
Chapter 99: Argument

After listening to the young purple haired girl, Ami, explain the differences between women, men, and futanari, some of the girls, mainly Sakura, Tenten, and Midori, were blushing furiously.

Chuckling at their reactions, I looked over each member of my class, continuing to etch their faces into my mind.

These would be my students for the coming years, and I imagine that I'll grow rather attached to some of them...

Smiling gently, I heard a loud shout coming from behind us, where the boys were gathered.

Turning, I frowned as I saw a familiar orange jacket rolling on the ground, a black haired, pale skinned boy on top of Naruto.

Iruka was shouting at the two, however all the other boys were crowding around, save the Nara and Akimichi kids, who were frowning.

Walking over, I waded through the crowd, listening to everyone around me.

"Yeah, get him Sasuke!"

"Stupid brat! Who told you to pick on someone better than you!"

"Apologize to Sasuke, Naruto!"

Frowning, I lifted the young Uchiha off of Naruto, my eyes locked onto his pitch black ones.

He glared at me, but when I raised a brow he stiffened in my grasp.

Lifting Naruto up as well, I stared between the two young boys, who were glaring at one another.

"So... what was that? Hmm?"

Keeping my voice sweet, I smiled at them, making the two kids shiver again.

Naruto glared at Sasuke again as he said "This arrogant prick told me I should drop out of the Academy!"

Sasuke snarled at Naruto, his lips pulled into a sneer.

"You should! You're a disgrace to this place!"

Raising a brow, I looked between the two, who were trying to punch one another while still in my arms.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Iruka scratching his cheek in embarrassment, and he barely caught Sasuke as I tossed the kid to him.

"I'll sort Naruto out..."

The blonde shivered again in my hand, and he blanched considerably as I smiled at him.

The kids around us were completely silent, and I could see each one shudder as I swept my eyes over them.

"You all may be nine, but you're Shinobi Aspirants. Is this how you should be behaving?"

No one would meet my gaze, and I frowned at the lack of an answer.

"I asked you all a question; I expect a response. Is this. How you. Should be behaving? Yes or no?"

All the kids, including the girls, who just rejoined the group, shivered again, some tearing up at my tone.

"N-No M-Miss Kokoro..."

Smiling, I said "Good. Now, go over to Miss Kurenai while Iruka and I deal with these two. Understand?"

"Y-Yes Miss Kokoro!"

They all scrambled over to Kurenai, who turned and frowned in confusion as just over two dozen kids made their way towards her.

Giving me a quick glance, I just shrugged, before noticing Hinata lagging behind.

She was staring at Naruto, but when she met my gaze she scurried away as well, making me chuckle.

"Now... what to do with you..."

Returning to Naruto, I stared at the blonde kid for a few moments before moving over to Iruka, who had Sasuke sitting before him.

A smirk rose to my lips, and I tossed Naruto to the ground, making him grunt as he landed beside Sasuke.

"Alright you two..."

Giving each other a side glance, they stared at Iruka and I, waiting to hear what we would say.

Iruka was sighing, his fingers tracing over his scar before he gave me an apologetic smile.

"Sorry about that... it's your first day and all, and yet..."

Gesturing to the two boys, he sighed again, making me grin.

"Oh it's fine; I know how much trouble Naruto can be. Don't I, Naruto~?"

He stiffened under my gaze, his bright blue eyes swinging back over to me as he nodded, letting out a meek "Y-Yes, Aunty..."

"So, for your punishment... hmm~ How about..."

Looking around the large yard, my grin widened as I said "How about you two pull up all the weeds over in that clearing? After the Academy is over, of course. I'll supervise, and if you make more trouble, I'll add another area for you to clean up, alright?"

Sasuke frowned at that, the young Uchiha attempting to meet my gaze.

"Why should I have to do anything with this loser?!"

Crouching before them, I smiled at the young boy, letting out a soft "Because I said so."

His frown deepened, but as I brought my hand towards his face, I flared my chakra a little, saying "In this moment, I am your better... I have more strength than you, physically, mentally, and with my chakra. So you will do as I say, not only because I'm your teacher, but because of that fact. Alright?"

It was... not the ideal way to deal with this situation, but I was a little protective of the blonde brat, and the Uchiha was getting a little on my nerves.

Naruto and Sasuke nodded, however I could tell neither was pleased with this outcome.


I didn't need them to be pleased; I needed them to get along, even if it was on the surface level only.

"Alright, come on you two; apologize, then let's get ready for our first class..."

The two boys got to their feet and stiffly shook hands, making Iruka smile at them.

As their Sensei walked away, the two let out huffs and brushed off their hands, refusing to look at each other.

Letting out a soft cough, I watched as they stiffened before turning away, scurrying towards the rest of the class.

They bickered as they walked, and I followed a 'safe' distance behind them, listening in on their childish argument.

Allowing that to slide, I rejoined Kurenai, who was listening intently to one of the boys.

"-en he told us the signs for Earth Wall!"

"Did he now? Well, that's good, but remember, no attempting to use any jutsu until you fully unlock your chakra, alright?"

The boy nodded eagerly at Kurenai, before moving back to the group, a smile on his face.

Leaning on her shoulder, I sighed as I muttered "Children are tiring..."

She chuckled, before gently poking my cheek, muttering "Sometimes, but most of the time, its worth that exhaustion..."

Nodding, I stared over the large group, noticing instantly who grouped around who.

Among the girls, Sakura and Ino were the most popular, which made sense; they were pretty, nice, and smart.

Of course, some other pairs were seen; Midori, Fuki, and Hinata talked together, while the twins talked with an animated Ami.

As for the boys, the various groups were all intermingled, but the centers of attention were Sasuke, Naruto, and Rock Lee.

Sasuke was being praised by his classmates, an arrogant smirk on his lips as he glanced over at Naruto, who was talking with the Nara and Akimichi kids, as well as the Inuzuka kid.

As for Rock Lee, he was laughing while his classmates crowded around him, all of them joking and having a good time together; likely, those were the one who viewed themselves as the 'less talented' ones, and Rock Lee was there 'leader'.

Sadly for them, they didn't know that Lee would never be in that category; sure, he lacked chakra control and had little to none inside him, but his Taijutsu skills...

Well, if the boy managed to even become a tenth of what Duy and Guy became, he'd be a cornerstone of this village.

Shaking myself from my thoughts, I listened to Iruka as he gathered us around, saying "Alright; schedule for this year is as follows.

General Studies with me in the morning.

Genjutsu and History for an hour and a half each until noon.

Kunoichi class for girls, Physical Education for boys for an hour.

Then we end the day with Taijutsu and Kenjutsu; this year is your final 'foundational' year, and then we start developing new skills with Chakra next year.

So, everyone, follow me to our classroom!

Miss Kurenai, Miss Kokoro; we'll see you in an hour, or so!"

Iruka gave us a smile before walking away, leading the students towards the Academy building.

Seeing that, I leaned deeper into Kurenai's body and suggestively whispered "So... should we make good use of that hour?"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts