
Chapter Five

"We have to plan out our next step!" Uncle Roy said

"What's there more to think about it?! He's the killer! We get him!" Jackson said firmly

"First of all,your sister!" he reminded

"Its still too soon."


"Uncle Roy,we just found out! We gotta get things in order first,plan the trap for him,and what to do afterwards." Jackson insisted "then and only then,shall we tell her! Please uncle,it's safer that way" He pleaded,as uncle roy got into thought for a while

"Okay then,fine. But we have to start planning soon.we don't know there motives,we could loose them"

"Ohh believe me uncle,he will pay. I've waited five years for this,and I will not let it slip from me so easily!" he said

"Well then Aliyah? Nothing?! Really? I don't buy it!" Debby said over the phone snapping me from my thoughts

"Ahh Debby,it's to soon for that. We've just met and he's just helping me study"

"So?!" She asked arrogantly

"Aghhh, yes Debby yes,He is good looking,and has his charms-"

"I knew it!!"

"Buut"I said cutting her giggles short

"But what?"

"We're barely even friends.i don't even know what we are! Besides,he has the ego of a superstar,that is not my style!"

"We'll just see about that"

"Goodnight Debby" I teased cutting her once again

"Goodnight"she replied with a chuckle and hung up

I wrapt myself in the sheets smiling,and decided to skip dinner and go to bed.

The next morning,I got up and got ready for school.realizing that I still have his jacket,I thought why not.i wore my pink top,his black jacket and blue leggings,tied up my ponytail and headed downstairs.

As usual,took my packed sandwich from Ana and was heading out,when I bumped into Jackson outside.

"Woah,look who over slept" he said

"I didn't over sleep! there was just no need of arriving there 30minutes prior"

"You driving today?"

"Yes! I already gave Austin the heads up"

"Who's jacket are you wearing?" He suddenly asked

"Help me pick out a car will you? We're like millionaires,my God" I teased avoiding his question

"Take the convertible,it's more girly"he casually said

"Sure,because only us girls would drive black convertibles,brother"

"Goodbye!" He said heading inside

"Idiot" I said to myself laughing,glad he didn't push any further "I better return you to your owner" I said holding the jacket as I started the car,and drove off.

I learned how to drive back in Arizona,the moment I turned 18.And at times likes this,I'm glad I did.But thanks to Jackson's chit chat,I lost track of time and realized I would actually be late for school,so I sped up.On arriving,people were already rushing in,I quickly parked and made my way to my locker.as I headed for class,the bell had just rang and people were moving around like crazy.by the time I made it for math class,everyone was already settled in.

"You're late! Ms Reed" the grumpy mister said

"I'm sorry sir I-"

"Bumped into her on the way here,and made her fall behind"an answer came from behind me

"Mr Scott, you're also late" he said as I turned to look at Kaiden,standing behind me in his usual attire.

"It's just Five minutes,our bad"he casually replied

"Get in and take your seats!" he ordered as we rushed in and found two empty seats beside each other upfront.

He sat down and as usual just stared at the man standing infront as he explained

After classes I met up with Debby who always beamed whenever she saw me

"Spill! What's new?"


"Oh girl come on! he defended you in class and you're still wearing his jacket.pink looks so hot on you by the way"

"Thank you.and yes,but he was just being nice"

"Right,to only one person in the entire school.so normal"

"How do you hear about this stuff anyway?"

"Girl,this is Westview. Of course I'll get the details"

"Oh Debrah" I called out laughing as we finished up lunch and began to leave

As we were just leaving the cafeteria,a cup of pudding was thrown and hit the wall meaning to splash it's content onto me.instead I hear a large gasp from everyone,I opened my eyes to see Kaiden facing me,with his back stained with melted chocolate.

He turned back to look at Loyd who threw the cup,as he faced away with guilt.he was about to walk over but I stoped him and grabbed his hand,

"It's not worth it" I said to him in a low tone shaking my head,and he just looked at me

"here" I said removing the jacket and handed it over to him

"Kaiden,my bad bro! I was aiming for the trash bin" Loyd quickly said as he came to us

Kaiden still facing me,removed his jacket and handed it over to him

"Dry clean only.And next time,walk over"He said and wore the one i handed him

"Come with me" he whispered to me.wrapping his hand firmly around my small waist,and leading me away.

Once again leaving the people in oh.we walked onto the practically clear hallway to my locker.

"Thanks,will you be okay?"he asked

"I should be the one thanking you.Once again you saved me,from yet another disaster"

"I just forgot something by the table,princess. It was no save"

"Whatever it was.Thank you.and for what you did earlier,damn I owe you too much"I said and he laughed

"No ones counting Aliyah.take it as my way of making it up to you,for yesterday" he said as the bell rang

"See you later" he said and walked off as people began crowding the halls

"Oh.My.God! Aliyah!!"Debby said walking up to me just as Kaiden left "What happened yesterday?" She asked

"It's rude to eavesdrop,debrah" I teased

"You guys have to be dating already,right? Tell me am right?"

"No! Now off to class" I said dragging her with me for Spanish

After classes we met up with Kaiden by the door as usual,and left.Kaiden hadn't once,spoken to debrah.although she didn't seem to mind,it's like just getting him up close was enough for her.

"I have my car with me,will we come back for it?" I asked as we walked the parking

"Let's drive your car then" he said

"Okay" I said handing him the keys to drive and we were off

Unlike the usual route,he drove somewhere else.I was gonna ask,but decided against it and remained quiet.we stopped over to yet another trailway and started to walk by.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked

"A new spot"was all he said as we kept on walking

I was gonna ask again after five minutes passed by,when I saw this beautiful pond up ahead and my eyes widened,noticing my expression he turned to look at me with a grin.

"You like it?"

"It's beautiful" I said

He walked over to its wooden plank and did the unthinkable

"Wh-what are you doing?" I asked stammering as he removed his shirt followed by his pants

"K-Kaiden" I called out and he came to me

"Come join me"

"But-"I began to protest as he pulled with towards the plank

"Today we won't have any classes,consider it a day off" he said and got into the water

As he got up,water drizzled on his body as he smiled and his blue eyes seemed to light up.he looked utterly unreal,with a perfectly masculine body and wet shabby hair.

"Turn around!" I ordered and he did with a chuckle and revealed his wolf tattoo on his upper left shoulder.

I got out of my leggings and removed my top,and walked over to get in when he turned around.

"Hey! Who said you could look?" I teased as he stared at me

Kaiden's pov

I just stared at her cluelessly,I knew it was stupid and that she would think am weird and I'd probably have to explain later on,but I didn't care.at first,I didn't think she would agree to this,I brought her here,to avoid any contacts with other wolves for her safety,so that she could relax.but now it's my heart that needs to relax,as my pulse increased when I saw her perfectly slim yet strong body,all that she had own was a blue underwear and bra,leaving the rest of her beautiful toned body revealed,her emerald green eyes shined with the sunlight reflecting east,as she smiled innocently seating on the plank.

"What?" I asked as he was still looking at me in silence "Kaiden" I said beginning to get up

"Relax! Am kidding!" He finally said holding onto my leg

I slid into the warm water as he helped me in,the water was a little deep as it reached my shoulders when I stood.

"This feels amazing" I said,as the water ripples could be felt on my body.

I dived in and swam a little,he came up to me and we swam together.every now and then he'd tease me with water splashes and I would end up laughing like crazy.by the time we rested on the plank,my hair was loose and we were both catching our breathes

"So,you like werewolves?" I asked

"Yes,they are my favorite animal" he replied

"Is that why u didn't fear that one?"

"Who said I wasn't scared?"he replied chuckling "animals are like humans,all you gotta do is show it your intentions and it will understand"

"Oh yeah,I was meaning to ask.how did you heal my knee?" I asked

"I didn't,I just helped you out"

"And I was healed by the time I got home,not even antibiotics do that"

"It's a special herb that's heals very fast,nothing important" he replied quickly

"I'm also curious"

"About what?"

"Why did you take a sudden interest in me? I mean,we didn't start off very well.and now I'm practically the only girl you talk to,other than the one you eat with"I asked and he grinned

"I don't know.For a reason I'm not familiar with,I just feel drown you,your interesting from what I've met in Westview.and that girl is my sister,Kira"

"She is? No wonder she was defensive when I talked back at you the first day" I unknowingly spoke up and he chuckled

"Yeah,she's not really a 'people' person"

"I guess it runs in the family then " I teased

"Hey!" He protested and I laughed

"Wait so that means you've never had a girlfriend?" I asked


"How old are you?"


"Not even a crush!?" I asked frantically and he laughed

"No! Although I think I do now" he teased

"Who is it?" I asked immediately and he smiled

"That's my secret.And what about you miss know it all.ten boyfriends or what?"

"Gosh no! I've dated before yeah,just two guys"

"They actually liked you?!" He teased

"Ha-ha very funny,they all turned out to be jerks anyways"

"I'm sorry about that"

"It's okay.So you have never kissed before?" I asked changing the subject

"Nope,only seen it in movies" he said and I was shocked

"Your being serious?!"I asked again

"Yeah"he replied laughing then looked at me all of a sudden

He stared at me then lowered his gaze on my lips,as I could feel my heart palpitating and I gulped.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked and he just smiled not breaking his gaze.

He moved closer to me,so much that our noses were only centimeters apart,and I could look into his mesmerizing ocean colored eyes.he reached out and slowly traced his hand on my slightly wet cheek,then retreated to his position.

"A redback spider"he said showing me what was on his fingers and I was startled

"one bite,and the beautiful princess would be disfigured" he said flicking it to the ground behind us

"As always,my knight and shining armor" I teased,trying to Ease the moment

"Let's get going" he said getting up then helping me out

He got dressed then started walking on,for me to get some space to dress up.after I was done,I caught up to him along the way and we walked up the trailway back to the car,as I kept trying to dry my now curled up hair.

Just as I was about to get in the car seat,he pointed and yelled

"Watch out spider!!"

In a panic,I pounced on him,burying myself in his chest and clinged onto him tight

"No no no! get it off!!" I screamed and he began to laugh

"I'm kidding! Relax" he said laughing with his hand around me

And I opened up my eyes to the grin on his face,I hit him without thinking

"You're an idiot!" I exclaimed and he simply chuckled

It was then that I realized how close we were,there was absolutely no space between us,as I looked up to him as he was slightly taller than me

"Aliyah?" He called out in a low tone,and brushed some wet strands of hair from my face,that sent chills to my body

"Yes?!" I uttered barely

Kaiden's pov

Having her there,in my arms.i felt in full control,like I could do anything to her,and she'd let me.i didn't lie,I've never kissed a girl.because I didn't get close to any til I met her.looking at her plum pink lips,it was all that was flooding my mind. It probably wasn't right,but I couldn't help but feel selfish at the moment.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked with his hand still on my cheek as I could now feel my stomach churn

I was speechless,but my eyes displayed my answer clearly.getting back to Seattle,boys were the last thing on my mind,especially jocks.but with Kaiden,I fell speechless

Seeing he got the message,he slowly descended and in no time our lips clashed and I was lost in the midst of emotions,I never believed in that butterfly effect thing,but there no other explanation to what was I feeling at that moment.It was slow and intimate,so we could each savor every moment.his hand slid onto my neck,facing me towards him as the kiss deepened.We shouldn't be doing this,but neither of us were stopping.until I decided to slowly release myself from his clutch

"It's getting late,Scott. I have a brother at home" I teased and cleared my throat

"Right!" He said "you remember the way back,right? I can have my sister pick me up?" He said

"I could drive you home"is what I wanted to say,but after what happened, I knew it would be an awkward car ride

"Yeah,don't worry"is what I said instead "you'll be okay?" I asked and he nodded

I started the car and drove on home.

I got home and rushed upstairs before they could notice my wet hair,and locked myself in my room.

As I lay in bed,I couldn't help but feel my lips and reminisce.

"He kissed me"