
A little bit of us

I've been seeing the same thing over and over again. The face of someone whom I knew. I've seen her before. This pretty girl was once the important person. As I'm admiring her my memories become blur. I see flames around me and wake up. I try grasping onto her but she slips away. " Says Kuldip laying on his hospital's bed weeping and remembering the girl he had seen somewhere.

Kuldip had an accident which led him to be in coma. He had a girlfriend before the accident to whom he had cheated on.


It was raining terribly. There was this farewell party of his office where there was dream girl of every guy and most eye-catching girl who had worn white kurta with high heels. He was a philocalist and after looking at her he dreamed of marrying her and having kids. Then he went up to her and said " hey, you look like a belamour " she blushed and replied " may be " slowly both starts knowing each other. "

Raju; Kuldip's colleague screams " aye Dj bring something from the 90's" then the Dj plays this song " Ye kaali kaali aakhe " and Kuldip doesn't leave a chance so he grabs Sara by her hands they both start grooving to the song. The party ends successfully and they exchange each other's number.

As Kuldip couldn't wait to meet Sara, he called her and said " Hello, yesterday was the day I actually fell in love, your eyes got me drowning, your smile contagious as hell, the dance ... oo girl Lemme make you mine. I felt like I met my soulmate and I couldn't stop thinking about you " saying he gets emotional and tears up like a baby. Sara also had feelings for him and she comforts him replying " well being honest I also see the spark between us, the time we spend was magical, your hands felt so soft in my skin and I..." Kuldip speaks " Can we please meet tomorrow? " Says in begging voice and Sara smile and says " YESSSSSSSSSS"

* The other day *

They decide to meet in mall. He will be sitting in the café with a bouquet full of pink roses. Somebody suddenly closes his eyes from back and he stands up and tries to look at the person and guess who it was. It was SARA, she hugged him and was very delighted to meet him. They started talking and knowing more about each other. She ordered pizza and she fed him by her hands. All the couple things they could do, they did.

Sara returns home and starts searching up Kuldip's name in all social media and she finds his Facebook account. She jumps with excitement but suddenly stops as she sees a post that felt like someone had ripped her skin off and boiled her in a flaming hot water. The post was about Kuldip's wife.

After that day, Kuldip never heard about her, never got to meet her. He was searching her like a mad dog. He divorced his wife because he couldn't deal with the family issues. He searched possibly everywhere but couldn't find her. He then started drink, smoking, drugs and every bad things.

One day he will be walking in the road with torn clothes and bottle of vodka. He will be unconsciously crossing road and suddenly gigantic truck comes in the way and hits him. He thought he was dead but was in the hospital's bed when he opened his eyes knowing nothing about his past.

You might wonder who saved him? He had divorced his wife so who else would want to save his life? Did Sara return? Or did his wife save him?


Kuldip was 14 and lived in a small town named kalakandi Gaun where he has this girl name Preeti whom he had his first school crush on. She had that pure beauty, no makeup just silky hair, fair skin soft and moisturized lips. She was his best friend which eventually turned into crush. She would come to his house to play; study together and sometime eat together. Sadly, he never told her how he felt about her so she never knew. Then she moved to another town. While she was in her car going to another town , Kuldip was following her car and wanted to speak to her LAST ONE TIME but couldn't and she was the one who saved him from dying.

*The day of accident *

Preeti had some business work and she was in her car rushing to the work place. She saw the him bleeding and surrounded fulling by people but no one helping him then she went there and dialed 112 in her phone number. She was all wet by his blood as she carried him. She recognized him after so many years . She paid for his hospital bill, the medicine, the surgery and all the in order to make sure he is still alive.

Why did she do all this? Did she love him back? Did she do all just because he was her childhood friends? Will she ask Favour back?


"Doctor who saved my life?" doctor talked about Preeti. "Huh Preeti? Who?" "Wait I'll send her in"

*Preeti enters the General ward *

"Are you fine now?" says Preeti with sympathetic voice. "Who are you?" Preeti smiles while her tears fall down. "I am Preeti your childhood frien.. Umm I am stranger who saw u bleeding after the truck hit you" "Why did you save me?" starts questioning Kuldip. Preeti then tell him about everything as he was so enthusiastic. After that day they start talking daily she sleeps in the same room as him but in sofa. She then does everything for him. She starts feeding him, telling stories, giving him medicines in time, making him fall asleep by singing the songs that her granny used to sing for her when she was younger.

One day, Kuldip out of nowhere remembers about this girl but whenever he thinks of her the image about her becomes blur. He then tells this to Preeti. She undoubtedly says "she might be you past lover." She might be remembering you too.

(But who knew sara there was married and had kids with whom she was the happiest)

Everything went normally. Preeti would come and share company with Kuldip and Kuldip loved her company and loved sharing his time with her.


Doctor comes with a GREAT news. The Doctor says "I HAVE A GREAT NEWS!" Both Kuldip and Preeti were SOOOO excited to hear about it. "So, the news is, Kuldip can finally get discharge today." Everyone starts screaming with joy and hugs each other. Preeti decides to pack these things like clothes, diary which was the most precious thing to him as he used to write everything that happens in his life and more his personal stuff. The next day they went to Goa as Preeti a successful business woman had a whole villa rented. They went there and managed everything. There were more 5 people who worked under Preeti living there to maintain the business status and to keep her updated.

It was night time when everyone had finished having dinner. Preeti was going in the room then all of a sudden Kuldip pulls her and says "I will speak today and you listen, I think I am in love with you" Preeti asks why and he says "Cause I'm not going anywhere. You are the girl that I love, you are the girl that my heart longs to be with. And I'm willing to try to make this work more than I've ever wanted make something work. The thought of one day being able to be with you for good excites me want to get to a place spiritually where I'm ready for that." Preeti starts crying, the happy tears start coming and she hugs him and doesn't leave each other for solid 5 mins.

After that day, they start living together, Kuldip continues writing his diaries and one day he writes a book about his life which makes him famous and well-known. Preeti also continues with her business and they live happily ever after...

You people might be wonder why did Preeti do all this? It's because she was also in love with him back in 2000s but still wasn't able to tell him. I think you people might have guessed it. But when she was in car about to settle in another town while Kuldip was chasing her, she had written him a letter where she had expressed her feelings but wasn't able to give it to him. She had kept that safely but one day Kuldip found about that letter and that was the day he proposed her.

Now they live like "couple goals" and me single here writing stories about them and I bet 90% of people are single here.