
A life with the Author

{Hey, you better get up and do some introduction to the readers who want to try the story.} the author said. I woke up groggily and looked at the time, "Dude, it's four in the morning." I said and went back to sleep. {I don't care. I need a sypnosis now.} the author demanded. "Bro, please, five more hours." I said {Wake up right now or else.} 'Or else what?' I challenged. {If you don't wake up I will reincarnate you in Boku no Pico, I swear.} Oh please, like that's a bad world to reincarnate to. I will just leave Japan and everything would be fine. {Then how about Attack on Titan?} That's great!! It means I would be able to change the story and prevent the sad ending. I could make Mikasa fall for me and maybe even invent some stuff with my future knowledge. It would be amazing. {This is final. I will reincarnate you in Kuroinu...} Oh!! The hentai where men can use any female for sexual pleasure? Reincarnate me there right now!! It is a little fucked up but I certainly wouldn't mind- {...as the elf queen Celestine.} .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Well hello, My name is Yuito Fujita and I am a reincarnated person who reincarnate into a new world similar to my old world but with some fictional stories mixed into it. I though I was going to live a fullfilling and peaceful life until when I was 15 years old, the author spoke to me. From then on my life became full of ups and downs with different challenges every corner. Watch me as I make a harem and fight my way to become the UFC champion of this world. But as any story, mine will be full of challenges as I found out just what fictional stories are mixed into my world My story will be full of romance, action, drama and friendship with the author. Read my life with the author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________ This is a mash up between different worlds Worlds known so far : 1. Komi-san can't communicate 2. My dress up darling. 3. Seiso Kanojo, Ochiru || The Pure Girlfriend's Fall (NTR Doujin) 4. The real world (Yes, the one you are living in. Not any anime.) 5. Wolf Children (Movie) 6. Viral Hit/How to fight (Manhwa) 7. ??? -------------------- Warning : There is NTR element. It is not exactly NTR(no kissing nor sex) but many readers felt it was. So I am here to warn you. And there's incest too. Hopefully I don't waste your time. ..... If you like my story, join my p@treon : p@treon.com/emmanuel_capricorn. (change @ = a). [Link : https://patreon.com/Emmanue_Capricorn] Get 15 early chapters and premium pics of characters while also supporting me

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Anime et bandes dessinées
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295 Chs

Yuito Fujita

Do you know that moment. The moment when someone barged into your heart, uninvited and demanded to stay there.

Do you know that few seconds in the endless expanse of time. That brief instance which would change your whole life.

Love at first sight.

But was love such a shallow thing? Was love something which one can experience in just a single glance?


It was not.

This was not love at first sight.

There is no such thing, so I`m sorry if I got your hopes up.

"ow, ow, ow, ow." She muttered as she grabbed the edge of my table. She was wincing and closing her eyes even though I was pretty sure she suffered no injury.

Then her eyes opened, they glazed like glass and they locked onto mine.

"Marin Kitagawa." I muttered, barely above a whisper. But she heard it since we were so close to each other.

"Eh?" She said, confused and pleasantly surprised that I knew her name.

Her eyes were big and shaped like a cat's. They were sparkling, which I assumed was due to her contact lens.

They blinked once.

Twice. Her eyes were pretty.

Thrice. And I didn`t know why I was counting.

"Marin!! Are you okay?" Her two friends came to her, concerned for their friend.

She dispelled the connection between our eyes and she turned to her friends. A very natural looking smile bloomed on her face when she told her friends that she was fine.

From her smile, one could tell that her face had experienced more of it than her normal face.

She got up from my desk and a sudden urge to sniff it surfaced on my mind, but I quickly put out that idea before it even turned into a coherent thought.

'Incubus race?'

She reassured her friends and smiled awkwardly. She rubbed the back of her head when her friends admonished her.

Then they turned to me, her two friends suddenly got excited and they came forward to apologize.

"Please excuse her." they said with a respectful bow.

There was a moment of silence before they pinched Marin and pulled on her skirt. She snapped out of her thoughts before she also bowed slightly with her hands joining together.

"Sorry, sorry." She said and they waited.

I also waited.

What were we waiting for again?


Oh right!!

"It`s fine, accidents happen. Fortunately, no one got hurt." I said while curving my lips. hopefully it looked like a smile.

Marin looked at me, enlightened while the her two friends took a step back with red faces.


Too much beauty should be a crime~

"Wha!! You watch one piece!" Marin said excitedly while leaning forward. It seemed as though she was more focused on other things rather than my handsome self.

I looked to where her eyes were looking and saw the small keychain on my bag, which sat besides my table on the ground.

The keychain was none other than the best girl Zoro.

"Umm..Yes." I said.

"That`s so cool. Hey, hey, who`s your favorite character? Is it Zoro?" She asked, somehow she was closer now.

My favorite character was Robin. For TWO obvious reasons which becomes clear after the time skip.

It`s her past and devil fruit, definitely.

"It`s Robin and Whitebeard." I said to her. Yamato was also there but it was only around 2017 right now and she haven`t appeared in the manga yet at this year.

The years of this world was a bit complicated as it was not exactly like my previous world but most of the things were similar enough.

"That`s interesting." she said and her eyes sparkled with new found knowledge. It was as if she knew exactly what kind of person I am depending on my favorite characters.

Hopefully her assumptions didn`t come from those video which tells your personality depending on which characters you like.

Then she waited. She nods her head slightly and she continued to stare at me.


Was she expecting me to ask her too?

"...who's your favourite character?" I finally asked and she pulled back before telling me who her favorite characters are and also explaining why.

Apparently she liked Luffy and Sanji.

Her two friends were standing a bit behind her silently. I felt a bit bad for them since we were talking about something they didn`t know but they seemed happy enough to just observe.

Then the bell rang and Marin looked a bit sad that the break ended too soon.

"Too bad, there are not many people I can talk to about this stuff." She said sadly before instantly brightening up again.

"Well, see you again soon!!" She said before she left the class while one of her friend stayed behind.

I guess she was not from my class and was just visiting during the break.

"Great, only two periods left." I said as I leaned back on my chair. I returned to reading my book and waited patiently for the class to end.

'Oh right, I needed to visit the karate dojo after school.'


[3rd POV.]

Marin Kitagawa skipped through the hallways with her friend. She was happy that she found someone else who watched anime.


This species of homo sapiens were still rare at this age. But their species population would explode in a few more years.

Though she wondered how much of a weeb the boy really was. Was he a casual? Or a certified hardcore?Maybe he was also a man of culture?

Her friend walked behind her, trying to keep up as they quickly made their way back to their classroom.

The boy, she hoped she meets him again so that she could talk more.



Wait, the boy?

"Um, Suzaki-chan? Do you know that boy`s name?" She stopped skipping and asked.

She and her friend were now walking at a comfortable pace.

"Wait!! You don`t know who he is?" Her friend asked back, shocked.

"Should I?"

"Of course!! It is your obligation as a girl to know him!" her firend said before quickly taking out her phone and scrolling through it.

"Look." she showed her phone and Marin looked at it.

It was a list of the most handsome man in Japan, 2016 edition and on number 3 was the boy she met before.

"Yuito Fujita." Marin read, "So he`s popular then?" she saked.

Her friend face palmed. "No, not just popular. He is extremely popular!!"

"Yuito Fujita. A boy with purple hair and mesmerizing purple eyes, he is easily more handsome than most male idol in japan. Standing at the perfect height of 6 feet, he is the national number one in Boxing, Wrestling and Karate. He is only 15 years old but many experts claimed that his combat prowess is no weaker than the adult national number one. He may have been only at 3rd place in the most handsome man ranking but that was only because he is not a model and he is a fighter. So he is a bit average on his fashion, with never even putting on makeup. He has an account but he is not active in social media so his fame is not really renowned except for maybe in the sports category. Then there-" she continued on and on, fangirling all over the boy and Marin just stopped listening.

She left her awe struck friend as she thought about the interesting boy.

"Yuito Fujita."

It won`t hurt to remember that name.
