At the top she saw Serge had been right. There were people and vehicles milling. Police in white overalls and blue uniforms. Fire trucks and rescue vehicles and their yellow and indigo clad occupants. Viv and his partner leaning over, preparing her for transferral to the ambulance. Even a television news crew, the cameraman filming proceedings. She closed her eye against it.
Then a voice she knew demanded quietly beside her. 'I thought you said you were all right.' It was Phillip Milne.
He was eyeing the armaguard. 'I called him. He said he'd contact Dave Crombie. There shouldn't be a problem. You're going to be in hospital for a bit longer than a day.'
'You're going to have to move, Sarge.' Serge was back. 'And tell that cameraman to bugger off. He doesn't need to get so close.'
People were now merging and blurring in and out of focus. Snatches of things made deep impressions, others went unnoticed. Voices. Around her, behind her. Movement.