
5. Intimidation

Scattered along a river various residents learning how to grow the fruit Lumi had promised.

"First and foremost plant the seeds 2 feet underground and 5 feet for distance apart" the instructions were followed well some of the men decided to each have a certain number of people under their command to keep order.

Nearly three hours have passed since the start all the seeds are now planted. "It usually takes about 3 weeks for them to grow I will personally make the first harvest,for your wellbeing everyone stand back!!" Lumi shouted getting the residents a safe distance away he started.

Flying above the fields he activated his magic the seeds turning into trees in mere seconds. The residents were stunned watching the trees grow up to 7 meters tall with many fruits ripe just waiting to be picked. Lumi a little worn out lands in front of the residents.

'That took more energy than expected now they can maintain and care for it themselves my work is done for now at least' some of the citizens bowed down thanking the gods for sending him.

"There is no need for you to bow I'm not your ruler" Lumi had no wish to be there idol his role was to show them the way nothing more nothing less.

"Now the fields are yours to take of and don't forget your hands did this I was only a guide!!" Lumi instilling pride into their hearts after all one's true value often lies in their ability to give meaning to the world around them.

"Long live Lumi,Long live Lumi,Long live Lumi!!!" Could be heard for miles.

A fair distance away Reaver looked on with rage 'You dare to step in my city and covet my power? I will not allow such disrespect to stand' absolutely furious someone who gives things away for free deserves ridicule in his eyes.

"Have the taffies bring him to me there is something I want to confirm something first" commanding his butler to gather the low life criminals willing to due anything for money. "As you wish master" the butler moved swiftly running westward.

Reaver paying close attention to Lumi who had most of his facial features covered. 'I plan to take this city from father and use you to due it' slinking away to pursue his agenda with a greedy smirk on his face.

'So he is the one,he's most likely going to send someone for me. How will your face look when the hunter becomes the hunted' raising his hand to quiet down the chants.

(The resistance hideout 4 hours later)

Graul was going through reports sent back to him over the last 2 days rubbing his temples.

'Putting people on watch near the valley seems like the Mirgo's want to keep the toxic waste problem quiet,now how to get the citizens to believe this at best we have half the population on side?' tapping his fingers together scrambling ideas.

The door opened and in came Gel tea placing it on his left side "Thanks I was thirsty' taking a swallow of the tea.

"We got outsiders gathering at the Mirgo's Villa" putting a few sheets of paper on the table outlining the complete report.

"Any word from Sam and Dave I have yet to receive their report?" Graul worried something had happened to two. "No word from them but I'm sure they're fine no need to worry" Gel says softly sitting down next to him.

"Let's hope so I wouldn't want to lose them or any of you for that matter" spinner the pen between his fingers out of habit.

"You have been a big softie since we were kids it's why we all trust you and will stand in your corner till the very end" Gel patting his shoulder.

"Thats it I have another task for the kid bring him to me we have to move faster lest we wish to be within the Mirgo's iron fist" looking at a small basket that needed to be thrown away

'I know they were behind your death you will be avenged father I promise' carefully putting the basket made of straw on the shelf.

"Of course" Gel going to collect Lumi closing the door behind her. Only then did Graul heave a sigh "I'm getting to old for this" leaning back in the chair resting his eyes for a few minutes having no sleep for 48 hours can due that.


'A member of the true family will soon come for their right. This must be kept secret for now we have enough problems already' the being observing the individual.

"A meeting has been called you coming or what?" a voice broke his train of thought.

"Right I'm on my way" making his way to the location. 'We will meet soon little one I have much to tell you' the entity moved through the door closing with a simple clack.