
A Journey To Gain True Omnipotence

What is a god? A god is a powerful being worshiped by many and gains power through their believers. Follow the mc as he fights to regain Omnipotence, an impossible goal, but a god could dream... right?

Itachi102 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs


That night Naruto didn't pray for long and hit the 1-minute mark, so Sora returned home and went on to sleep, waiting to wake up the next morning to watch Naruto pray. So, the next morning... well, it was way before morning as the sun was not out yet, he arrived outside Naruto's window.

Naruto woke up and hesitated on if he should eat, in the end, he had more reason to trust Sora, so he got something to eat, but not too much as he was slightly scared of what today might hold. before he eat, he gave a quick prayer which disappointed Sora, who left and flew off.

Sora had 5 FP, and he wanted to use them to upgrade the Faith gathering functions, but by the looks of it, it would be days or even weeks before he could collect enough points. Sora thought for some time about what he should do, and in the end, he chose to see what he could get.

the slot functions could give more than simply abilities, it could also give items and other things. Sora's first role was his lucky role, now everything after is going to be normal, so he used one FP and rolled the slot.

{Congratulations host, you gained [The Ring Of Self-Sustenance]} the system said making Sora's eyebrow raise

[The Ring Of Self-Sustenance] This ring gives a person 3 abilities that allow them to live without the main things needed for survival.

1. The ability to live indefinitely without oxygen. This includes surviving in the vacuum of space or the depths of an ocean. This provides resistance to certain gas-based toxins.

2. The ability to survive indefinitely without food or water. This may provide resistance to poisons.

3. The ability to continue acting forever without rest or need for sleep. These users of this ability require no rest and normally do not run out of energy, or even feel tired. but once the ring runs out of energy, it shall run out of energy. This ability denotes practically infinite stamina and supports resistance to certain types of Sleep Manipulation.

The ring has a battery that lasts for a full 30 days of being used, within this time the person wearing the ring has all 3 abilities listed above, including a smelling endless amount of energy. the more energy you use, the quicker the battery shall run out of power. the stronger you are, the more calories you need to go on with your day, so the more energy would be used by the battery

to recharge, the ring needs energy. simply have it absorb sunlight or another form of energy, you can sense the battery life once you equip it.} the system said while Sora stood there in shock.

'so this is the lowest I can get? sure 30 days would be for the normal mortal, for me, it might be 25 or something. this is good, I could train none stop with this. I can create countless shadow clones with this... but first, I need to see a shadow clone and see if I can copy it.' Sora thought while a ring with a green ruby appeared in his palm.

it was a beautiful piece of jewelry that Sora didn't want to show around, so after some thought, he instead chose to put string through it, and put it around his neck, making it into a necklace. he checked to see if the ability of the ring was still working, and it was, he felt no longer, sleepiness, or need to breathe.

Since he was growing stronger by the second, soon this ring might reach a point where it's useless to him. but for now, it was perfect for him to train with. but not now as he wanted to know if he should try and do another drawl, he only had 4 FP remaining. after some thought, Sora went on to do another draw.

{Congratulations host, you gained level 1 [Faith Collecter].} The system said confusion Sora slightly as to what this thing was,

[Faith Collecter]- this item allows one to collect faith when they are out of range. one who is praying simply needs to hold this item while praying, and faith power shall be sent to the god they are praying to. only one person's faith can be collected at a time.

the god can shape this item to be anything he wishes.

Sora was stunned for a moment seeing such an item existed, but seeing how one needed to be in contact at all times, he knew why. after some thought, Sora chose the Faith Collecter to be a necklace which was a beautiful blue ruby to match Naruto's eyes.

once the necklace appeared in his hands, Sora quickly rushed shot off, turning into a crow which flew off and landed next to Naruto's house and turned back into a human, just in time to see Naruto about to leave his house. Naruto froze seeing Sora who also froze seeing him,

"I was told by my god to give you this, he didn't tell me much, but he told me to say this... Your parents loved you, from the second you were born, to how they passed, they never once stopped loving you. even to this day, they are watching over you." Sora said markedly stunning Naruto

"There is a chance you and your parents could meet, but the conditions to meet are some which both sides wouldn't like much," Sora said moving Naruto, growing up without any parents and with how the village treated him, one had to wonder if his parents abandoned him.

"Also I was told to give you this. it would help you connect to him, and one day you too shall be able to hear his voice. he would be able to tell answer all your burning questions." Sora said with a smile while passing over the necklace which Naruto look slowly.

"how would I meet my parents?" Naruto asked with hope in his eyes, but Sora shook his head, unable to tell such information. Naruto nodded slightly,

"You should get going, Kakashi... my cousin's training would start for you. remember, no matter the mission or training, a ninja should always go into it at 100%. no, do something while hungry. that's what I believe at least," Sora said with a smile, shocking Naruto to hear he was related to Kakashi

"you know what the training is?" Naruto asked with bright eyes, this is his chance to get inside information.

"no, me and him are not close. but I came to learn a lot from my god, and he is never wrong. many times I questioned him, and many times I came to regret doing what he asked me not to do... but I came to trust him, and now look at me. he is slowly gifting me some power to help me stop the gods, and allow peace to restore to us mortals." Sora said with a smile, stunning Naruto for some time

"what power?" Naruto asked with bright eyes,

"use a jutsu, if I'm correct I should be able to copy it upon seeing it. although I'm not completely sure." Sora said calmly, stunning Naruto for a second, but he did as Sora asked and used the Multi Shadow clone jutsu. with the explosion of smoke, 13 clones were created.

"Alright..." Sora took a deep breath, and coping Naruto's hand seals, he used the Shadow clone jutsu. and with an explosion of smoke, 15 clones appeared around him. Naruto's eyes widened in shock seeing this,

"wow, so from simply seeing a jutsu you can mimic it?" Naruto asked in shock, to which Sora nodded pridefully.

"He didn't simply give me some power, but he sharpened my mind and so on. he can't give me power, he simply helps me awaken what's already there, and perfect it. I still have a lot to learn," Sora said with a smile, stunning Naruto even more,

"Well, let's talk after everything. get going," Sora said calmly, to which Naruto nodded and ran off after dispelling his clones. Sora did the same thing and disappeared, moving at a speed far faster than Naruto shocking Naruto at such a level of speed,

'This is great, with the shadow clone jutsu, I could now begin training and put this ring to full use.' Sora thought with a smile, while he left.

soon the sun raised, and near a forest, Sora, Hinata, Kiba, and Kiba's dog named Akamaru, looked at their sensei who came on time.

"well everyone seems to be her. shall we start with today?" Kurenai asked with a smile to which they simply nodded. Kurenai smiled before explaining what they were going to do.

it was simple, she needed to measure everyone else level of combat skills, so with that they were given time to hide. Hinata and Sora disappeared, but Kiba on the other hand didn't hide and stood before Kurenai wanting to take her own, seeing this scene Sora was speechless, but he planned to use use Kiba to find an opening.

Kiba dog was what was known as a Ninken. Ninken are essentially dogs that have heightened senses and abilities, and as such, can work and be summoned alongside shinobi.

Akamaru was of course not a summon, instead he was a dog that grew up alongside Kiba, summoned Ninken are known to have the ability to speak the human tongue, and those from the Kiba clan can understand what Kinken are saying.

Kinken are pretty much ninja dogs, using combined jutsu, Kiba was capable of unleashing great power. With Jutsu such as Passing Fang, which allowed Kiba to spin at high speed while shooting towards a target, like a drill and perusing all things within their way, he forced Kurenai to jump around, dodging his many attacks.

"it seems teamwork is what we need to focus on," Kurenai said as she formed a hand seal, but her eyes suddenly widened as she felt something behind her. With a flash, she turned and saw Sora's leg aimed towards her, she quickly moved to block but she was shocked when she found she only blocked a clone that had no form.

Sora's main attack was a flying kick that hid behind the clone, making it almost impossible for someone to react after racing to the clone's kick. But Kurenai was a Jonin, she was not so weak, even if she had suppressed her strength, she was still someone Sora couldn't hope to defeat,

She crossed her arms, blocking the kick and knocking her back, just as she opened her mouth to speak, she saw a shadow clone behind Sora, Sora kicked off that clone, knocking himself forward for another attack. but this time Kurenai had time to react, reaching to grab Sora, she grabbed him and plan to spin him around, but Sora also grabbed her back.

Kurenai's eyes widened seeing the clone Sora kicked off and throw a kunai towards her. She could easily use Sora to block this, but she couldn't do that as she was his sensei. But Sora moved wrapping his legs around her arms, with a hand sea, a shadow clone appeared behind Kurenai and pushed her towards the incoming Kunai.

"sharp thinking," Kurenai said as she was hit with the kunai, shocking Sora who expected her to dodge it, but the next moment he realized it was a log. She had used the body replacement jutsu, replacing herself with the log.

Sora and his clones landed on the ground, all looking around for where she could be hiding before they all shot off, splitting up to hide in a tree. but the world around them suddenly changed, a tree grew from the ground, wrapping around Sora and the clones.

"... all of you are clones?" Kurenai came out of the tree top and was shocked to find that all of the Soras before her were clones.

"When did she cast the genjutsu?" within a bush, Sora appeared behind Hinata, Hinata was not caught off guard seeing him, but she was nervous with Sora talking to her. The vines around her eyes were showing as she was using a unique ability

"w-when you wrapped her legs around her, from that moment on your clones were in a Genjutsu," Hinata said softly, making Sora stunned slightly. Hinata had the Byakugan which could allow her to see 360 degrees, this is why she was not caught off guard when Sora neared her as she had already seen Sora.

these eyes could see through objects, zoom in, see chakra, and even see the pressure points of a target. Sora believed these eyes could allow someone to see through his transformations, although it would still be hard if a person's eyes isn't trained for it.

"I see..." Sora said softly while in deep thought, he was indeed no match for Kunenai, the shadow clones were weaker than him since he had yet to truly master the jutsu, but the fact the clones couldn't even notice the fact they were within a genjutsu was... shocking.

"We need to work together, I can think quickly on my feet, so I can join you... Kiba should join hopefully when he gets an opening." Sora said softly, he had no outstanding taijutsu skills, but he thought quickly on his feet and was creative, which could allow him to overcome gaps in skills.

"B-but I can't," Hinata said fearfully, she was not confident in standing up to their sensei, she also didn't want to get in the way.

"of course, you can't. we all can't. but we are training to be able to do so one day. you can get in the way of others and make as many mistakes as you want, in the end, this is simply a test to measure our skills." Sora said with a smile, stunning Hinata slightly.

"it's okay to make mistakes, everyone makes them. mistakes are what help others take a step closer to perfection. being scared to never make mistakes is being scared to take a step closer to being the best person you are... why to be scared of improving?" Sora asked, to which Hinata couldn't say a thing as she was at a loss for words. but Sora nodded slightly, Sora words did motivate her slightly.

"Alright, I will rush in first, you follow behind, I will try and create an opening for you," Sora said as he pulled out some kunai. Hinata nodded as she hardened her heart, her eyes burning with a rare determination. Sora smiled slightly before he picked up a rock and threw it toward a tree

Kurenai instantly towards the tree hitting the ground, but before she could try and find where the rock came from, from the trees, Sora's clones shot down, shocking Kurenai that Sora could make so many clones.

one should know that the creation of just one divides one chakra in half. creating 3 clones that divide your chakra into 4 parts, spread evenly between the clone and the main body. counting the clones coming at her, that was a total of 9 clones coming to Sora had created, of course, she knew that once a clone is dissipated the remaining chakra returns to the creator.

Sora could have also reached a level of mastery within the shadow clone jutsu that he could control how much chakra he gives a clone, allowing the clones to have the minimum amount of chakra needed for their task,

'I thought he was average, has been hiding his skills?' Kunenai's eyes narrowed as she fought the clones, hitting them all and causing them to disappear. when her fist shot towards a clone, she had no choice but to pull her fist back to avoid a kunai that was aimed towards her.

'I will admit he is skilled, but not as much as his cousin.' Kunenai thought with a smile as she saw Sora shooting towards her from the forces. she dodged the Sora next to her attack while heading towards the incoming Sora, she had a feeling this one was the real Sora.

Sora pulled out another kunai and threw it at Kunenai who dodged it, but her eyes widened when the kunai transform into Sora, who kicked off the clone behind her and shot towards her. She was now pinned in,

but she moved aside to dodge the attack coming towards her from behind, leaving Sora to have his attack shot towards the Sora in front. but the Sora in front jumped into the sky while pulling out Kunais she shot toward Kunenai, meanwhile Hinata was revealed to have been hiding behind Sora, dodged the incoming attack from Sora, and attack Kunenai

Kunenai was caught off guard seeing the meek and timid little girl was taking the step to attack her. this shocked her and made her happy