
A Jobless Person From Another World: Returning Back From The Past

Fairness...a word that can be trashed in this world. Humans have never been fair in the first place. The unfairness of humans started even from birth. One person might be a genius, walking down the path of Martial Arts, while others could be born with outrageous amount of magic. So what? My point is; the gaps between me and them were distinct since birth. And Me? I have none. ['Returnees Time Stone' has been activated] ['Returnees Time Stone' can't be activated again] [Returning Back From Time...] -- Schedule: 5 chapters per week... 1+ chapter per 100 votes Hello Everyone! Pls Vote this is for WFP and every vote will help me a lot! -- This Novel is inspired by the Novel "Possessing Nothing"! So there's a similarities too it. I will add my own plot on the later chapters... so don't worry. thank u for understanding...

PlotAbsorber · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Buying Equipments

Vincent is not a genius nor possessing great skills, he wasn't a lucky kid that got whatever he wanted. He only remembered some big Events while others didn't matter that much.

He knew his limits

However, the truth that his current state was far better than the previous one.

Morning arrived.

It was early in the morning and the Inn owner was not present. Instead, in his room was a basket filled with dry hard bread.

He ate a lot. The bread taste absolutely poor and it's hard to bite, but having food is better than having an empty stomach.

He exited the Inn after that.

He walked for a minute, then used the Thunder Step.

5 minutes later...

Vincent stopped running and took a deep breath of air. He could only maintain the skill for about 5 minutes, and maybe about ten if he slowed down his pace.

'Hayy~'. He sighs to himself, and couldn't help but complain.

'So unfair'.

The unfairness he felt on his previous life, bothered him again. Even with his Inferior Martial Physique and the benefits of being Jobless, which is fast growth, his limits was set in stone. He would improve if he hunts monster while practicing and studying hard, but how far could he achieve?

Vincent didn't know the Continent well, but he knows the unfairness of it. It was evident at the start, the City of Genesis.

During his stay in the City, there was a strong newbie who took Genesis by a storm on his previous life.

He had enough power and skills to graduate from Genesis even before his arrival. Power was easy to obtain and the Cultivation Method he used was unrivaled, and turn him to be super strong newbie.

It took Vincent for about 5 years to graduate from Genesis, yet it took only a week for him to be promoted.

No one knew why's that person got summoned to this world. He had never got a glimpse of that said person. However, in his previous life, he heard many rumors about 'him'.

Demon Lotus Ziyun, that's 'his' name and title that he often heard from his previous life. From what he could remember, in one month time, that person would be summoned to Genesis.

No one knew why a person like him got summoned.


Arriving at the store located at the back of an alley, Vincent want to buy some stuff.

In a corner, a vendor selling a lot of weapons and placed on the ground snatch his attention.

It was still early in the morning, but many stores was set up and open for business, especially for vendors.

Vincent walks towards that vendor. The vendor owner noticed him.

"You're up Early on the morning, and you would be my first customer. I'll sell my goods for you cheaply, deal?"

Ask the Vendor Owner. Vincent didn't respond, but ask a question.

"Their second hand weapons, right?"

"There're new weapons, and some are not, but don't worry the used ones are cheap"

The Vendor owner answered Vincent.

"Can I touch them?"

"As long as you don't run away, you can touch them whenever you want"

The vendor owner said with a smile.

Vincent sat down, and put his hand on a throwing dagger. The dagger edge was sharp, but there was a bit of dirt on the handle.

The Vendor owner saw that Vincent was staring at the handle and said.

"The owner died, and I got it from a goblin nest yesterday"

Recovering weapons from dead otherworlders was a common thing. In his previous life, he remembered looting items from others corpses as well.

"How much for a dagger"

"I'll sell it for about 1,500 Pangesis. Well, throwing dagger is just a consumable item"

It's not that expensive, but maybe he could negotiate, buying it for a cheap price.

"How about 1,000 and I buy it"


"I don't have much money"

"Hmmm. Kid you're Jobless, right?"

Which Vincent nodded.

"You look young. Because you're young, you expect me to take a pity on you and give you this for cheaper price"

"I would be glad, if that's work"

"You shameless kid!"

The vendor owner scold Vincent, but his face didn't look like he was angry.

"I like people who do their best just to survive"

The vendor owner said that and stretched his hand, and closed his two fingers.

"I'll do it for you, 1,000 Pangesis, and if you buy 2 more of this, I'll sell all of them for 2,500 Pangesis"


Vincent answered and opened his wallet.

"You shameless kid, you're putting your age and innocent looking face to use"

"I don't"

"Well, it doesn't matter. If you become regular here, I will lower the price, considering your situation"

Vincent thanked the vendor owner, while wondering. Is this an act of kindness, or is to guarantee a regular customer.

Vincent didn't know.

"How much is for that sword"

He was satisfied getting four throwing daggers, for a low price. But he needed more weapon, other than the daggers. He pointed on a sword.


The owner answered. Vincent grab and unsheathed it. It was made of fine steel, and the blade was sharp.

"Can't it be cheaper?"

"Well, in Martial Arts sword is the best weapon. Do you even know how to use this?"

"Well, You can cut things with it"

Even though the answered of his was ridiculous. Vincent also knew how difficult it is to use a sword, bearing the experience he had from his previous life.

"Haha! Ok! I sell it for 10,000 just for you"

The Vendor Owner burst out laughing, as he agreed on Vincent demand.

Vincent also bought, 5 potion bottles and a belt for it. He bought all of his stuff for only 20,000 Pangesis which is a really cheap price.

He adjusted the length of the belt to fit it for him as he thanked the vendor owner.

"Thank you"

"It's fine. The tough ones live the longest"

It wasn't that easy, Vincent thought bitterly, if only that was true. But Vincent knew, it is not.

It might change by getting the 'Energy Potion', but it would be a year before it will happen. He wasn't even sure if he would get it.

He needed to strengthen his body. The process was the same as forming muscles, the more he did it, the stronger he would get.

2 hours later...

There's a lot of people on the gate of the north side of the city. The people were mostly Otherworlders like Vincent, or a merchant who sold various items.

There's a reason why he didn't want to buy equipment from this place.

Merchants tried to take advantage of people, like always and sell it for a higher price.

As it they were close to the Hunting Grounds, the buyer or mostly Otherworlders had no choice but to buy it, for inconvenienced reasons.


"People who want to raid a Goblin lair, come with us!"

"I'm looking for a guild, anyone?"

"We need someone with fire magic, anyone?"

"Sexy and hot girls, here for cheap price!"

Everyone was crowding and shouting. People who looked for companions, guild, and people who just there for fillers.

Vincent walk pass all of them, and went straight through the gates. The first time he ventured out through the hunting grounds, he was in party.

It wasn't the best experience, but all them have the similar status. They are all Jobless and had no fighting experience.

The monster rekt them that cause many casualties, and he barely survived that ordeal. It became trauma for Vincent, he had trouble going back for a week.

It would be nice to go with a companion, but it was Genesis, and there were little amount of Jobless. And even if they went together, he would have to protect them. That was something difficult even for him to do.

'How about a Martial Artist or a Mage companion?'

Vincent thought about it but that was something he had no chance of achieving. They had no use for someone like him that couldn't even carry out a person's worth of help.

Vincent stopped at the gate as the guard ask him.


"Vincent Anderson"


"I don't have..."

"It's fine, it doesn't even matter too much in this City"

Vincent then walked past, and went outside. And saw the forest that covered the land, as far as the eye could see.

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Road to no#1 !!!

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