
A Hunter's Legacy

From riches to rags. From prince to slave. From family to execution. Ever since The Fall the kingdom has become warped and twisted. The beasts are no longer on our side- instead? We hunt them. … The nation of Giliad was once a prosperous nation that held its borders thanks to the chosen who bonded with the beasts. The lucky and talented whose bond would allow them a fraction of their beast's powers. This mutualistic relationship granted the beasts protection and homes while granting the people the power to secure their borders, create new technologies, and enhance day-to-day life. It all changed with The Fall. The king got greedy after seeing a neighboring kingdom use ‘the ritual’ to infuse a beast’s life force into a weapon allowing them to siphon a majority of their powers. Now the royal family is slain, the nation is in disarray, the youngest prince is nowhere to be found, and only a fraction of beasts remain.

Jeweled_Rose · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

The Shadows

As the echoes of the king's army's brutality faded into the distance, we waited in the shadows, hearts heavy with the weight of the horrors we had witnessed. The distant cries of the captive Eshlonians lingered in the air like a haunting melody, refusing to be forgotten. Once the last of the twisted procession disappeared from view, we huddled together, our faces shadowed by the remnants of a nearby building. With great concern Keel ran over to me as I almost slipped from the roof in shock, "Hey L what's going on, I know that was horrible but you look like you're taking it personally as if you were in that march." I grimly searched for the words to explain how I knew Cai'l and how I had aided in creating that weapon that brought such hell into the world.

"The guy who led that group of soldiers, the tall kid with the wild fiery blonde hair, I made his weapon," Keel and Gen exchanged looks of disbelief, "let me finish. Back when I helped my father in the forge there was a teenager who came through having slain a beast, he was a really high and mighty kind of guy and basically shit on our village about how inferior we were. He had a group of knights and was announced as a young knight, and not just that, but his beast? None other than Minotus, the flaming ox guardian. The very guardian who used to be entrusted with the torture of our enemies, clearly that didn't stop even after being bonded to a ritual weapon. Pa and I slaved over his weapon, which was made as a nine-tailed whip in honor of the Minotus traditional nine lashes across the face to mark his territory. That beasts thirst for blood coupled with Cai'l's own bloodlust must create an unholy fighter on a level we can't even imagine right now. I knew he was strong, but to imagine he became the leader of a whole battalion after just three years is beyond anything I could have imagined." As Keel stared gravely after the fading screams, Gen nodded towards me, "And why does he matter so much to you? I can tell there's more bothering you than just making a weapon like that." Damn, I can't believe I was that transparent. With a sigh I explain all about the death threats made towards Ja and my vow to become stronger than Cai'l in the heat of him threatening all I knew. "I can't help feeling as if there is no way to catch up to that demon, but seeing him do this to these people... I need to. Someone needs to stand between him and killing whoever he feels like it." With a pat of respect Gen bowed his head, acknowledging the challenges and complexity that came with my goal, and headed back down the house toward the center of the village. Keel placed his arm around my shoulders and smirked, "We are gonna get the bastard, don't you worry your pretty little face L. We got this, and we got you. Don't forget you have a team." He patted my shoulder and followed Gen down. That's right, I'm not alone. I have people behind me, but more importantly those who I can't let down. We've been taking it too easy, if we are going to have a chance we need to find stronger beasts and grow much further than we are now. 


"Where do we go from here?" Gen's voice, usually steady, betrayed a hint of uncertainty. Keel, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and determination from all that happened tonight, spoke up, "We can't stay here. That much is clear. But we also can't risk getting caught up in whatever madness has gripped our own forces. Especially considering their strength and numbers, we need to avoid going westward for now."

The debate unfolded quietly among us, our whispers carrying the weight of decisions that could shape our fate. With the fire renewed I knew just where to go and finally suggested, "North. Through a portion of the eastlands to the icy plains of Newik. It's said to be a place of great magical prowess, and we might find weapons suitable for me there. Plus the plains will provide us bigger challenges than anything on the east coast, we need experience above all else."

The plan took shape so we began considering our individual strengths and needs to create a structure for our group. I needed a mid range weapon that was capable of utilizing my reach and analytical prowess to weave in and out of fights to back up Gen. Gen, built like a fortress, required a weapon from the west, where behemoths roamed, fitting for his tank-like strength so he could take a brunt of an enemies attack. We already had Keel's long range weapon to support both of use from the back, or serve as our initiator for a fight. All the pieces were falling into place. Since we were unsure of what was happening in the capital of our country at the moment it was best to avoid the west and circle back once a majority of our group had a ritual weapon so we could stand a chance in an encounter with the kings army. The eastlands, while filled with more farmland and fishermen, would be less grueling and provide us a good opportunity to tune up our gear along with quality rest before the trials of the north- where we would try and build up our skills.

With our course set, we ventured forth into the jungle once more, guided by the subtle glow of luminescent insects clinging to the twisted branches overhead. The journey through the dense foliage was fraught with tension, each rustle of leaves sending shivers down our spines. We tread lightly, navigating the labyrinth of trees and vines, the jungle whispering secrets of ancient times long past.


The way back through the jungle was much easier as the march created a path of destruction through the thick vegetation, allowing us to make quickly through the more dangerous areas of the jungle. After a few days trek we could feel the trees letting us breath as areas began to open up signaling the end was near and we were almost back to the normal forest. About halfway though the journey we needed to deviate from the soldiers path just in case we caught up to them, or they had any scouts circling back for traces of their enemy. As we approached the edge, we stumbled upon a set of ruins, the remnants of a civilization forgotten by time. Crumbling stone structures adorned with intricate carvings stood as silent sentinels to a bygone era. The air carried a sense of mystery, and the ruins seemed to conceal some long lost story. At the very least it would make a good place to rest for more than just a few hours, so we ventured into it- eyes peeled for any sign of trouble. 

In the stillness of the ruins, we heard an eerie noise, a low growl that seemed to emanate from the heart of the jungle. The sound was unlike anything we had encountered before, sending shivers down our spines. Gen tightened his grip on his sword and motioned for us to get close to the ground, as we ducked Keel readied Oleander and I slide my hands to my sheath. Dagger in hand, I scanned the surroundings trying to pick out where the noise was coming from.

The ominous noise persisted, growing louder and more distinct, like the approach of an unseen terror. The high pitched guttural call rang throughout the battered pillars shaking dust and causing a few to shake. The ruins, once a sanctuary of potential long needed solitude, echoed with a foreboding presence. We exchanged glances, the unspoken understanding that something beyond our comprehension lurked in the shadows, and a fight was unavoidable. Just what we needed, things were definitely going to smoothly to not be jumped by some wildebeest. 

Without warning, a massive, shining and shadowy form emerged from the depths of the jungle. Eyes gleaming with an unnatural light, the beast revealed itself- a creature of nightmarish proportions, its silhouette foreboding against the luminescent backdrop of the ruins. Its roars echoed through the ancient stones, sending tremors through the ground beneath our feet.

The three of us stood frozen in awe and terror, confronted by a creature unlike any we had encountered in the jungle before. It loomed a couple heads higher than us and as it approached, the air seemed to thicken with arcane energy. As it crossed over the pieces of the ruins, its limbs, sinuous and elongated, moved with an unsettling grace, as if it were a creature born from the nightmares of the jungle itself. Each step it took echoed through the overgrown foliage, sending shivers down our spines. The creature's skin, if one could call it that, seemed to shift and morph, displaying a kaleidoscope of colors that defied the natural spectrum. It was as if the ruins had birthed a deranged and half-finished monstrosity that sought to challenge anyone who dared intrude upon its sacred domain. Vines clung to its form, almost as if the jungle itself sought to merge with this otherworldly being, creating a monstrous entity that blurred the boundaries between flora and fauna.
