
A Kings Reincarnation

"I was once a king who conquered the entirety of Everguard, born with the innate talent to learn everything fast, I saved all the commoners from the corrupt nobles, even my entire family, whom I killed with my very own two hands." "Years of peace and prosperity followed under my rule as king. But just when I thought everything was finally over, and I could now enjoy my life, my queen, Elizabeth, gave birth to a wicked son, who was the spitting image of my late father." "He used all kinds of corrupt and devious means to gain my throne. However, before everything was truly over, before he could enact his entire plan, with my magic powers waning and my strength fading due to my old age, I made my final stand." "Sigh, I want to think that I am accomplished, but now that death is here to take me, I can finally be honest with myself. I truly regret everything that I did..." "...I sacrificed my entire life for the sake of everyone, not caring about my own." "Maybe in the next life, I hope I can finally find solace, and enjoy the sweet taste of freedom." ... 

Pandoras_Act · Urbain
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2 Chs

Introduction (1)

In a setting somewhat resembling of medieval age—Ever since the dawn of humanity, royal bloodlines and nobility had always ruled over the world. These elite few were believed to be blessed by unknown entities, endowed with divine favor that bestowed upon them powerful magical abilities, setting them apart from the rest. At least, that's what was written in their history books.

It was as if the unknown entities were playing a trick on everyone's fate, though the wheel of fate had never turned in favor of the common blood, except for the very few privileged and chosen ones.

So the rule of tyranny and fist continued for millenniums, with most rulers of countries keeping their bloodlines pure, and the masses powerless to challenge their authority.

Even so, change is inevitable; no one can resist time, no matter how powerful they are. Cause when just a single prodigious royal blood came to life, a beacon of hope shone upon humanity and marked the beginning of a new era...


I was once a king who conquered the entirety of Everguard, born with the innate talent to learn everything fast. But before all of that, I was just a young hard-headed prince, with a strong sense of justice.

Everything began when I was just five years old, when my late father took me to the upper balcony of our castle. To boast about the scale of territory our kingdom reigns over. Back then I was his most prized possession, because of the talent that I showed. I was the most promising one among my siblings. But that all changed the moment I asked him a question, and realized what my true nature was.


As my eyes were captivated with the beauty of the distant horizon in front of me, my father patted my head and told me, "When my time comes, son. I plan on making you my inherit my throne, and that will all be yours"

I just grinned back cheekily at my father, not knowing the meaning and the weight behind his words. But something was bothering me, although the horizon was indeed beautiful. Behind it, behind the elegant and refined architectures, were dilapidated and ran down buildings, separated by the castle walls.

The barren wasteland was depleted with resources. Yet, there were still people roaming about, with their ragged and dirty clothes. There was only a single thing that ran through my mind-'Who would want to live in such a place?'-They all looked so pitiful in my eyes.

Perhaps it was the curious mind of a young child, but without thinking much of it, I muttered the courage to ask my father, "But your majesty, what about those people in that region?"

My father then replied in an irked tone, "Those people are the dregs of society, they deserved to be condemned to that place. You don't need to concern yourself over them."

However my curiosity just grew bigger, as it didn't even answer my questions, but rather it just left me with more questions. Not noticing my father's irritation, "What did they do your majesty?"

Instead of lashing out, like he always does when he was stressed, my father just let out a sigh of disappointment, "It's because they are of common blood, son. They don't deserve to live like us, powerful royal bloods. Those parasites should be glad that we're even letting them leech off of us, and their payment is only labor."

My father then calmed down, and smiled wickedly back at me, "Son, I'm delighted that you asked. Starting now I'm doubling their labor HAHAHA."

But my sympathy for them awoken, "Your majesty, couldn't we at least help them, I'm sure they'll be able to work better that way."

My father's mood swinged instantly, the mere mention of helping them agitated him, it was the biggest taboo during that time.

He stared down at me with such disgust in his eyes, that his gaze could pierce through anyone's soul. Even a kid like me with an underdeveloped brain, could comprehend that I did something wrong.

My father turned his back at me, and walked into into the darkness of the tunnel behind us, just as the sun was beginning to fall.

Thud! Thud!

He shut the heavy metal door with ease, and I was left there all alone, with the sun's radiance falling deep into the abyss, thus the tall structures overshadowed the bleak city.


The vast number of stars waited, hoping for the day that they may see the light of the sun again.


The gloomy memory of my mothers same disdainful look as my father; When she found out what I had done, and both my siblings and distant relatives vicious smiles, knowing that I was in my most vulnerable, were all still fresh in my mind.

That time my fate was sealed, I was thrown out of the castle, and all my loyal retainers turned their back at me, just as easily a reed bends for the wind. It was a striking realization—I could only depend on myself from here on out.


However, history would prove him wrong, because even though at the start he could only really depend on himself, his intuitive brain soon figured out that the best course of action would be to unite the surrounding countries. He soon found allies who were already planning on doing the same.

It might just have been a coincidence, but together they formed bonds and looked out for each other's backs. They were at the peak of their lives, experiencing both their most tiresome and fondest memories at the same time.


It all began when I ignited the flames of rebellion. Together, we caused a revolution and finally put a stop to the oppression in our country.

We then rallied the masses for our cause, and with the strength of numbers, stormed the castles of other countries. One by one, their once stood proud hierarchies fell, forever changing those who reigned.

"Sigh, I still remember vividly the foul stench of the quarters that I breached through, with the echoes of their helpless pleas; Both the nobility and my relatives. They were all at the mercy of my people.


Then I entered the throne room with the blood of my kin's dripping from my hands, and saw the very root of it all.

The uncouth old man, grinned amusedly ear to ear, as if everything was still well within his grasp.

"Get up and fight me Mordred!" I declared to him in a crisp tone.

"Snicker, I see your not even calling me your majesty, let alone your father, arthur." He replied back to me in a taunting manner.

"Shut up!, you do not deserve that title." I fell for his obvious provocations.

"HAHAHA!, then I guess there's no need for any words between us." He kept on taunting me, hoping that I would let my guard down.



Sching! Sching!

Clang! Clang!


But the result of our fight was obvious, the late king was no longer in his prime, so despite him using crude tactics, and putting all of his effort into taking me down, he still lost.

Huff! Huff!

Pant! Pant!

"Do you think it's that easy to manage a country, let alone be a king?! HAHAHA!" as he laughed scornfully at me.

"We'll see how you handle the preying eyes of other countries, in the nethe-


I didn't even let him finish his final words, as it was all meaningless and redundant. I just closed my eyes after I decapitated him.


My sword, Excalibur, glided through the air smoothly, as if there wasn't anything on its way; Both his head and body then plopped into the ground.


I should be glad that I was able to pull out this sword Excalibur, otherwise this rebellion wouldn't have been so easy and successful, as according to the legends only the chosen ones, with a strong sense of justice, and of good heart can wield it.

The Excalibur was also one of the reasons why my final battle with the late king were so one-sided, as he himself were never able to pull it.

Then as I averted my gaze in another direction, a heavy metal door that resembled the passage from my childhood. The nostalgia kicked in, so without hesitation I walked towards the door and opened it...

And what a surprise, the once clean and pristine infrastructures, were now also enveloped in darkness, and tainted with bloods of the decimated corpses of my enemies. (He remarked sarcastically.)

Normally this would've grossed me out and make me question my morality, but this time I've steeled myself, as it also served as a motivation for the amounts of lives that I took.

Because now that I have started this, I will make sure to see it through till the end.
