
You Love Us All The Same

Once they were all settled, sipping on cocoa, Archer addressed the group. "Okay, ladies, I took Ella and Nala on a date first, but today, I will take Hecate and Nefertiti."

A wave of reactions erupted; some girls looked angry, and others appeared jealous. Tensions escalated, nearly reaching a breaking point, causing Archer to step in and defuse the impending argument.

Nefertiti was smiling and excited, but Hemera spoke up. "Darling! Why can't you take me instead of Nefi?"

Most girls were bickering among themselves, but others were quiet, like Halime and Llyniel.

Llyniel left the living room after feeling uncomfortable, while the snake girl was quiet while just sitting there.

The air in the room grew tense as the nine girls bickered over the upcoming dates. Sensing the escalating discord, Archer raised his hand, signaling for silence.

"Alright, ladies, let's settle down," He spoke firmly.