

In the heart of London, amidst the foggy streets and swirling mysteries, there existed an unlikely duo of detectives: Arthur Pendragon and Circe Holmes. Arthur, of Camelot is a seasoned detective with a mysterious past. Known for his keen intellect and unwavering determination, Arthur is dedicated to solving even the most challenging cases. Despite his stoic exterior, he harbors a deep sense of justice and a fierce loyalty to those he cares about. With his trusty revolver at his side and a steely resolve, Arthur navigates the gritty underworld of the city, unraveling mysteries and facing danger head-on. But beneath his tough exterior lies a haunted soul, haunted by past traumas and secrets that threaten to consume him. As he delves deeper into the dark underbelly of the city, Arthur must confront his own demons while striving to bring justice to those who need it most. Detective Circe Holmes, made for an unconventional yet formidable team. While Arthur relied on his charm and wit, Circe preferred a more traditional approach. Despite their differing methods, the two detectives complemented each other perfectly, their strengths and weaknesses balancing out to form a dynamic partnership. Circe, reluctant to wield weapons such as Excalibur and other magical artifacts in Arthur's possession, placed her trust instead in her own skills and intuition. She was a woman of logic and reason, skeptical of anything she couldn't explain with facts and evidence. Yet, she couldn't deny the allure of the mysteries that surrounded Arthur's magical artifacts, and reluctantly, she found herself drawn into their world of enchantment and danger. Together, Arthur and Circe tackled cases with a tenacity and determination that bordered on obsession.They stopped at nothing until the truth was uncovered, following leads and unraveling clues with the precision of a well-oiled machine. And while Arthur's charm often smoothed their path, it was Circe's keen eye for detail that brought their investigations to a successful conclusion.Despite their differences, Arthur and Circe shared a deep respect and admiration for one another. They had each inherited the legacy of their ancestors, and in their own way, they sought to honor that legacy with every case they solved and every mystery they unraveled.So, if ever you find yourself in need of a detective duo like no other, look no further than Arthur Pendragon and Circe Holmes.

Nuke_Town · Urbain
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13 Chs


As the evening wore on, Arthur and Circe found themselves mingling with the guests, each more enigmatic than the last. The grand hall of Sir Roland's mansion buzzed with conversation, laughter, and the clinking of crystal glasses.

Arthur, his eyes sharp and alert, scanned the room, noting the peculiar assortment of individuals present.

Quentin Blackwood stood near the fireplace, his posture relaxed, a glass of whiskey in hand. Known as a supplier of Elysium Essence, he was someone who should be laying low, yet his confidence suggested otherwise. His eyes met Arthur's, and a smirk curled his lips.

Arthur made a mental note to keep an eye on him."Arthur, over here," Circe whispered, nodding discreetly towards a corner of the room.

Arthur followed her gaze to Lady Evangeline. She was a striking figure, draped in a flowing gown of deep emerald green, her eyes as cold and calculating as a serpent's. Rumors abounded about her involvement in dark magic. When her gaze fell upon Arthur and Circe, it was as if she could see right through them, her lips curling in a knowing smile. Circe stiffened, clearly uncomfortable under Lady Evangeline's piercing scrutiny.

Across the room, Dr. Harold Carrington was engaged in animated conversation with another guest. His wild hair and eccentric mannerisms marked him as a scientist with a penchant for the arcane. He was known for his interest in rare artifacts and alchemy, and his questions about Arthur's past exploits had been unusually probing.

Arthur could feel Carrington's eyes on him even now, a look of unsettling curiosity in them.Arthur and Circe exchanged glances, silently communicating their shared unease. The atmosphere in the mansion was thick with secrets and hidden agendas, and they both knew they had to tread carefully."Let's step outside for a moment," Arthur suggested.Circe nodded in agreement, and they made their way through the crowd, out onto the balcony. The cool night air was a welcome relief from the oppressive tension inside. Arthur leaned against the railing, his gaze fixed on the dark horizon."Quentin, Evangeline, Carrington... this place is a viper's nest," Arthur said, his voice low.Circe sighed. "And we're right in the middle of it. Any one of them could be linked to the Essence trade or something even worse."Before Arthur could respond, the grand hall's doors burst open. Sir Roland stepped out, his face pale, his eyes wide with alarm.

Sir Roland stepped to the center of the grand hall, his presence commanding the attention of all the guests. The room fell silent, the only sound the crackling of the fireplace. He raised his glass, a faint smile playing on his lips as he surveyed the assembled company.

"Distinguished guests, esteemed friends, and honored colleagues," he began, his voice resonant and clear. "Tonight, we gather not just in celebration, but in the spirit of camaraderie and shared purpose. It is a rare occasion that brings together such a diverse and illustrious group under one roof. Each of you represents the pinnacle of your respective fields, whether it be in the arcane arts, scientific innovation, or the subtle intricacies of our shared interests."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in, his gaze sweeping the room. "We are living in tumultuous times, where the lines between light and darkness blur and the forces that shape our world become ever more unpredictable. It is in such times that unity becomes our greatest strength. Tonight, we stand together, not as individuals bound by our own pursuits, but as a collective force capable of facing whatever challenges lie ahead."

Sir Roland's smile widened, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "I assure you, tonight will be a night to remember. We have curated an evening of intrigue, of revelations, and perhaps even of confrontations. The very air buzzes with anticipation, and I promise that by the end of this gathering, each of you will have experienced something extraordinary."

He raised his glass higher, his voice taking on a solemn tone. "Let us toast to the bonds we forge tonight, to the secrets we may uncover, and to the memories we will create. May this evening be etched into our hearts and minds as a testament to our unity and our shared quest for knowledge and power."

"To a night we shall never forget!"

The guests raised their glasses in response, the clinking of crystal echoing through the hall.

As the toast concluded and the guests began to mingle once more, a figure in an elegant, dark gown approached Arthur and Circe. Her presence commanded attention, and her eyes seemed to hold secrets as deep as the abyss. She extended a hand, her voice smooth and captivating.

"Good evening," she said with a slight, knowing smile. "I am Lady Evangeline, a representative of the Coven of the Crimson Moon."

Arthur took her hand, giving it a polite shake. "Arthur Pendragon. This is Circe."

Circe, still wary of magic and those who practiced it, nodded slightly but said nothing. The name of the coven rang a bell—an ancient and powerful group known for their formidable magical prowess and their involvement in numerous significant events throughout history.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," Lady Evangeline continued, her eyes flickering with curiosity and something else—an emotion Circe couldn't quite place. "I've heard much about your exploits, Mr. Pendragon. And you, Miss Circe, are quite intriguing yourself."

Arthur raised an eyebrow, the hint of a smile playing at his lips. "You seem to know quite a bit about us, Lady Evangeline. I can't say the same about you, though. What brings you here tonight?"

She laughed softly, a melodious sound that seemed to dance in the air. "Curiosity, mainly. Sir Roland's gatherings are always... illuminating. And tonight, it appears, promises to be particularly so. I'm also here to offer my assistance, should you find yourselves in need of it."

Circe's eyes narrowed slightly, a sly smile forming on her lips. "The Coven of the Crimson Moon, huh? That's a mouthful, isn't it?"

Lady Evangeline's smile widened, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Indeed, it is. But names carry power, and ours is no exception."

Arthur glanced at Circe, who was still skeptical. He turned back to Lady Evangeline. "We appreciate the offer. We'll keep it in mind."

With a graceful nod, Lady Evangeline excused herself, leaving Arthur and Circe to ponder her words.

As the evening progressed, Arthur and Circe made their way through the crowd, exchanging pleasantries and catching up with Arthur's former comrades. Each conversation brought back memories of battles fought and victories won, and Circe couldn't help but notice the deep camaraderie between Arthur and his old friends.

They were soon approached by a tall, imposing figure with a strong jaw and a warm, welcoming smile. "Arthur! It's been far too long," the man boomed, pulling Arthur into a hearty embrace.

"Lamorak, it's good to see you," Arthur replied, clapping him on the back. "This is Circe."

Lamorak nodded at Circe. "Pleasure to meet you. Any friend of Arthur's is a friend of mine."

Next, they encountered Sir Kay, Arthur's foster brother and one of his oldest allies. Kay's eyes lit up with recognition. "Arthur, I heard you were back. Never thought I'd see the day."

"Neither did I," Arthur admitted with a grin. "Kay, meet Circe."

Kay shook her hand, his grip firm. "Welcome, Circe. You must be something special to keep up with Arthur."

Circe smiled politely, still feeling slightly out of place among the legendary knights but appreciating their warm welcomes.

A bit further into the room, they found Sir Gareth and Sir Percival deep in conversation, their laughter echoing through the hall. When they saw Arthur, their faces broke into wide smiles.

"Arthur! You old warhorse," Gareth exclaimed, pulling him into a friendly bear hug. "And who's this lovely lady?"

"Circe Holmes" she introduced. "He's been invaluable to me."

Percival nodded, his eyes kind and curious. "It's a pleasure, Circe."

As they continued mingling, the room buzzed with energy and anticipation. Arthur shared stories of his recent adventures, while the knights recounted their own tales. Circe listened, absorbing the history and legacy that surrounded her. Despite her initial reluctance, she found herself drawn into the warmth of their fellowship.

The night wore on, and the bond between Arthur and his knights grew ever more evident. It was clear that these men were more than just comrades-in-arms; they were brothers bound by honor and loyalty. And as they spoke of their past and speculated about the future, a sense of purpose and unity filled the room.

Eventually, the time for the grand dinner approached, and the guests began to make their way to the dining hall. Arthur and Circe found themselves looking forward to the feast.

The guests gathered in the opulent dining hall, their footsteps echoing softly against the polished marble floors. The room was bathed in the warm glow of candlelight, casting flickering shadows upon the ornate tapestries that adorned the walls.

Sir Roland, resplendent in his regal attire, stood at the head of the grand banquet table, his presence commanding the attention of all who were present. With a graceful gesture, he invited the guests to take their seats, each chair adorned with exquisite silk cushions and gleaming silverware.

As the guests settled into their places, the air was filled with a hum of anticipation, mingled with the fragrant aroma of roasted meats and savory dishes. Servants moved gracefully among the tables, offering wine and delicacies to the assembled company.

Arthur and Circe found themselves seated beside Sir Lancelot, their old friend and comrade. Lancelot greeted them warmly, his eyes alight with the excitement of the evening's festivities. Around them, the chatter of conversation filled the air, a symphony of voices raised in celebration of the night to come.

In the grandeur of the dining hall, Sir Roland's authoritative voice cut through the murmur of conversation, commanding the attention of all present. He raised his hand, signaling for a moment of solemn reflection, and the room fell into a hushed silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Sir Roland began, his words carrying a weight of reverence and respect. "Before we partake in this evening's festivities, let us take a moment to honor those who have paved the path we walk today. To our fallen comrades, to the sacrifices made in the name of honor and duty."

As the guests bowed their heads in solemn remembrance, Arthur felt a surge of emotion wash over him. Memories of battles fought and lives lost flooded his mind, and he bowed his head in silent tribute, paying homage to the heroes of the past.

Once the moment had passed, Sir Roland turned his attention to Arthur, his expression one of admiration and respect. "And now, it is with great pleasure that I introduce a man whose name is synonymous with courage and valor. A knight whose deeds have inspired generations—Sir Arthur Pendragon."

The room erupted into applause as Arthur rose from his seat, a mixture of humility and pride evident in his demeanor. He glanced at Circe, who offered him a reassuring smile, before turning to address the assembly.

"My friends," Arthur began, his voice carrying with it a commanding presence that quieted the applause and drew all eyes to him. "Please, let us sit as equals amongst the round table."

As the guests settled into their seats, Arthur continued, his gaze sweeping across the room with a sense of quiet authority. "Tonight, we gather not as lords and ladies, knights and dames, but as comrades-in-arms, bound together by a common purpose and shared ideals."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "For centuries, the round table has been a symbol of unity and brotherhood, a place where all are welcome, regardless of rank or station. And tonight, as we come together to celebrate our shared heritage, let us remember the values that have guided us through the ages: courage, loyalty, and honor."

Arthur's words resonated with the assembled company, stirring something deep within their hearts. "In the face of adversity, it is these virtues that have carried us through, forging bonds that transcend time and circumstance. And though our journey may be fraught with challenges, let us face them together, with courage and conviction."

He raised his goblet in a silent toast, the flickering candlelight casting shadows upon his noble visage. "To friendship, to camaraderie, and to the enduring legacy of the round table. May we always stand united, now and forevermore."

As the guests echoed his words with heartfelt cheers, Arthur knew that they were ready to face whatever the future held, fortified by the strength of their unity and the bonds of their fellowship.

During dinner, amidst the clinking of cutlery and the hum of conversation, Arthur felt a slight brush against his arm. Glancing down, he noticed a folded piece of parchment resting on his plate, seemingly materialized out of thin air.

With a quick, discreet motion, he slipped the note into his pocket, out of sight from the prying eyes of the other guests. Circe, sitting beside him, noticed the subtle exchange and raised an eyebrow in silent inquiry.

Arthur met her gaze with a knowing look, conveying that they would investigate the mysterious message later. For now, they had to maintain appearances and carry on with the formalities of the dinner.

As the evening progressed, Arthur couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation, wondering what secrets the cryptic note held and what adventures awaited them once they had the chance to unravel its mysteries.

Author and Circe step out into the hall to see what the note said

As Arthur unfolded the note, his eyes scanned the simple message: "See you at the top." It was brief and to the point, yet its meaning was shrouded in mystery.

Circe leaned in, reading over his shoulder. "They must want us to meet on the roof," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the din of the dinner.

Arthur nodded, a flicker of curiosity igniting within him. Without a word, they both knew they had to investigate. As dessert was served and the chatter of the other guests reached a crescendo, Arthur and Circe made their excuses and slipped away unnoticed.

Navigating the grand halls of the mansion, they ascended the staircase, their footsteps echoing in the silence. Finally reaching the rooftop, they were met with a breathtaking view of the moonlit landscape below.

A lone figure stood at the edge, silhouetted against the night sky. As Arthur and Circe approached, the figure turned to greet them, a knowing smile playing on their lips.

"We've been expecting you," they said cryptically, their voice carrying an air of mystery. " we've been expecting you."