
Chapter 127: Purpose

Mirabella gave a frustrated huff. Currently, the girl was dressed in her own suit of armor. On her left arm, the armor was a dark blue and black plate covering her shoulder and upper arm, with some gold accents. It was secured by a dark black strap that went across her shoulder and around her chest. The straps were a dull black and made of leather or a similar material. On her right arm, the armor was mostly hidden by her coat. However, near her wrist, there was a bit of gold peeking out. Her armor was comprised of a dark leather coat with a red lining, a gold chest piece, a black and gold belt, and dark blue and black leg armor. The chest piece was a mix of gold metal and black straps, with a metallic finish. The belt was a simple black strap with gold accents. The leg armor was made of dark blue plates and black straps, with gold accents. It was more cloth than armor, but the clothed sections were enchanted so it did not matter much.

She gave another huff as she shifted in her chair within the confines of the Academy library. In front of her atop a wooden table lay an array of books: 'Theory of Destruction,' 'Beauty Lies with Destruction,' 'Death to All,' 'Destruction's Philosophy,' and 'The Great Tales of the Lord of Destruction and Avarice,' among a few others. She stared at the pile of books with exasperation.

"Do I seriously gotta read everything here?" She questioned, despite not even having read a single page. Exhaustion already settled in; she never was much of a reader. Her question was directed to the only other person within the expansive library, sitting across from her still in his full suit of armor. Mikoto gave a hum.

"You're acting like reading is a bad thing." She just nodded her head at his words; he rolled his eyes beneath his helmet. "Stop being a child, reading is fun."

"You sure you're the same age as me? That sounds like something only some geezer or teacher would say." She snorted out.

"Hilarious, maybe I sound old because I'm wise?" He deduced, "Something you can't relate to, clearly."

She scoffed at the notion, "Who needs to be wise in this day and age? I think versatility and power are far more important." She argued before tapping her index finger against one of the hardcover books on the table. "But still, why the hell am I here reading books instead of actually training?"

"First off, you haven't even begun to read anything; you've just been complaining." Mikoto corrected. She gave a sheepish glance to the side as he continued. "And second off, Aleister did have the right idea with physical training, but this is far more effective. See, Aleister wanted you to get used to destruction. From what you told me about training with him, he wanted it to be ingrained into you. He wanted you to be used to it, have it become second nature by constantly practicing it."

"Tch, like that crap actually worked." She spat out annoyed, leaning further back into her chair. "It just showed me how one-dimensional destruction magic seemed, even if I knew that was not the case. Just constantly using it like that dulled my perception."

("Odd, it sounded like a sure method to me. But if it's so lackluster, why does Aleister practice it? Surely as a spawn of Aragorn too, he should know the best way to improve another fellow one.") Mikoto mused internally.

"But you know what I've been thinking? Am I actually an Inheritor? We've just been going off on that weird elf knight's words, no?" She questioned, it was a genuine concern after all. One which Mikoto waved off instantly.

"From what Professor Eugene relayed, knights are one of the few people who could sniff out an Inheritor. Despite lacking the ability to use magic, they're more in tune with their mana and the mana in the environment. In other words, they're more sensitive to it. That's how they discover Inheritors; the latter have unique mana patterns and possess a distinct crest. See, I'm far more in tune with mana than any knight, and I say this with full confidence because I'm me after all." He shortly boasted. "And you're definitely an Inheritor. I mean the first time I saw your mana, I did not notice the crest. Meaning you were only later chosen as an Inheritor, so that also means you've been found worthy by Aragorn." He clarified.

"Really?" His words seemed to put her slightly at ease as she visibly relaxed. "So I am one... I just suck at this whole Arcane Ascendance thing." She sighed.

"Yep." Mikoto bluntly agreed. "And that's why we're here. See, this method should work. These books should help offer you a new perspective on destruction as a whole. For now, we'll ignore avarice."

"Will a few books really help me with that? Help me change how I see something as fickle as destruction? I don't know if I'll ever get used to the idea of destroying to save. It's for a good cause, yet at the same time, destruction is involved either way." Her lips thinned. "I don't know if that's who I wanna be, even if I do gain power." She frowned and sighed in annoyance once more. At this rate, she was only going in circles; no progress was going to be made.

"That isn't such a bad thing, Mirabella." Mikoto mused, folding his arms. She gave him a questioning glance. "Not sacrificing who you are for power, it's a damn good trait."

She flushed slightly at the sudden compliment before giving a small scoff. "D-don't go saying things like that so suddenly!" Despite her words, she did seem a tad happy.

"What, too bashful for a compliment? Fumu, how cute." He chuckled, trying to imitate the girl's older sister's teasing. She got the wrong idea and looked at him with a beet red face.

"Wait, whaa-"

"Okay, moving on."

"Wait, you can't just say that and move on!" She stated accusingly with her cheeks still red.

"Can too, lil sis." Mikoto waved off.

"No, you can't!"

"Can too~"

"Can not!"

"Can too~ Also, I'm not listening anymore, Mira, Mira, nante hidoi nda!~"

"What the hell are you even saying!?" She bellowed with confusion.

"Oh, uhm... am I interrupting?" A quiet voice snapped them out of their small squabble. Both turned to see a head of gray hair along with black horns peek over bookshelves. Juliana hesitantly stepped out of her cover, in her hands she clutched a picnic basket? "Sorry, you two have been in the library for a long time now... so I thought you'd be hungry since you two have been here all morning." She seemed a tad more comfortable speaking now, though only towards Mirabella. She was still sending Mikoto weary glances as she carefully approached the two.

"You ain't interrupting anything!" Mirabella quickly retorted, trying to hide the small tinge of red on her cheeks. "This guy's just being a moron as per usual."

Juliana just gave a sheepish chuckle, "I-I see." She could all but feel the boy's gaze, not volatile in any way but not exactly neutral. When glares tend to run down on you at every waking moment, you tend to be able to tell the difference.

"Yeah, Mira here is just bashful, is all." Mikoto shrugged before gesturing to one of the chairs by the table closest to Mirabella. "But feel free to take a seat, maybe if her best buddy is here she'll be more motivated."

"If you do not mind." Juliana squeaked out, placing the basket atop the table before placing herself atop the chair. "But please help yourselves." She gestured to the basket just in time for Mirabella's stomach to grumble.

She gave an embarrassed look, but her friend just gave her an encouraging smile as she took out something from within the basket. Juliana handed Mirabella a finely triangle-cut sandwich which the princess took after a bit of grumbling. Not caring if there was any rule that would prohibit one from eating in a library, Mirabella took a bite out of the sandwich. The princess hummed in satisfaction as she devoured the sandwich.

"It's pretty good." She mumbled with a still full mouth. The sandwich seemed to contain the basics: ham, cheese, and whatnot. Yet despite its simplicity, the second princess seemed to thoroughly enjoy it.

An act that caused Juliana to light up with excitement, "Really? I made it myself!" She proudly proclaimed. Mirabella hummed as she continued enjoying her food while Juliana threw him a glance. "Uhm, you can have one too if you like." She still seemed a tad uncertain when directing him; well, that was to be expected. Mikoto and her had barely any interactions after all, and it was not as though he really looked like the most trustworthy individual currently. And his constant glances were not unnerving per se, but she was not comfortable with them.

("I still find it weird how her mana is exactly like Aegraxes, something like that is no freaky coincidence. If I recall correctly, there were usually rumors circling around this chick, about how she was the spawn of some 'Demon God.' A God's name that supposedly could not be uttered by anyone, probably just a simple hex placed on it. But if this Demon God and Aegraxes are the same person, then in theory, this chick is the same as the usual spawns. So what does this make her, someone to be feared? She's definitely not normal.") Mikoto's musings did not last as long as it did internally. "Nah, I'm fine. Kind of a pain to eat while keeping my helmet on. You two enjoy, though."

"More for us." Mirabella shrugged before taking another sandwich to devour.

"So, are you making any progress, Mirabella?" At the very least, Juliana was confident enough to casually converse with someone usually as brash as Mirabella.

"Not a hint of progress." Mirabella exhaled sharply. "And now this idiot wants us to read all these books." She shook her head at the prospect as she took another bite of her new sandwich.

Juliana stared at the various books littering the table, "Maybe they could be of help to you?" Juliana unsurely offered. "I'm sure Mikoto is not the type to offer something that is not of help."

"But reading? I get what he's going for, but just staring at letters all day is such a damn bore." She grumbled with a mouth full, quickly digesting her food she addressed Mikoto. "I know! Why don't you just read me the books?" She suggested.

"What are you, five? Do I really need to read to you like I'm telling some bedtime story?" Mirabella huffed in response to his words.

"C'mon, it's a good idea, and your voice is kinda nice..." She trailed off, furiously shaking her head before continuing. "Just read, please." She tossed him a random book he effortlessly caught, scanning the title it was 'The Great Tales of the Lord of Destruction and Avarice,' a collection of short stories.

"Okay, okay, little Mira, I'll read you your bedtime story." All he got in response was the aforementioned girl sticking her tongue out at him.


{Where doth thy purpose lie?}

Avarice and destruction, the young God hated these concepts. Loathed them even, yet those two things represented him. But in the vast universe that was their utopia, what use were such things? He pondered every waking moment. The new home he and his many brethren found themselves in was paradise; life prospered and flora flourished. Aethel was the name of the vast paradise filled with wonder.

Everyone here had a purpose; the Sun Goddess watched over the sun and the countless stars, the God of Darkness kept watch over the abyss and oversaw the foreign forces, the God of time and space navigated the two complex aspects and controlled them, the God of navigation guided others, The Goddess Astraea kept the realm stable and protected, even the fierce forsaken one everyone feared served a purpose, all had one.

But in such a realm, the young God could not help but ponder, what use is destruction and avarice? He asked his brethren, but they were naught but cryptic. He sought answers from other denizens of the realm, but that avenue proved fruitless. And so he undertook a journey, a journey to discover himself and to ascertain his purpose in this grand realm.

He encountered the natural denizens of the star called Aethel; they were welcoming. They treated him as one of their own. He was almost at home with these few, yet even so he did not belong. For even they have served a purpose. Though he had come across one like himself, a young girl bereft of purpose. But even then she did not know of his struggles.

The young God stayed aimlessly, frustrated at his lack of purpose. And so he left the good people, continuing his journey. He wandered and wondered, encountering ancient races and different individuals. None had answers to his question; the young God began to lose hope. But then he came across it; he was enormous. Larger than any mountain, wings that expanded from east to west. And hard diamond-like scales that were so dark that they absorbed the light.

Gods and dragons, ever at war, yet this fantastical beast was not hostile. Its eyes, a deep azure, had regarded him with not animosity but with understanding. Despite the dragon being a natural enemy, the young God himself did not tense at the sight of the creature.

"Harken to me, young one, and bid me thy woes." It had spoken in a deep voice that seemed to resonate with the very realm.

The young God had grown confused at the calm voice of the dragon, "Why do you not attack me, dragon?" He had questioned.

"I involve myself not in meaningless conflicts; I merely exist." The dragon stated.

"Do you not strive for purpose?" The young God questioned; he could not have told what expression the dragon was wearing, but he sounded content.

"Ah, is that thy woe?" The dragon hummed in understanding. "Do you seek purpose, young one?"

"I do." The young God freely admitted. "Have you the answers I seek?" The God asked.

"Mayhap, thou Gods are born of a collective belief, no?" The great dragon received a nod of confirmation. "Then what does thy represent, young one?"

"Vile things, destruction and avarice." The dragon hummed in understanding.

"I see, so that is why I sense kinship from thee." The dragon got but a questioning gaze as it continued. "I've no name; such things have little meaning to my kind. But you may refer to me as the dragon of the end, a bringer of destruction much like yourself."

The young God looked on with something akin to awe, someone like him? Someone who knew his burden?

"I assure you, young one, I know what you think. Destruction is a necessity; it is no burden." The dragon of the end stated, the young God looked on with confusion.

"Then what purpose does my destruction have in this realm? And avarice? What purpose do these things have?"


"And that's a wrap for now." Mikoto interrupted, shutting the book with a loud thud.

Juliana and Mirabella blinked in slight fright at the sudden act; they seemed to have been too engrossed in the story.

"Wait, what?" Mirabella blurted out. "Hey, you can't just stop now, it was getting interesting!" The girl exclaimed.

"Y-yeah, I was so engrossed." Juliana uttered out with an unsatisfied frown.

"Well, too bad. If you wanna know the conclusion, then you'll have to read." Mikoto advised, placing the book back on the table and standing up from his chair.

"Wait, you're going now, already?" Mirabella questioned, sounding somewhat disappointed.

"Yeah, I'm off to Verdantis; I'll probably be gone for a few hours." Mikoto confirmed.

"Seriously, you're gone too often." Mirabella huffed out.

"Aww, you'll miss me? How sweet, Mira." Mikoto chuckled as the princess flushed.

"Like hell I will!" She retorted, eliciting a small giggle from the horned girl.

"No takes back, Mira. See ya!" Mikoto gave a small wave before turning to leave. Mirabella watched him leave with a small frown.

"What an idiot." She mumbled, looking towards the array of books with a sigh.

"He is more eccentric than I imagined he would be." Juliana could not help but note. ("Still though, his gaze is hidden, I can feel it at every waking moment.")

"Still an idiot. I mean, what is with that guy, he just does what he wants." She shook her head in exasperation. "Though that... that isn't so bad."

"What was that?"

"Nothing." She stated. She honestly envied him.

Someone with purpose, someone who is free.