
Chapter 53: A petite and curvy blond

Lisa Moody was the first witness for the day and as she walked to the witness box it was easy to see why Waite had been attracted. Petite and curvy. A little blondie with big brown eyes and a heart shaped face wearing a designer dress that added weight to the warning Elisabeth had received. She had been readied also for the little girl voice and prepared for the bright intelligence. Russell and Gregory Waite had not found themselves saddled with a liability when they agreed to let Lisa Moody travel with them.

She was sworn in and then, composed, sitting with her back straight and hands folded in her lap, she waited for Thierry to begin. So far all of the Crown witnesses had evinced favourable reactions for the Crown. Elisabeth was under no illusion that this one would be any different. Robert could dispense with the scoring.

'My name is Lisa Moody, I'm a student and I live with my parents in Unley, South Australia,' she said, in response to the Crown's first question.