
Chapter 59: No escape

Elisabeth sighed and leaned back in her chair. He looked ill at ease. 'Like she wanted to see whether what she was saying was having any effect on me. I got the feeling that she wasn't as upset as she seemed.' Robert sat down as she was speaking. She was grateful he could put personal animosity aside.

Finally he shook his head. 'We can be as suspicious as we like but it isn't enough. We've got no case, not without another witness coming along and saying they saw something else. And that's Russell. Unless he miraculously regains his memory and tells us a different story all we can do is keep chipping away at their credibility. Hopefully the jury'll give him the benefit of the doubt and go easy with him.' He got up. 'We should be going.'

'I want to ring Joe first. I want him to check on Remo Stavros.'

Robert contracted his eyebrows. 'Why?'

'Have you ever seen him in court?'
