
A Lamia's Tale

In the strange world of Thalassia, having been transported from her old one, follow the adventures of Octavia as she comes to terms with her transformation and the new world she finds herself in. She will have to deal with the drastic change, going from late nights studying, watching films and chatting with college friends to exploring a world where magic is common place, kingdoms exist and the wilderness contains many bandits and dangerous creatures. Different races reside across the globe, including beast folk, humans, elves and many others all facing different struggles in their daily life. Starting from next to nothing, lacking in knowledge, she will face a long road where she will learn about her race, face many problems, help people across the world and deal with a plot against the goddess that saved her life. Join her as the meets many different people, good and bad, becoming enemies with some and friends with others. This is my first story I am writing, and I hope to improve as I go. This is likely to be a light hearted yuri story, which may include yuri romance further down the line, depending on how things go. I hope you enjoy it and please give your feedback on improvements to my writing. If you don’t like, then don’t read. I do not own the image/s in the thumbnail, which I have added to and if the owner/s would like me to take it down, please let me know.

Braderzsz · Fantastique
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95 Chs

The Situation

"You know I only asked for the last thing you could remember, not the whole day."

Having just finished recanting the events from before she fell asleep, she almost fell to the floor after hearing the annoyed comment from the crystal ball.

"What? But-"

"Before you go off on one, let me explain some things to you. I hope that after having told that story you have realised that I am the snake that you found and well, long story short, you almost died that night."

The collapse to the floor really feels likes its going to happen after that bombshell was dropped.

*Pffft*, "What! What do you mean I almost died! How did I almost die? I just fell asleep on my bed after that exhausting day." Octavia asks while staring down at the crystal ball.

"Yeah, that not quite true. Sure, it was an exhausting day and all, but you actually fell asleep due to the accidental bite I gave you… and the venom that was in it."

"Venom! Wait, how am I not dead then. Am I going to die soon!" She shouts back panicked and searches for the bite marks as if finding them will help.

"Hey, calm down. You're not going to die. Just stop panicking and listen to me." *Sigh*. "Look, let me explain from the beginning. My name is Prisma, and I am what you would call a goddess. Now before you get all shocked and do or say something stupid, just let me finish and save your questions until the end."

Octavia quickly stops herself from asking questions and just gapes at this new revelation.

"Now, normally I don't look like a snake. But due to some troubles I had with another god, I ended up in that form, with greatly reduced power. Those hunters were part of a cult that worships him and were sent to hunt me down. Thankfully, even with my reduced power I was able to call out to a good soul to help me… which was you in case you didn't realise?"

"Well, I always try to do the right thing." Octavia looks away embarrassed at the comment, missing the veiled insult to her intelligence.

"Yes, yes you're a good person and I am thankful for your help. Now, the problem is that the venom that I injected you with is magical and incurable on earth. So, after you passed out, in order to save you, I called in a favour. The favour of which ended up with you being sent to another world in order to save your life."


*Sigh* "I'm pretty sure I said no questions, but I was going to talk about that anyway, so oh well. You see the way a God's power work is that they only work on the world the god is linked to, aside from a few exceptions. Meaning my venom was killing you on earth, but on Thalassia, which is the world your on by the way, it's made inert and just sits in your system, where it will dissipate slowly with time. So as long as you don't return to earth somehow within 5 years, it won't kill you."

Scratching her head in thought, trying to wade her way through the influx of information, one thing comes to the forefront of her mind.

"Ok, its going to take some time to process all of this, but I think I understand what happened. One thing though, can you explain to me why I have this weird snake outfit on."



"… I'm sorry, what did you say."

"I have a snake tail onesie thing that I can't take off."

A long silence takes over the cabin.

Feeling like it had droned on long enough Octavia is about to speak up to break the silence but is interrupted by Prisma.

"You have a snake tail. That's strange."

"Yes, a snake tail onesie, outfit, thing."

The conversation dies down again, then all of a sudden, a chuckle is heard from the ball.

"Ok, this may freak you out a bit, but I think I know what happened. The favour I called in, was for a travelling goddess to transport you to another world, set you up in a safe and relevant place and leave the orb with you. So, first things first, tell me where you are and what is with you, just so I can be sure I'm correct?"

"Ok." Octavia looks side to side at the remining furniture and rattles them off to the goddess. "So, there is the chest of drawers the orb came from, a small bed, table and chair. Behind me is…what is that." She asks spotting something white on the floor, almost like a broken pieces of porcelain. "Where did that come."

Turning all the way around, while trying to maintain balance in the strange outfit, seeing the back of the room for the first time, she is shocked to see the remains of a giant egg broken to pieces.

"Why is there a giant egg here" She reaches down taking a piece and examines it. "What was in this?" she asks as she feels a slightly sticky surface on the inside. "Eww"

"Well… if my theory is correct, I think you were in it."


"I think that my venom somehow mixed in with your DNA during the transportation process, leading you to become a hybrid between a snake and a human. Which, if I'm remembering correctly is called a Lamia, one of the species on Thalassia. Or more like was one of the species."

Octavia looks down to her snake tail still trying to comprehend the fact that she is no longer a human. Reaching down she touches the top of her tail, feeling the smooth scales, ranging across different shades of green forming random patterns across the tail. "This is going to take some getting used to" is the thought that comes to her head, as she resigns herself to the changes that have occurred and decides to get back to dealing with the goddess.

"So yeah, I think that's what happened and how you became a Lamia, in case your still trying to put things together."

"Oh, oh, oh, I have questions overly sarcastic teacher." Octavia calls out while raising her hand in a joyful manner.

"Funny." Is the deadpan response from the goddess. "Before you ask, I'll explain what I meant by 'were' a species. There are many species on Thalassia including humans, elves, dwarfs, demons and demi-humans, where one of the demi-human species on this world was the Lamia, but they all died out some time ago. How they died I can't recall. So, I guess that makes you the last of the species. Congratulations."

"Not sure that's something to congratulate me about."

"Just trying to lighten the mood."

Looking down at the human half of her body, she suddenly blushes as she becomes aware of the fact that she is completely naked. Moving her arms in front of her chest, to hide her assets from non-existent eyes she examines her body. For the most part it looks quite similar to how she did on earth, a mirror being needed to see if there are any changes to her face. The differences reside in the fact that she has more muscle tone than she did before. Even with the exercise she did, it hadn't amounted to a clear definition of muscles in her arms and her stomach. There was also the fact that she looked much greener that she used to. "Makes sense" she thinks given the colour of her tail.

"So, what's the difference between a Lamia and Human, aside for the tail and turning green. Oh, do I also get some special powers or a system to help like in light novels. Status…Status…" She calls out looking for a screen to suddenly pop out.

"Just stop please. This is real life. You don't get some amazing cheat level system to do things for you or get world breaking special powers. While there is such a thing as magic in this world, that's not the way it works. Now, about the differences, your tail should be quite strong and durable so it should be useful as a weapon. You should also be stronger than you used to, and you should be able to inject venom through your bite as well... and that's about it. But that doesn't mean that's all you'll ever have. I'm sure you will improve and learn some new skills in time, maybe even magic as well. You could learn to cook, that's always a good skill to have."

"I know how to cook" Octavia mumbles out. "So, no special powers, or system. It's just me, myself and I… so what do I do now."

"Why are you asking me. It's your life. Explore, make friends, reproduce and bring back the species."

"Reproduce!" she exclaims startled by the casual mention of it from Prisma. Looking down all she can see is smoothness and wonders if magic is somehow involved. "How would that even work?"

"That's another thing you can learn! All I'm saying is, do whatever you want. Oh, I got to go the next episode is starting."

"What, next episode? Wait. Are you still at my house?"

"Well yeah, where else am I going to go. I should be safe from the hunters for the time being, hopefully giving me enough time to regain some of my abilities and keep me safe for longer. Oh, and don't worry, I also fixed it so everyone that knows you thinks you're doing well on a scholarship in Paris."

"Really, a scholarship in Paris. That lie won't last long."

"Don't worry about that. Now last thing, the God that was after me is also a travelling God and travelling gods are the exceptions. They have no power on worlds, just between them. But, because of that he has followers everywhere, even Thalassia so be careful. Right, I really have to go now. Oh, and you can use this orb to call me once you have some magic. Have fun. Bye"

"Wait, how do I call…and the glow is gone…which I guess means she's gone."

Looking around the room at the situation she is in, then down at her body, the only thought that pops in her head is, "Well isn't this just great. What do I do now?".