
You Unwanted Child

Aldwulf was caught off guard when Archer's fist connected with his face, the impact felt like he had been struck by a raging giant.

He hurtled backward, crashing onto the ground with a thud.

Archer's eyes blazed with intensity as his rage took over, and it was clear he wasn't going to hold back.

Sera jumped off him and started flying around, but Archer quickly opened a small portal and watched her fly through.

Pallius froze with fear as he watched his little brother, who was adorned with giant white wings, four horns, and razor-sharp claws.

Without hesitation, he charged forward and grabbed hold of Pallius, pummeling him with a ferocity that was both terrifying and awe-inspiring.

Archer flung him towards a group of trees, crashing through a few before finally smashing to the ground.

While Pallius lay in a daze, Archer sensed an imminent attack and swiftly raised his wings to defend himself, bracing for impact.