
Chapter 106 - The Morning After

It is now the morning after Lena's birthday, and just on the outskirts of National City Sam is waking up in bed with an absolutely massive headache. Sam doesn't remember much about last night, other than they all went out for Lena's birthday, and she drank A LOT of alcohol.

"Ughhggmmm..." Sam groans, as she begins to wake up, with the light of the day hitting her.

Alex laughs.

"I see someone is finally waking up." Alex chuckles.

Sam groans again.

Sam continues to wake up and tries to open her eyes, but as soon as she sees the light it doesn't do her head any good, so she closes them again.

"I want.... to die." Sam moans.

Alex laughs again.

"That's what happens when you drink as much as you did." Alex says, in a very smug voice.

"Never again." Sam moans.

Alex laughs once more.

"That's what they all say. I've even said the exact same thing before, but we never learn." Alex says, with a smile on her face, now taking a seat next to her girlfriend on the bed.

Sam groans again, burying her head in her pillow.

"What time is it?" Sam asks, after a few moments silence.

"It's just before 10." Alex replies.

Sam quickly moves in bed, and then turns to look at Alex, surprised by the time.

"Are Ruby and Alura okay?" Sam asks, now going into mom mode, despite how bad her head is hurting.

"They are fine." Alex smiles, placing a caring hand on Sam's side, "They both woke up about an hour ago. I went downstairs with them and made them some breakfast. They are both currently watching some TV downstairs."

"Hmmm... thank you." Sam says, turning back to bury her head into her pillow once more.

Alex chuckles again.

"Do you want me to bring you up a glass of water? And maybe some painkillers?" Alex asks.

"Yes. Please." Sam says.

"Okay. I'll be back with your water and painkillers in a few minutes." Alex says, and then stands up from the bed.

"Thank you. Love you." Sam says, muffled through the pillow.

"I love you too." Alex replies, happily.

Alex makes her way out of the bedroom and back downstairs where Ruby and Alura are still happily sitting watching something on TV.

"You girls both still doing okay?" Alex asks, with a smile, noticing the two girls sitting close next to each other.

"Yes." Alura nods, happily.

"Yeah." Ruby says, "Is mom awake yet?"

"Yes, she is. But she has got a headache from all the alcohol she drank last night, so I am just getting her a nice glass of water and some painkillers." Alex says.

"Oh..." Ruby replies, "I don't understand why adults drink so much alcohol, when it makes them wake up like that."

Alex chuckles.

"You'll probably understand when you are older, when you start to drink alcohol." Alex explains.

Alex makes her way into the kitchen and fills up a nice refreshing glass of water, before then grabbing two painkillers and heads back upstairs. As soon as Alex steps back into the bedroom, she sees that Sam has fallen back to sleep again. Alex thinks about letting Sam sleep, and just leaving the painkillers on the bedside table, but Alex thinks that Sam probably does need to drink some water, otherwise she'll likely wake up again with an even worse headache.

"Sam..." Alex says softly, placing the water on the bedside table.

"Hghmgmhmhmhm..." Sam groans, waking up again.

"Sorry, I didn't want to have to wake you up again, but you really should drink some water." Alex says, in a caring voice.

Sam groans again, and then turns on her side and looks at Alex who has the painkillers in her hands.

"Do you want me to hand you your water?" Alex asks.

"Yeah." Sam says, still in a bit of a moan.

Alex picks up the water again, and then carefully hands it to Sam. Sam takes a few sips of the water, before Alex hands the brunette the two painkillers, which Sam quickly takes, before then drinking the rest of the water.

"There we go." Alex says, "Do you want another glass of water?"

"No." Sam replies.

"Okay... I'll leave you to it then. You can go back to sleep if you want." Alex says, and then makes a move to walk away.

"No." Sam says.

Alex turns back around and looks at Sam.

"Can you stay with me?" Sam asks.

"Of course." Alex smiles, and then puts the empty glass on the bedside table, before she then gets onto the bed, lying next to Sam.

Sam snuggles next to Alex, resting her head on the redhead's chest. The two just lay like that for a while, with Sam not falling back to sleep, just resting in the quiet, waiting for the painkillers to take hold.

"This is nice." Sam hums, a few minutes later.

"Yeah. It is." Alex smiles, happily, "Are you starting to feel a bit better now?"

"Yeah. I think so." Sam nods, but doesn't make a move to move away from Alex.

The two continue to lay like that for a few more minutes, before Sam then turns her head and looks up at Alex, thinking about something that happened the previous day.

"Alex?" Sam asks.

"Yeah?" Alex replies, looking down at her girlfriend, in her eyes.

"Did you mean what you said about adopting Ruby, if we were to get married?" Sam asks.

Alex feels her heart begin to beat faster, not expecting this topic to be brought up again this early in the morning.

"Uhhh.... yeah.... I'd be privileged to adopt Ruby, like Lena is doing for Alura. But... we are not where Kara and Lena are yet..... so..... that would be something, if we got married." Alex explains, a bit awkwardly, hoping she doesn't offend Sam or something.

One of Alex's big worries recently has been that she feels that Sam has been pressing that their relationship is further along than it really is. Alex does love Sam, a lot, and she really loves spending time with her, and Ruby. But Alex isn't quite at the stage yet where she thinks that she will marry Sam one day, and they will all be a family together. Currently even the prospect of her moving in with Sam and Ruby has been a bit too much for her. Alex is just worried that Sam is looking at Kara and Lena's relationship, and thinking they have to keep up with it, or follow a similar pace to them.

"Okay." Sam replies, nodding her head.

"Actually...... I should say something to you..." Alex says, knowing she needs to get this off her chest.

"What is it, Alex?" Sam asks.

"I..... I want you to know.... that I love you.... a lot..... but...... I don't want you to think that our relationship has to keep pace with Kara and Lena's..... When we first began dating.... I said I wanted to go more slowly..... And..... I don't want to offend you..... but some of the stuff you've been talking about recently.... like moving in together.... or even mentioning marriage.... that has honestly freaked me out a bit.... because I am not there yet." Alex says, "I really hope..... that isn't a problem.... I just wanted to tell you."