
Chapter 44: Let's not get ahead of ourselves

She became even more serious. 'I can't tell you that Russell is going to be acquitted. We've been through this and nothing has changed. They have an eyewitness and we don't have a case because Russell can't remember and therefore can't give us his version. Like I've already said, the only thing we can do is work on the inconsistencies and raise doubts. They've got to prove intent and they have only one hysterical witness to rely on. Richards knows what I'm trying to do. With his own witnesses he has the advantage of being able to re-examine them after I've finished. So he can take the witness back over everything I've raised and try to give reasonable explanations.' It was not helping. 'But we have the same advantage with our witnesses.'

Ray was the only Montgomery thinking. 'But the defence witnesses are only character witnesses.'

Elisabeth said 'Ray' on an outward breath.