
Eddard Stark II

Tower of Joy, Dorne. 284 AC.

After a long journey through the Red Mountains of Dorne, Ned and his companions finally reached the Tower of Joy, a round tower surrounded by mountains. From what he learned, this is where Prince Rhaegar Targaryen had hidden his sister Lyanna Stark. Also, Ned learned that before leaving for battle, the prince left three members of the Kingsguard, including Ser Arthur Dayne, to guard both the tower and his sister.

From what Eddard heard was a legendary knight, one of the greatest swordsmen in Aerys Targaryen's Kingsguard. He also knew that he was Prince Rhaegar's closest friend, which explained the reason for the knight to stay and guard Lyanna. Eddard sighed heavily as his thoughts of Arthur Dayne led to him once again remember his sister, Ashara. He didn't admit it to anyone, but Benjen, but Eddard liked her. He assumed a possibility of them married her and they would have lived together in one of the castles his father, Rickard Stark, would have built for him. But his father was dead, and so was his older brother Brandon. Ned had no other choice but to take his father's position as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. This meant he also had to marry Brandon's bride Catelyn Tully.

On their wedding night, they did their duty and consummated their marriage. Ned got House Tully on the Rebellion's side. Ned had to admit that he liked Catelyn; despite the awkward relationship they had on their wedding and after before leaving for war, she was kind and caring. Yet, he still couldn't forget Ashara. He was thinking of what to tell her, when he would see her again, if he will.

"Halt." Eddard ordered his men, raising his hand as the Tower appeared on the horizon. Soon, they arrived to the tower and were immediately greeted by the three Kingsguard knights. The Northmen drew their weapons as Ser Arthur Dayne, clad in his white Kingsguard uniform, with the Targaryen coat of arms, a three-headed dragon, shining due to the sun above Dorne, took a few steps closer to the intruders.

"Lord Eddard I presume?" Ser Arthur spoke first.

"Ser Arthur." Eddard greeted in return. "I didn't see you at the Trident."

"We weren't there." Dayne answered.

"My dear sister told me a lot about you." The knight continued to speak as he looked at the young lord from head to toes. "Never thought that I would meet you in circumstances like these."

"Then you know why I am here." Eddard responded, looking directly at Dayne before asking. "Where's my sister?"

"I understand what you are feeling and your views." Arthur told him instead of answering his question. "But I am afraid Lady Lyanna cannot leave the tower right now, given to the circumstances."

"Not to mention that we," he motioned for Ser Gerold and Ser Oswell. "are assigned to protect her."

"The Mad King is dead. Rhaegar is beneath the ground." Eddard objected. "I'm taking my sister back home."

"Aye, my friend is dead, and so is his family." Arthur acknowledged, with a mixture of anger and guilt in his voice. "I've heard of the Sacking of King's Landing, and what happened to poor Princess Elia and her little ones."

"I have no part in the slaughter of them." Eddard told the knight.

"Then what about the assault on Dragonstone?"

"Queen Rhaella died, but at childbirth." Eddard explained, causing the three knights to share shocked looks.

"And the child?" Ser Gerold asked. Eddard called for the wetnurse, who was ordered to remain with the horses to keep Dany out of danger. She came and Eddard took the infant girl from her, presenting it to Ser Arthur.

"I was there when Queen Rhaella Targaryen gave birth to Daenerys Stormborn. Lord Howland can confirm it." Eddard nodded at his friend standing to the left. "On her last breath, she begged me to protect her daughter and raise her as my own. As of the boy, from what I know he escaped to Essos."

The three knights of the Kingsguard stood there as they looked at the silver-haired girl in awe. Suddenly, a large scream was heard from the Tower. Eddard immediately guessed whose voice was that.


"Please follow me, Lord Eddard." Ser Arthur told him as he ran towards the tower's entrance. The Northmen did not attack the knights since they allowed their lord to pass. Ned mentally cried as he felt he was witnessing the same event again. Right in front of him was Lyanna resting in a pool of blood, her blood, holding a little baby.

"Arthur, my friend." Lyanna spoke before she noticed her brother was also present. "Ned? Is that you?"

"Lyanna…" the only thing the 20-year-old young man was able to say.

"Come closer… please." Lyanna told the two. Both Eddard Stark and Arthur Dayne leaned close to her. While the young lord already saw a mother fighting a little longer to see her new-born child, Arthur was unprepared just like Ned was at Dragonstone, his hands shaking. As Eddard held Daenerys in his arms, Lyanna gave her baby to the Kingsguard. With tears dropping her face, she spoke to them.

"I'm sorry Ned, I'm so sorry." She croaked. "I didn't mean for father and Bran to die."

"It wasn't your fault, little sister." Ned reassured her, stroking her hair.

"But it is, Ned." Lyanna argued, with the maidens trying to calm her down, telling her to be calm. "I should have told you everything."

"Rhaegar captured you…" Ned tried to speak, but was interrupted by Lyanna.

"Rhaegar never kidnapped me, we ran away because we loved each other despite our differences. I couldn't ever love Robert, for his drinking and whoring. And not only because of that. It's Robert, he… he…"

Lyanna then broke into tears once again.

"What? What about Robert?" Eddard asked, holding his beloved sister with one hand while holding Daenerys with another.

"At Harrenhal, he was drunk and tried to take me by force. Rhaegar saved me." Lyanna finally revealed, causing her brother to stand there shocked. Lyanna, meanwhile, continued.

"Rhaegar got a septon to nullify his marriage with Elia. We married."

"Lyanna, I'm sorry. It was all my fault." Ned finally spoke. "I shouldn't have offered father to betroth you to Robert in the first place."

Lyanna took his hand, smiling. "I forgive you, Ned."

"Ned, Arthur." She continued as she showed them the child. "This Aemon Targaryen, my son and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Take my body back to Winterfell, but also, please, protect him. Promise me that you will protect him. Robert will kill him."

"I swear with my honour and life that as long as I live, I will protect him with my life, milady." Ser Arthur answered as Lyanna placed the little baby in the knight's arms.

"You both will raise him." Lyanna instructed the two.

"I swear, he will be a great man as our father was." Eddard promised her.

"And as great as his father was." Arthur added.

"Rhaegar, my love, I will rejoin with you soon." Lyanna whispered before giving her last breath. Eddard stood there, crying at his sister's dead body. It was a lie, all of it. This war was not for justice, but to protect Robert's pride and protect him from his attempted crime. He did all of this to find and bring back his sister, only to discover an ugly truth and a new-born nephew.

"I understand if you want to raise both Princess Daenerys and Prince Aemon in Winterfell, Lord Eddard," Ser Arthur spoke after rocking the boy to sleep. "but I have given my word to Lady Lyanna to protect her son, so I will join you. I may have failed my prince and princess, but I will not fail their son."

"As you wish, Ser Arthur." Eddard answered. "For I have failed my sister once, I will never put friendship over my own blood ever again."

Soon, they left the tower and rejoined with their respected men. Ordering to keep the secret, both the Northmen and the Kingsguard prepared for their long journey north across Westeros, taking the Targaryen babies Lyanna's body with them.

As they packed, Eddard looked at his adopted daughter.

"Soon, Dany. We will be home soon."