
A Snakes Shedding

Special thanks to Puppionette4565! She's super awesome and drew the pic above for me in under a week! You deserve applause! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!!

Check out her profile!

P.S. Isn't he adorable? I thought I was going to explode by how cute and scary he looks!


Most people believe that everyone should have second chances. Should we? Orochimaru-san doesn't seem to be deserving of it.

He's tortured and experimented on children so that he could find out the secret to this so-called immortality. Why does he want to be immortal? There's no point, it's not like he was going to get laid.

No one wants to sleep with a child abuser. I hold no hatred towards him because of his murders. How can I if I also killed? I can't judge.

There were also some things that Orochimaru-san did do good in his life. He discovered more medical experiments and he killed the third Hokage. I never did like "Lord" Third.

He came out from the shadows carrying an injured boy in his arms. Not even bothering to look at me he moved on, why would he need to look at a weakling such as herself? He was confident that he'll be able to destroy her with all of his limbs chopped off easily.

She didn't know what possessed her to call out his name (Karma-Sama and Luck-Sama) but she knew she fucked up when she did.

"Orochimaru-san, why are you carrying an unconscious injured boy? Are you kidnapping him from his family so that you can have a BDSM army? Are you a pedophile?" She asked her voice laced and decorated in curiosity and a foreign innocence only a child could possess.

His reaction was priceless. His face scrunched up with disgust and he looked horrified that someone like him was being called a pedophile by a brat. Yup, she was going to die in the most horrific way possible. Such a shame, she was going to die a virgin.

"Me! A pedophile! Brat, I am the great Orochimaru! The most powerful of the three sannin! You should fear me!" Orochipedo shouted in a manner that even the Hyuga would approve of.

"Can I have your autograph then"? I asked, ready to brag about this to whoever I meet that's interested.

I didn't even notice him until the pain exploded from my chest. What the fuck man! You didn't need to kick me that hard!

How did he get to me so fast even when he was carrying that boy? And why the fuck am I worried about that instead of my broken ribs.

It's official, I hate my life! At least when people see my chest and stomach and see the scars I can say I got into a fight with Orochimaru and lived.


Pineapple looked displeased at the fact that we were leaving. However, once I told him that there were relaxing spas and clouds that he could watch he actually looked a little less dead and more excited. Now, I know what to say whenever I want him to do something for me.

" Are we there yet?" Death asked for the hundredth time. Seriously, I am so close to strangling him in the worst way possible!

"Troublesome, Death were still in Japan." Pineapple informed Death while we were running with our hands flying behind our backs like proper ninjas.

"Why are we running like this? Does this give us more momentum?" Death asked, questioning the Ninja's Law on How to Run Like a Badass by Hiruzen Sarutobi. Yes, Lord Third wrote a book on how to run like a badass.

"No, that's all a legend. We run like this because it's a trend and we look badass while we do it." I enlightened Death.

Looking up ahead I could see the ocean a few kilometers ahead of us. Pineapple and Death saw it too since they quickened their pace.

We were almost there until we were confronted by a man wearing a blue and red spandex suit. Goddamnit! We encountered a cosplayer!

Instead of trying to fight that boy scout I grabbed Death and Pineapple and dragged them to a spot no one in this world could go. I dragged them into the scroll that held our house. We could go out whenever we wanted and they, the cosplayers, could not go in or contact us.

It was a perfect plan until the boys ruined it with their stupidity. Fucking retards, both of them!


Hello, readers who are not reading this bolded text! We finally got to the interesting/exciting part of the story! So far the votes for who Death should be paired with are...





Remember! Give a quick comment about who he should be with and you'll see unique things for each individual. I might even make an Omake for anyone that you request Death to be with!

Remember! Check out Puppionette4565 and request artwork from her! She enjoys the challenge!