
A Little System for the Second Prince

A modern soul helps the weak second prince to be stronger as a system/familiar. Will he help the emperor too? or Will he only help the second prince?

SilverFox1 · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

The hidden truth

As we leave the empress and the shadow guards do their thing, we can see the 'crown' prince alone in his garden with his light navy-blue short hair with his dark lavender eyes looking at the sky, he sighs 'Why is mother trying to kill Xiao? I only want to get along with him, I want to be a big brother to him, but mother is always watching what I do with her servants. Maybe one day I can be the big brother he needs; I want mother to leave or not bother me anymore I'm tired. I never wanted to be the crown prince; Xiao is better than me. Mother is only using me for power and i don't like it at all.' Though Lou didn't know that the system that will be Xiao's familiar was there listening to his thoughts.

[Hmmm so the 'crown' prince isn't the real problem but the empress. Well change of plans then I will let the emperor and this prince get along with Xiao while they help me plan for the empress' doom. Still, I never expected for those two to wish to get along with Xiao, but oh well let's plan to make the empress' life hell that she wishes to have died after giving birth to her son.] The system smirks even though he has no body yet and is still a white floating blob.

Meanwhile with the emperor and his hidden guards.

"Your majesty, we have discovered something that might attract your attention," said one of the guards after looking around the empress' room.

"What is it?" asked the emperor, curious about what they had discovered in the empress's room, "we have found documents and reports towards the empress about the assassination attempts made towards your beloved and the second prince, while we also saw that there were reports of her people stalking someone with the name Meiling. In one of the reports says that she is your beloved and that she faked her death and told the second prince beforehand." said the guard while looking down not daring to look at their emperor in the eyes afraid that he might get killed right where he stands.

After hearing the name of his beloved, he turns around with a surprised look. "If you find her location protect her no matter what. Do not let her die this time by the empress, and once we take the empress out of her position bring her back. Do not forget to inform her about our son and the 'crown' prince and about his intentions," he ordered them and with that the hidden guards left him to gather his thoughts of what he just heard.

Having a rought time doing long chapters that's why they are short chapters. So bear with me and love yourself.

SilverFox1creators' thoughts