

In the foggy streets of London, detectives Arthur Pendragon and Circe Holmes tackle mysteries like no other. Arthur, a descendant of Camelot, blends charm, wit, and magical artifacts to face the city's darkest secrets, all while battling his own haunted past. Circe, a skeptic of magic, relies on logic and her sharp instincts, yet finds herself drawn into Arthur’s world of enchantment. Together, they form a dynamic team, blending Arthur’s charisma with Circe’s keen eye for detail. Their relentless pursuit of justice uncovers not only the city’s secrets but their own inner demons. (This is a rough draft for a comic/animated tv show. I'm fully accepting of all criticism.)

Nuke_Town · Urbain
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14 Chs

Then Comes More Smoke

Night 3:

In the dimly lit basement of the club, Damian stood waiting for Arthur and Circe, his expression unreadable as they approached. Without a word, he motioned for them to take a seat at the small table in the center of the room.

Once they were seated, Damian wasted no time in getting down to business. "Alright, here's the plan," he began, his voice low and steady. "We know the Elysium Essence distribution is happening at the warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Our job is to infiltrate the operation and shut it down from the inside. Maybe pop a few heads if necessary."

Arthur and Circe nodded, their expressions determined as they listened intently to Damian's instructions.

"We'll need to move quickly and quietly," Damian continued, his gaze flicking between them.

Arthur leaned forward, his brow furrowed in concentration. "How do we get inside without being detected?" he asked, his voice tight with concern.

Damian smiled, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. "That's where I come in," he replied cryptically. "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve that should help us slip past their defenses."

Circe raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "And what about once we're inside?" she inquired, her voice calm and measured.

Arthur intently responded ,"We'll need to find the source of the Essence production and shut it down. We can't let them keep pumping that poison into the streets."

Arthur and Circe exchanged a determined glance, a silent understanding passing between them. They knew the risks were high, but they also knew that they were the only ones willing to confront the Devil and his insidious operation.

With their plan in place, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As they rose from the table and prepared to set their plan into motion, a sense of purpose filled their hearts, driving them forward into the darkness with unwavering resolve.

As they arrived at the desolate docks, Circe turned to Damian. "Now is a good time to show us that trick up your sleeve?" she asked, her voice a mix of anticipation and eagerness.With a knowing grin, Damian raised his hand, summoning wisps of smoke that coiled and twisted around them like serpents. As the smoke enveloped them, obscuring their forms from view, a sense of unease washed over Arthur and Circe.When the smoke finally cleared, they found themselves hidden amidst a sea of shipping containers, their presence masked from prying eyes by Damian's clever illusion.Circe's eyes widened in amazement as she glanced around, marveling at their sudden invisibility. "Not a bad," she murmured, her voice filled with admiration. Damian nodded, his expression one of satisfaction. "One of the few perks of being half demon, shadows are my domain" he explained casually. "Comes in handy when you need to slip past unwanted attention."Arthur studied their surroundings, his senses on high alert as they moved stealthily through the maze of containers. With Damian's illusion protecting them, they were able to navigate the docks undetected, inching closer to their target with each careful step.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the docks, Damian's warning echoed in their minds, a reminder of the limitations of his veil. With each step they took, they remained acutely aware of the need to stay close to him, their safety contingent upon his proximity.

The night air hung heavy around them, thick with the scent of salt and seaweed. The sound of distant waves crashing against the shore filled their ears, a constant reminder of the void of the ocean that surrounded them.

As they moved cautiously through the maze of shipping containers, their senses on high alert, Circe couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides. With Damian's veil their only protection against detection, every shadow seemed to loom larger, every sound more ominous.

Arthur kept a vigilant watch, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger. He knew that they were walking a fine line between stealth and exposure, and the stakes couldn't be higher.

Suddenly, a faint glimmer caught Circe's eye, drawing her attention to a nearby stack of containers. She motioned silently to Arthur and Damian, indicating that she had spotted something out of the ordinary.

With Damian's veil protecting them, they crept closer, their footsteps muffled by the soft gravel beneath their feet. As they reached the edge of the container stack, they peered around the corner, their hearts pounding in anticipation.

What they saw took their breath away—a makeshift laboratory, filled with rows of vials containing the telltale pink glow of Essence. It was clear that they had stumbled upon the heart of the Devil's operation, and the gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air.

With Damian's veil their only shield against discovery, they knew that they had to tread carefully. The Devil was no doubt close at hand, and one wrong move could spell disaster.

But as they prepared to confront their foe head-on, their resolve remained unshaken. With Damian leading the way, they ventured deeper into the heart of the laboratory, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And as they moved forward with determination and purpose, they knew that the fate of the city hung in the balance, resting squarely on their shoulders. Damian stays back,on the look for any more unwanted company.

As Arthur and Circe made their way to the waterfront, a sense of foreboding settled over them like a heavy cloak. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a pale glow over the docks, while the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore added to the eerie atmosphere.

As they approached the designated meeting spot, they spotted a group of shadowy figures lurking in the shadows, their forms obscured by the darkness. Arthur's hand instinctively went to the handle of his gun, while Circe tightened her grip on her 1911's, her senses on high alert.

"Looks like we're not the only ones here," Circe muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Arthur whispers,"no shit Sherlock", his eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. "Stay close," he murmured, his tone tense with anticipation.

As they drew nearer, the figures emerged from the shadows, revealing themselves to be armed thugs clad in black attire. The leader, a burly man with a scarred face, stepped forward, his expression twisted into a malevolent grin.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "Looks like we've got ourselves a couple of trespassers."

Arthur tensed, his muscles coiled like a spring as he prepared for the inevitable confrontation. "We're not looking for trouble," he replied evenly, his voice betraying none of the fear that churned in his gut.

The thug laughed, a harsh, grating sound that echoed across the deserted docks. "Too late for that, mate," he taunted, gesturing to his cronies to surround Arthur and Circe.

With a silent nod, Arthur and Circe sprang into action, their movements fluid and precise as they engaged their adversaries in a deadly dance. Fists flew and guns blazed as they fought tooth and nail to hold their ground against overwhelming odds.

Arthur tensed, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his concealed blade, but before he could react, he found himself outnumbered and overpowered by the sheer force of their assailants. Circe, too, braced herself for the inevitable confrontation, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and survival.With a mixture of force and coercion, the goons subdued Arthur, Circe, binding their hands and blindfolding them before leading them away to an unknown destination. Despite their best efforts to resist, they were powerless to prevent their capture, their movements restricted by the tight grip of their captors.Hours passed in tense silence as they were transported to an undisclosed location, the rumble of the vehicle beneath them serving as a constant reminder of their precarious situation. With each passing moment, their apprehension grew, uncertainty gnawing at the edges of their resolve.Finally, the vehicle came to a stop, and the goons ushered Arthur, Circe, and Damian out into the cool night air. As their blindfolds were removed, they found themselves standing before a looming warehouse, its darkened exterior casting an ominous shadow over the scene.The leader of the goons, a formidable figure cloaked in darkness, stepped forward, his gaze cold and calculating as he surveyed his captives. "Welcome, Arthur Pendragon," he intoned, his voice dripping with malice. "It seems you've stumbled into something far beyond your comprehension."As the truth of their situation sank in, Arthur and Circe, silently acknowledging the gravity of their predicament. They were at the mercy of their captors now.

Circe's jaw tightened at the man's words, a surge of unease prickling at the back of her neck. She exchanged a wary glance with Arthur, her mind racing with questions and suspicions.

"How did you know we were coming?" Circe demanded, her voice tinged with defiance as she faced their mysterious captor.

The man's lips curled into a sinister smile, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, my dear Circe," he purred, his voice smooth as silk. "I have my ways. Let's just say I have eyes and ears everywhere."

Arthur tensed beside Circe, his muscles coiled with tension as he prepared for whatever might come next. The situation was growing increasingly dire, and they needed to find a way out before it was too late.

"But enough about me," the man continued, his gaze lingering on Circe with unsettling intensity. "I believe you to are the ones who killed one of my best dealers, correct?."

Circe's eyes narrowed, her mind racing as she recalled the scene they made in a pub a few nights earlier. How much did he already know about them?

Before she could respond, the man waved a hand, and two of his goons stepped forward, their expressions cold and impassive as they advanced on Arthur and Circe.

"Take them to the holding cells and take their weapons " the man ordered, his voice echoing in the dimly lit warehouse.

As Arthur and Circe were led away, their minds whirled with thoughts of escape and survival. They were facing an adversary unlike any they had encountered before, and if they hoped to emerge from this ordeal unscathed, they would need to summon every ounce of their strength and cunning.

Circe's brow furrowed in concern as Arthur whispered his question, the weight of their predicament settling heavily on her shoulders. She had counted on Damian to have their backs, to swoop in with a plan or a distraction when they needed it most. But now, as they sat in the cold darkness of their cell, there was no sign of him.

"I don't know," Circe murmured, her voice tinged with frustration. "He should have been here by now."

Arthur's jaw clenched with determination, his mind racing as he considered their options. They couldn't afford to wait for Damian any longer—they needed to act, and they needed to act fast.

"We'll have to get out of here on our own," Arthur whispered, his voice low but resolute. "We can't rely on anyone else to save us."

Circe nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on the heavy metal door that sealed them inside their prison. With a silent determination, they began to plot their escape, knowing that their survival depended on their ability to outsmart their captors and reclaim their freedom.

Circe asked Arthur if he knew that guy

Arthur's expression darkened at the mention of the name. "Vortigern," he muttered, the name heavy with disdain. "Yeah, I know him. He's an old associate of my father's—a real piece of work."

Circe furrowed her brow, sensing the tension in Arthur's voice. "What's his deal?" she asked, curiosity mingled with concern.

Arthur sighed, running a hand through his hair as he recounted the memories of his father's dealings with Vortigern. "He's a manipulator, a schemer," he explained bitterly. "He's always had his own agenda, always looking out for himself above all else."

Circe nodded, understanding dawning in her eyes as she listened to Arthur's words. "So, what's he doing working for the Devil?" she asked, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Arthur shook his head, a grim expression crossing his features. "I don't know," he admitted. "But whatever it is, it can't be good. We need to find a way to get out of here and stop him before it's too late."

As the heavy door of their cell clicked shut behind them, Arthur and Circe exchanged a knowing glance. They were not about to let themselves be held captive without a fight.

Arthur surveyed their surroundings, noting the layout of the corridor and the positions of the guards stationed nearby. With a silent nod to Circe, he sprang into action, moving swiftly and silently towards the nearest guard.

With a deft move, Arthur disarmed the guard, snatching the keyring from his belt before the man even had a chance to react. Meanwhile, Circe engaged another guard, her quick reflexes allowing her to swiftly incapacitate him with a well-placed strike.

Working together, they swiftly subdued the remaining guards, reclaiming their weapons and any other belongings that had been confiscated upon their capture. With their gear in hand, they made their way stealthily through the dimly lit corridors of the facility, keeping to the shadows to avoid detection.

As they neared the exit, they encountered a final obstacle—a locked door barring their way to freedom. But Arthur was undeterred. With a determined expression, he inserted the key into the lock, his hands steady as he turned it with practiced precision.

The door swung open with a creak, revealing the night air beyond. Without hesitation, Arthur and Circe stepped out into the cool darkness, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they made their escape into the night.

With their weapons back in their possession and their spirits high, they would face them together.

In the heart of the abandoned warehouse, Arthur and Circe stood face to face with their nemesis, Vortigern. The air was heavy with tension as they exchanged wary glances, the dim light casting long shadows across the dusty floor.

Circe's grip tightened on her pistols, her gaze never wavering from Vortigern's cold stare. "What do you want, Vortigern?" she demanded, her voice firm and resolute.

Vortigern's lips curled into a cruel smile, a glint of malice flickering in his eyes. "I seek power," he replied, his voice dripping with ambition. "The kind of power that only a deal with the Devil can provide."

Arthur's brow furrowed in confusion. "A deal with the Devil?" he echoed, his mind racing with possibilities. "What could you possibly offer in exchange?"

Vortigern's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with sinister intent. "Everything," he declared, his voice filled with conviction. "With the Devil's favor, I could rule this city with an iron fist. No one would dare oppose me."

Circe's jaw clenched with anger, her fists tightening around her pistols. "You think you can just sell your soul for power?" she spat, her voice laced with contempt. "You're nothing but a coward, Vortigern."

But Vortigern only laughed, a hollow, mocking sound that echoed through the warehouse. "Perhaps," he conceded, his gaze flicking between Arthur and Circe. "But even cowards can become kings in the right circumstances."

With a flick of his wrist, Vortigern summoned his minions to his side, preparing to make his escape. But Arthur and Circe stood their ground, their resolve unshakable in the face of evil.

a fierce battle unfolded between Arthur, Circe, and their adversary, Vortigern. The air crackled with tension as spells clashed, bullets whizzed through the air, and blades clashed in a deadly dance.Circe unleashed a barrage of bullets from her pistols, each shot aimed with deadly precision. Vortigern deftly dodged and weaved through the gunfire, his movements unnaturally fast and agile.Arthur, wielding his trusty X-Caliber pistol, fired round after round at Vortigern, his aim true and unwavering. But Vortigern, seemed impervious to their attacks, his dark magic shielding him from harm.

As the battle raged on, Circe and Arthur fought with all their strength and cunning, their minds sharp and focused despite the chaos around them. They knew that Vortigern was a formidable foe, but they refused to back down in the face of adversity.

With a roar of fury, Vortigern unleashed a wave of dark energy, sending Circe and Arthur flying backward. They landed in a heap on the cold warehouse floor, their bodies bruised and battered but their spirits unbroken.Grim determination flickered in Circe's eyes as she staggered to her feet, her pistols still clutched tightly in her hands. Beside her, Arthur rose, his jaw set in a determined line as he prepared to face Vortigern once more.

With a wordless nod of understanding, Circe and Arthur charged back into the fray, their movements fluid and synchronized as they fought side by side against their powerful adversary.With each blow they landed, with each spell they cast, they chipped away at Vortigern's defenses, inching closer to victory with every passing moment. And though the battle was far from over.

Vortigern took a sniff of the elysium essence, a surge of power coursed through him, infusing him with newfound strength and vitality. His eyes glowed with an unnatural light, and a sinister grin spread across his face as the effects of the drug took hold.

Arthur and Circe watched in horror as Vortigern's demeanor shifted, his once calculating and composed demeanor giving way to a frenzied and deranged state. He laughed maniacally, his laughter echoing off the walls of the compound as he advanced towards them with an unholy fervor.

The air crackled with tension as Arthur and Circe braced themselves for the confrontation that lay ahead. They knew that they were facing a formidable adversary, one whose powers had been augmented by the potent effects of the selenium essence.

With a roar of fury, Vortigern lunged at them, his movements swift and unpredictable. Arthur raised the X-Caliber, firing shot after shot in an attempt to ward off their attacker, but Vortigern seemed unfazed by the barrage of bullets.

Circe moved with lightning speed, dodging Vortigern's attacks and striking back with precision and skill. Despite their best efforts, they found themselves struggling to hold their own against the augmented strength of their opponent.

As the battle raged on, Arthur and Circe knew that they would need to find a way to overcome Vortigern's newfound power if they hoped to emerge victorious. With determination burning in their hearts, they fought on, refusing to back down in the face of adversity.

Together, they fought with everything they had, drawing on their strength and resilience to stand firm against the onslaught of their deranged adversary.

In the heart of the dilapidated warehouse, Arthur and Circe found themselves locked in a desperate struggle against Vortigern, their adversary fueled by dark magic and the potent Elysium Essence coursing through his veins.

Despite their best efforts, Vortigern proved to be a formidable opponent, his strength and power seemingly boundless. Wave after wave of dark energy surged forth from his outstretched hands, threatening to overwhelm Arthur and Circe with its malevolent force.

Circe's pistols blazed with gunfire as she fought tooth and nail to keep Vortigern at bay, her every shot expertly aimed but seemingly ineffective against their relentless foe. Arthur, wielding his X-Caliber pistol, fired round after round, his determination unwavering even as their situation grew increasingly dire.

But no matter how valiantly they fought, Vortigern's dark magic seemed to twist and warp reality itself, turning their every move against them. Arthur found himself cornered, his back against a crumbling wall as Vortigern closed in for the kill, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

With a surge of adrenaline, Arthur lunged forward, his gun flashing in the dim light as he attempted to strike a fatal blow. But Vortigern was too quick, too powerful, and with a swift counterattack, he sent Arthur sprawling to the ground, his body wracked with pain.

Circe watched in horror as her partner fell, a sinking feeling of dread knotting in the pit of her stomach. She fought with renewed ferocity, her every movement fueled by a desperate need to protect Arthur at all costs.

But Vortigern was relentless, his dark magic pulsing with an unholy energy as he advanced upon them, his eyes alight with a twisted hunger for power. With a flick of his wrist, he sent Circe flying backward, her body crashing to the ground in a bone-jarring impact.

As darkness threatened to consume them, Arthur and Circe found themselves locked in a battle for their very lives, their strength faltering and their hope dwindling with each passing moment. With Vortigern closing in for the final blow, it seemed as though this might truly be the end for them both.

In the heart of the warehouse, as the battle between Arthur, Circe, and Vortigern reached its climax, a sudden veil of darkness descended upon the room, obscuring their vision and plunging them into a realm of shadows.

Amidst the darkness, a pair of crimson eyes pierced through the gloom, revealing the presence of Damian. However, instead of a twisted, demonic form, Damian emerged as a protective force, his figure radiating an aura of power and determination.

Arthur and Circe, stunned by Damian's unexpected appearance, watched in awe as he stepped forward, his presence commanding and resolute. "Sorry I'm late." Damian's voice echoed through the darkness, infused with unwavering resolve.

With a flick of his wrist, Damian summoned forth tendrils of shadow that coiled around Vortigern, restraining him and halting his assault. "Release them!" Damian shouted.

Vortigern, caught off guard by Damian's intervention, struggled against the dark tendrils that ensnared him. Despite his ferocity, he found himself powerless against Damian's formidable magic, his grip on Arthur and Circe weakening with each passing moment.

As the tension in the room reached its breaking point, Arthur and Circe felt a surge of relief wash over them, knowing that they were no longer alone in their fight. With Damian's protection and support, they stood a fighting chance against the formidable adversary that stood before them.

As Vortigern released Arthur and Circe from their binds, Damian stepped forward, his presence commanding the attention of all in the room. His eyes blazed with a fierce determination as he confronted the vile sorcerer.

"You're staring death in the eyes," Damian stated, his voice echoing with an ominous weight.

Vortigern sneered, his lip curling in disdain. "You're nothing but an abomination," he spat, his voice dripping with contempt.

But Damian remained undaunted, his resolve unyielding in the face of Vortigern's scorn. With a calm yet powerful intensity, he delivered a single, chilling line that reverberated through the chamber like thunder.

"Labels mean nothing to me. But fear? Fear is a language I speak fluently." Damian retorted, his voice low and menacing. "You see a monster, I see a survivor. And in this game of survival, you're out of moves."