. " Leo, please just look at me. This, it is not true Leo. I wo-" " I said ENOUGH ! I was at mistake to think that way. My bad. You can go and sleep around as much as you want. I am totally fine with it. At least don't cheat on this girl. I will not interfere with your life from now on ".


30K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay ! If someone asks me I wouldn't think twice to say that this is one of the best things that has happened this year considering how the situation is. Thank you so much for all the power stones, comments and reads ! My exams are going on fine too. Atleast for now. Haha.

I can relate to Luke. I always wanted my mom to be there when I come back, but she really likes her job and I don't think I want to take it away from her. Even if she gets tired, she does it for me and our family, so I never ask her to leave the job. But she knows what I like. So we are both even here. Haha.

Speaking of jinx. My BR and me take japanese online classes because we find it fun and we like it too and everytime we chat, our teacher calls one of us. (*face palm*) We always think that we are each other's jinx. Hahaha. Besides that I get teased a lot by our teacher who is only a few years older than us. My BR says I get teased because I am cute. -_- I said cute my ass ! But we save each other whenever we get called, so cool. Haha. But please don't ask me to speak japanese. Haha. I am not that good, still in learning stage. Hehe.

Life lesson : Never think too much and jinx yourself. Haha

There, there. What is tasty again? (¬‿¬)

Shit that hurt ! But they should go through thick and thin for their bond to grow stronger. ~~>_<~~

I wanted Luke sound desperate. I am not sure but I wanted it to be that way.

My BR released a series of curses for Kayla while reading this. Bahahahahaha !!!!

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