
A Less Lonely Death (Hopefully)

Yumi Sai is currently a sophomore in high school, who was abandoned by her parents. She is unloved by everyone and ends up dying alone only for her soul to be sent to another world and for her to get justice for those who were hurt like she once was.

Bitter_Sour_Lover · Sports, voyage et activités
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Yumi Sai's Life Part 1

My name is Yumi Sai, I am 15 years old. I am a sophomore, and an only child. My dad left me and my mom, when I was born because I wasn't born as a boy. My mom was then forced to take responsibility of me alone, I was in her care until I turned 10. Then she left me to some relatives and ran away with another younger man. Those relatives had 3 older sons so adding me to their family didn't make them happy since it meant they had to take care of someone else. The oldest son's name was Aki, he is 4 years older then me he is the only nice person who welcomed me into their family. He made me feel welcome, and treated me as what an older brother would. The second son was Yuko, he is 2 years older then me, he was indifferent to my presence and ignored me each time I tried to greet him or talk to him. And finally the the last son's name is Shin he is 1 year older then me and treats me horribly cause he hates me for being the daughter of a woman who ran away with a young man.

Each day I tried my best not to get on their nerves, I cleaned their house, made their food and tried my best to help them with what ever I could. At the age of 12 I found a cafe that allows young pre-teenagers to work part time after school for some experience and pays quite well. So I decided to apply in-order to get some pocket money in order to buy myself proper clothing and have a bit of pocket money for the things necessary, since the only clothes and things I currently earned were things the neighbors of my my relatives gave away before leaving the city and moving to a new place. And things that Aki bought me with his pocket money that he saved up from what his parents handed each of the sons of the family to hangout or use whenever they needed it.

At age 13, I started to have my periods. It got all over my skirt, I had horrible cramps and I was scared to death not knowing what it was. Blood came out of my skirt, and it was everywhere on my chair. I was terrified, an older student Ito Tsuki heard my screams and rushed into my class. He took me by my hand and rushed me to the school's infirmary. That's when I started to fall for him. When we arrived in the infirmary Ito explained to the school's nurse what had happened. The school nurse then gave me pads, a few pills and some extra clothes. Then she explained to me what had happened to my body, and what I had to do to take good care of my body.

Once I got back to class, words had spread and Shin came to my class just to laugh at me. Everyone was making bad jokes about how, girls like me don't know anything besides making trouble and being stupid. They said that I was being all dramatic and that I only acted scared to attract attention from men.

Once turned 14 my body had more curves. A lot of older students were looking at me weirdly. One day a classmate confessed to me, while Ito walked pass me and said "I see girls with pretty faces don't focus much on their bodies' health, instead they are wasting their times playing around guys."As he said that his eyes were sharply looking at me, as if he hated me. My heart broke yet my love didn't fade. I ran away without giving a proper rejection to the guy who had confessed to me.

The same day, Shin came into my room after I came back from my part time shift from the coffee shop. He was friends with Ito and had heard everything that had happened earlier during the the day. I didn't have the energy to argue with him. So I got changed into comfy clothes before going to the kitchen to cook dinner for the family.

Once I turned 15 I decided to confess my unrequited love to Ito. I knew that he hated me, but it had to be done for me to move on. I wanted a rejection to feel satisfied. Surprisingly, Ito said that he had also liked me for along time. But he needed some time to think of wether he wanted to be in a relationship with me or not.

The next day I saw him, holding hands with one of my classmates and kissing right infront of me. It was finally clear to me that he was just playing with my feelings and that no one would defend me. After all I have no one. My parents left me, I had no friends, and the only person who truly cared about me was Aki, who people thought only pitied me. Ito then approached me and said, "You didn't actually believe that I would date a slut who screams for attention." I was devastated but I didn't let It show on my face.