
A Journey -Hwan Kyu

This is no Novel simply a book of different quotes I made up, my emotions and feeling, and what goes in my mind.. simply not of one story but a book representing how I feel..... I shouldn't post this but I suppose there may be some people out there who could relate. it's just a piece of my heart:) it may at times be cringe but it's honesty. thank you if u decided to read it. thank you for existing I hope u know that. Side note: the book cover isn't a work of mine, I highly respect it's original creator and give their credits to them. Thank you. :) -Hwan Kyu

Hwan_Kyu · Histoire
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129 Chs

Oh, Star Most Worthy Of Me

I was looking up at the sky,

Seeking out a star most worthy of me.

I found none, in the sky that held peace and beauty.

The star most worthy of me was rather on the same pavement as mine,

Passed through the same grass as I did,

Breathed the same air as I did.

The star saw the same people smile and laugh as I did,

Felt grief and helplessness like I did.

Felt comfort and joy in small things like I did.

These little things brought contentment to me.

The star most worthy of me was rather... further away from my reach,

Though It experienced all I did,

Though it became a part of my life,

Though it lit up my path,

The Star was not accompanied in my path.

No matter how far I go, our path didn't align,

Our souls didn't align,

Our fate didn't align.

But our feelings did.

I found the star worthy of me, to be worthy of someone better than me.

-That taught me a love with grief.